And everyone in the world knows that Lao Dan has been working as the Tibetan official in the Qiudao Pavilion in Zouyi for decades.

In this way, Zouyi and even the entire Lu State.

Naturally, it was covered with a layer of holy brilliance.

Although since Lao Dan became a sage.

The Qiudao Pavilion has been closed again as the "place where sages and sages enlightened".

No longer open to anyone.

But there are still countless sages who moved to Lu State, wanting to pay homage to the traces of Lao Dan's past.

And the whole country of Lu is naturally thriving day by day, showing the trend of national prosperity.

At this time, it was on a road 900 meters east of Qiudao Pavilion.

As the place where Lao Dan attained Taoism in the past, Qiudao Pavilion is naturally a sacred place in the hearts of countless people of insight.

And those who can live within a kilometer around this Qiudao Pavilion.

Needless to say, they are all top-notch Lu scholars.

At this time, inside one of the mansions.

"Father! Qiu has doubts!"

A boy in a white wet shirt and holding a scripture is standing respectfully in the study.

He looked like he was only seven or eight years old, but he described his behavior as an adult.

His expression is calm and his temperament is extraordinary.

His name is Kongqiu, and he is a well-known child prodigy in Zouyi.

He can speak at the age of three, recite at the age of five, and can recite the classics of etiquette by heart at the age of seven.

Now that he is eight years old, he can talk to many sages.

But the world is not surprised.

After all, they all knew that the origin of this Confucius was extraordinary.

Because his eldest father is the famous Bo Xia - the teacher of the old Dan in the past.

Since Lao Dan certified as a sage and left under the control of Si.

Bo Xia, who was originally assigned to Zou City, was Lao Dan's teacher, so he was naturally recalled by the monarch.

And the most astonishing thing is that Bo Xia has already reached the age of knowing his destiny.

But now more than 20 years have passed.

But he is still energetic and healthy, and even his hair has turned from white to black.

Everyone in the world was amazed, and only thought that this must be the opportunity given to Bo Xia by Lao Dan's certification in the past.

Now Boxia has never been an official again, but his son Shu Lianghe is an official in Lu State.

As for Bo Xia himself, he lived in his mansion and studied the classics.

In addition, it is to teach his grandson Confucius.

Therefore, it is conceivable that it is not surprising that Kong Qiu's name as a child prodigy was taught by Bo Xia himself.

After all, Bo Shana is a teacher of sages and sages, a great sage praised by the world.



At this moment in the study, Bo Xia who was standing in front of Kong Qiu sighed.

Only he himself knows best how intelligent his grandson is.

That intelligence even reminded him of the old Dan in the past.


"Zhong Ni, you go back now—the eldest father has enlightened you, and he can't teach you anymore."

He just sighed.

"Why is the father like this?"

But Confucius shook his head: "My father studies heaven and man, and writes books on the basis of etiquette—Nai Bang Zhou is a great sage."

"Qiu is no more than a child in Zongjiao, how can the eldest father not teach him?"

He asked respectfully.

But it can be seen that every action of Confucius follows the etiquette, which can be called a standard action.

Basha sighed.

"Zhongni, why do you base yourself on the world?"

He opened his mouth and asked a question.

"The world is naturally based on ethics!"

Kong Qiu didn't even think about it, so he answered directly.

Hearing this answer, Bo Xia also had a wry smile on his face.

"Zhong Ni."

He sighed: "In the past, someone asked me this question."

"You know that at that time, my answer was the same as yours."

"But the man said that etiquette is not his way, and he refuted me speechless, so he had to hide his face and walk away."

Seeing his grandfather's appearance like this, Kong Qiu's eyes widened.

He naturally vaguely guessed who the person his grandfather said was.

"That's right—it's that old Dan."

Bo Xia closed his eyes, Li Dan's firm eyes seemed to be still in front of his eyes.

At this moment, just as at that moment.

Old Dan at that time, like Bo Xia at that time, asked this question.

At this time, Kong Qiu gave exactly the same answer as Bo Xia at that time.

This is also the reason why Bo Xia seldom taught Confucius since a year ago.

Because Bo Xia has already found out.

My grandson is so intelligent that it is unimaginable.

But he was almost exactly the same as Bershad in the past.

He is very appreciative of the etiquette and etiquette, and regards it as the only truth in the world.

However, Bo Xia himself has long been shaken.

This is also the reason why he returned to the state of Lu but did not continue to be an official.

The existence of Lao Dan opened up his horizons.

But it also shook his faith.

This great sage who studied ethics in the past began to doubt many years ago.

Is etiquette and etiquette really the right way in the world?

That's right, according to the etiquette and etiquette - the king is the king, the world will prosper.If the ministers are clear about their duties, the family and the country will prosper.

The son is filial to the father, the father is kind to the son, everyone follows the etiquette, and does not exceed the rules.

It sounds like it's absolutely correct.

It seems that as long as the country is governed according to ethics, the country will naturally become strong.

If the country is not governed according to ethics, the country will become a barbarian.

But in the state of Lu, this situation was clearly denied.

Lao Dan certified as a sage and pioneered Taoism!

This has already explained that there are other paths besides ethics.

Therefore, there are fewer and fewer people in the state of Lu who firmly believe in ethics.

Especially the king of the state of Lu, Duke Lu Min, who has been in power for many years, even scoffed at the theory of ethics.

After Lao Dan was certified to the throne, he once said clearly: "If the etiquette is true and the right way, I would have died at the hands of Qingfu in the past."

"The state of Lu has already been ruled by treachery and evil, and the people are in dire straits."

"So I don't respect etiquette and law, but only follow the Totem Mountain Lord."

Even the king of the country clearly stated that he did not respect etiquette and did not believe in etiquette.

It is conceivable what the situation in the entire Lu country is like.

But has the state of Lu declined?


Not only did it not decline, but it became stronger and stronger!

It is even stronger than the countries outside that follow the rules of etiquette. I don't know how many times faster.

This is also the root of his wavering.

"The state of Lu no longer respects etiquette, yet it is so powerful... Is etiquette really right?"

It is also the biggest reason why he is unwilling to teach Confucius anymore.

He himself is shaken, how can he teach others?

Moreover, his grandson is so smart, if Bo Xia taught him the wrong truth... wouldn't it be a waste of money?


At this time, after hearing Bo Xia's words.

Kong Qiu was also stunned.

In his view, etiquette is the law of heaven and earth.

Since he learned the theory of etiquette by himself, he recognized it very much.

However, Lao Dan is also a sage - a sage of the Taiqing descended into the world, a true sage of the human race recognized by the world.

"The sages think that etiquette is not the right way in the world?"

Kong Qiu's eyes were dull, and he muttered to himself.

He mechanized his head towards Bo Xia, then turned and left.

He was full of thoughts and did not go back to his room to continue reading the classics.

Instead, he turned around and walked out of the mansion.

The servants on the side did not stop him.

They all knew that this young master Kong Qiu was a smart and sensible person.

So Confucius walked on the road in a daze.

All the way from the east city where the scholar-bureaucrats lived to the west city where the common people lived.


"Ah, you can't catch up with me."

It was not until he heard a few voices that Kong Qiu came back to his senses.

He took a look, but found that it was a few children playing.

Those children were about the same age as him, wearing shabby sackcloth clothes, they were obviously ordinary children in the East City.

They were chasing a very rough ball.

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