If there is her help, then gathering the power of the stars will naturally be casual.

At this time, Master Tongtian continued to speak.

"Master, I know that you are already planning to leave Biyou Palace and build a dojo outside."

He opened his mouth and said directly what Xu Linyuan was thinking.

From this point, it is natural to see the means of the saint.

Although it is impossible to explore the root of the Chaos Orb and Xu Linyuan's "anomaly".

But just talking about Xu Linyuan's thoughts, Master Tongtian can guess a general idea with a thought.

After Xu Linyuan heard the words of Master Tongtian, he also quickly got up and said to Master Tongtian: "Teacher, I..."

He was indeed a little embarrassed.

The main reason is that he was full of money, and he only stayed in Biyou Palace for less than three months.

This amount of time is basically equivalent to an instant in the saint dojo.

As a result, he had to go out to build a dojo after taking all the benefits, which was a bit inappropriate no matter how he looked at it.

But Master Tongtian didn't say much, just waved his hand lightly: "You have a great opportunity, and naturally you have plans to build a dojo outside - as a teacher, I don't mean to stop it."

"But since you are leaving Biyou Palace, my teacher will naturally give you some means to defend yourself."

"Your Heavenly Taoist Robe is more than sufficient for defense, but [Zhou Tian Xing Chen Dharma Body] cannot be moved lightly, and it is lacking in attack."

After the words fell, the Master Tongtian waved gently to the hall.

Afterwards, two spiritual treasures emerged from the void.

The first is a small hammer.

It emits purple lightning, and its hidden power almost distorts the surrounding space.

"This is the Purple Thunder Hammer, the best innate spiritual treasure."

"The divine thunder above it is [Zixiao Shenlei] of the five congenital divine thunders. It is extremely powerful and can make up for your deficiencies in attacking."

Master Tongtian explained at will, but Xu Linyuan didn't dare to listen casually!

Purple Lightning Hammer—he knew about it.

At the end of the Conferred Gods Tribulation, the final battle of the saints, the leader of the Tongtian Cult is precisely Lao Tzu who is the head of the saints with this treasure war.

The [Zixiao Shenlei] on the Purple Thunder Hammer is even more terrifying.

It is one of the five innate gods and thunders conceived when the world first opened.

And the five innate gods and thunders are the source of all the thunders of heaven and earth.

Mastering any one is one of the strongest supernatural powers between heaven and earth.

The power of this purple thunder hammer can be imagined.

But this is not the end.

At this time, Master Tongtian pointed to the second Lingbao.

It was a strange small drum, engraved with scenes of heaven, earth, mountains and rivers, and the Three Realms.

"This is a fishing drum. In the past, it was also considered to be a good thing for the master."

"It is also a top-grade innate spirit treasure, with extraordinary offensive and defensive capabilities, and it can be heard in the three realms after the sound."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Linyuan felt a shock in his heart!

Fishing drum!

He was astonished.

He didn't expect that Master Tongtian would give him this spirit treasure!

What is the fishing drum? It is the token of the leader of Tongtian Cult to summon the disciples of Jiejiao.

Every time there is a tide of ten thousand immortals, the grand meeting of teaching will be cut off.

All of them were summoned by the leader of Tongtian Cult, who rang the fishing drum.

"When the fishing drum sounds, the three worlds move together" is not a joke.

In a sense, the fishing drum is equivalent to a real symbol of Jiejiao.

Its meaning among the treasures of Jiejiao, I am afraid that only the supreme treasure of enlightenment 'Qingping Sword' of Tongtian Cult Master can surpass it.

At this time, the words of Master Tongtian continued.

"After the dojo is established, you don't need to worry too much about what you want to do."

"Kill when you have to kill, and do what you have to do-all the brothers in your heavenly court are trustworthy."

"Besides, this fishing drum has amazing supernatural powers. Even the presence of a sage cannot prevent the sound of this treasure from spreading throughout the three worlds."

"If you meet someone who is invincible, you can shake this treasure three times..."

When the Master Tongtian said this, his expression became stern.

"As a teacher, I will come here and share with you."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Linyuan understood instantly.

Master Tongtian may not know about the Chaos Orb, nor his specific plan.

But with the wisdom of a sage, one can naturally guess a little bit.

That is, if Xu Linyuan wants to leave Biyou Palace, he must have his own calculations and plans.

And this fishing drum is not only used as protection, but also expresses the attitude of Master Tongtian.

No matter what Xu Linyuan wants to do, he can stop teaching on his behalf!

More importantly, the last sentence of Master Tongtian.

When encountering an enemy who is invincible, shake this treasure, and he will leave Biyou Palace in person.

This is no longer a matter of cards.

After Conferring Gods and Measuring Tribulation, no saint has ever set foot in the Three Realms!

The words of Master Tongtian are undoubtedly a true statement of attitude.

Whatever you want to do, just do it.

If something goes wrong, I will cover it for you as a teacher!

Therefore, Xu Linyuan got up seriously.

Facing the leader of Tongtian, he bowed to the end.

"Disciple, thank you teacher."

He looked at Master Tongtian, and his words were also extremely sincere.

"It's inconvenient to say more about what the disciples have done."

"But the disciples can guarantee that they will never lose my prestige."

At the same time, his heart is completely settled.

With such a statement from the Master Tongtian.

What he will do next will undoubtedly have more room for display!


Master Tongtian took another deep look at him, and nodded slightly: "Let's go.".

11. Nanzhan opens the immortal veins, and the spiritual spring is accompanied by it! (for collection)

Nan Zhan Buzhou, the world.

Since the Battle of the Conferred Gods in the past, after the prosperity of the Zhou Dynasty and the destruction of the Shang Dynasty.

The elucidation and teaching were won in the conferring of the gods, and the orthodoxy was passed down, and the luck was prosperous.

Yuanshi Tianzun even sent his great disciple Guangchengzi into the world, and took the younger brother of King Wu as his disciple, Shudan, known as the Duke of Zhou in the world.

Zhougong passed down the theory of etiquette in the world, and it has developed into the basic etiquette law that the world respects.

But all the kingdoms entrusted by the King of Zhou, except Chu Kingdom, which retained the blood of the monster race.

The rest of the countries all follow the rules of etiquette.

The State of Lu is no exception.

But at this time, the capital of the State of Lu was 'Zouyi'.

Outside the city of Zouyi, in the sky.

A Taoist stepped on the clouds and looked at the city of Zouyi in the distance.

"This luck is really greedy."

He muttered under his breath.

He was wearing an inconspicuous cyan Taoist robe.

A strange jade hammer pendant hung on the waist.

There is a drum-shaped imprint on its wrist.

Needless to say, this Taoist is Xu Linyuan.

After he left Biyou Palace, he crossed the East China Sea all the way to Nanzhan Buzhou.

He is very clear - this is the place in the world that is most likely to get luck.

That is Nanzhan Buzhou where the human dynasty is located.

Just like at this moment, it can be clearly seen in his eyes.

Above the city of Zouyi, there is a huge mass of luck hanging above it.

It continued to spread, almost enveloping the entire country of Lu.

"The fate of the human race was passed on to Bangzhou, and Bangzhou was then divided into other vassal states. I don't know how many shares it will be divided into."

"But even so, a Lu country still has so much luck."

Xu Linyuan sighed in his heart.

As the protagonist of heaven and earth, the luck of the human race will never fade.

To obtain luck, there is naturally no better place than the world.

But at this time, if you take a closer look.

You will find that the luck of the Lu country above Zouyi is not completely in the world.

Among them, more than half of the luck is flying towards various places outside the sky.

In particular, the luck of a certain flying away accounted for almost one-third of Lu's luck.

Xu Linyuan naturally knew the reason.

Today's world is a world ruled by immortals and gods.

The human race believes in the immortals and gods in the sky, and follows the laws of the immortals and gods.

Therefore, the luck will naturally be distributed to the gods.

And the luck that the largest part was divided away naturally belonged to 'Explanation and Education'.

As long as the Zhou Dynasty continues to exist, the law of ethics will continue to be the mainstream in the world.

Then the luck of explaining education will always be at its peak.

To explain and teach disciples, practice is even more rapid.

Unless the Zhou Dynasty completely collapsed, the fortune of explaining education will decline.

At that time, it will be time for the saints to make another move and fight for the front.

Of course

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