Its movements are insignificant~ Check it out for a moment!



Accompanied by Liuding's sacred fire surging and burning, streams of black air gushed out from the pill furnace.

This batch of sage elixir that the Three Realms longed for has thus become a waste elixir.

But this movement instantly awakened Xuandu, who was dozing beside Lao Tzu.

"Teacher Saint?"

Naturally, he stared at Lao Tzu with wide eyes - following Lao Tzu for so many years, he had never seen such a situation in Lao Tzu's alchemy.

But Laozi ignored his only disciple.

Just with a light move of the hand, all the waste pills in the pill furnace were thrown into the bullpen outside.

"Niu'er, do you know where your brother is recently?"

Lao Tzu asked softly.

And Qing Si in the bullpen outside was pleasantly surprised that his master suddenly gave him snacks.

After hearing this inquiry, he said: "So that the master will know, but I haven't seen it for many days."

"Before that, I only heard that he seemed to have left Pingdingshan a few years ago, and he seemed to have received the edict of Master Jiejiao."

Hearing this, I closed my eyes and did not answer.

Just whispered thoughtfully: "Junior Brother"

He shook his head again: "I should not be Junior Brother Tongtian."

After a while, he just gave a rare smile: "So it looks like it's that little guy's handwriting again?"

"The request he made in the past... actually ended up here."

But he seemed to have guessed something, and his words were rarely filled with exclamation.

"Teacher Saint?"

Seeing that Lao Tzu ignored him, Xuan Du asked again.

But I don't know why, looking at my disciple who has always been satisfied, I suddenly feel a little dissatisfied.

"You hozen, you only know how to be lazy every day—you don't want to learn from Xu Linyuan, the disciple of your Uncle Tongtian, and practice quickly."

After all, the Taiqing sage sat back in front of the alchemy furnace again.

Only Xuandu was left with a confused look on his face after being taught a lesson by his master as "other people's child" inexplicably.

at the same time...

Kunlun, the ancestral land of elucidation and teaching, Yuxu Palace.


Since he was intercepted a few days ago to make calculations about Lao Dan.

Yuanshi Tianzun felt that Jiejiao seemed to have returned to the Three Realms.

Therefore, he often preached to his disciples.

And today happens to be one of the days of preaching.

Explaining and teaching all the golden immortals, all of them are listening to the Tao in Yuxu Palace at this time.

Therefore, they just saw Yuanshi Tianzun's changes at this time with their own eyes.

I saw that the sage who explained the teaching with his eyes closed, but his eyes suddenly widened.

Afterwards, his face showed an unprecedented expression of disbelief and anger in front of the disciples!

Without thinking about anything else, he stopped preaching and started counting.

But after just calculating for a moment, he let out an angry shout as if he wanted to crush the root.

"Enlightenment... Enlightenment... What an enlightenment!"

"Tongtian An dares to do this! An dares to do this!"

His furious voice also made all the immortals who explained the teachings almost silent.

You know, Yuanshi Tianzun can be said to be the most face-saving saint.

He has always been a dignified treasure in front of his disciples. How has he ever shown such a gaffe?

Even Guangchengzi, Huanglong Zhenren and others who had seen Yuanshi Tianzun angry in Yuxu Palace before.

At this time, he just bowed his head and didn't even dare to say a word.

But they are also in their hearts, secretly counting.

But after calculation, they were also stunned!

Because after they figured it out, they already sensed it.

The fate of the world, the secrets of the Three Realms... At this time, there has been a huge change that has never been seen since the self-proclaimed god!

"Another sage has appeared in the world, and he has almost fulfilled his destiny?"

"No, this change in luck... This person, this Kong Qiu is actually stronger than Lao Dan..."

At this moment, Guangchengzi only felt that he was falling into a dream.

As the manager of the education division, he naturally knew the seriousness of this matter.

Because at this time, he sensed the terrifying and huge change in the fate of the people at this moment.

This is enough to show that the newborn saint named 'Kong Qiu' has even greater significance to the human race than Lao Dan who was transformed into a saint from the Taiqing a few years ago!

And what makes Guang Chengzi even more unbelievable is that...

"The Tao that this person understands is... actually... the Tao that educates all peoples!?"

"He's from Lu again...his teacher is actually the owner of Yuanquan Mountain!?"

Guang Chengzi only felt his eyes go dark.

He understood why Yuanshi Tianzun was so furious.

"This is to destroy the foundation of my teaching!?"

Prior to this, although Yuanshi Tianzun was already very angry about Lao Dan.

But what angered him more was the 'betrayal' of the Taiqing sage and the reappearance of the Three Realms by the Jujiao.

But if we really want to get to the root, Lao Dan will not hurt the root when explaining teachings.

the reason is simple.

The Taoism that Lao Dan realized, and the "Tao Te Ching" handed down.

Although it is a human orthodoxy that is different from etiquette.

But in itself, it explains the principles of everything in the world.

It can't be said that it is high and low, but at least it won't have much impact on the dynasty itself.

If someone studies the principles of Taoism and understands the principles of heaven, earth, mountains, rivers and stars.

Could it be because of this that he rebelled against Bang Zhou and caused Bang Zhou to collapse?

Naturally not.

The way of 'Taoism' is too detached from the secular world.

It has an impact on the luck of life, but it has no effect on the luck of elucidation.

But Kong Qiu was obviously different.

What he understands is not the way of heaven and earth, but the way of enlightenment that really wants to revitalize the human race!

・・・ Flowers・・・

This is the most direct impact on the etiquette passed down by Chanjiao!

If everyone of the common people can be educated, how can the rule of the world be stabilized?

Will the common people still abide by the etiquette and allow the descendants of the immortals to oppress them?

Definitely impossible!

Bangzhou will inevitably experience huge instability because of this, and even accelerate the process of ritual collapse and music destruction-the change in that person's fortune is a clear proof!

This is the foundation of bad interpretation and teaching in the world today!

"It's a bad thing! It's a bad thing!"

So Guang Chengzi naturally knew that something really happened this time!

But at the same time, there was actually some small happiness in his heart.

Because he knew very well that this matter was different from last time - he couldn't be blamed for what happened this time.

According to his calculations, Kong Qiu has now fulfilled his destiny.

I am afraid that the distance from complete certification is not far away.

And according to the cause and effect of heaven, the teacher he worshiped was actually the master of Yuanquan mountain.


So of course there is no need to say much...

"The sage of Jiejiao concealed the secret in advance, so even the teacher of the sage did not count the sage's birth."

Guang Chengzi was both grateful and shocked.

He has experienced the three emperors and five emperors, and he has been conferred with gods and calamities.

Naturally, it is very clear that when this kind of sages in the world were born, the calculations and plans of the sages.

So it was hard for him to imagine that Yuanshi Tianzun would lose so thoroughly based on such calculations.

It was planned for a full 30 years in advance, and even the sage had already wanted to be certified.

On the side of explaining and teaching, I only noticed a little bit.

To say it was a complete failure would not be an exaggeration.

And don't say it's Guang Chengzi, this time is after Yuanshi Tianzun is furious in his heart.

What followed was unspeakable horror.

"That boy Tongtian, how did he do it?"

He couldn't understand it at all.

Before the matter of Lao Dan, he had calculated that he had lost a chip - he could accept it.

Because this matter was a cooperation between Jiejiao and Renjiao, he lost one saint but two.

Not to mention that Lao Tzu, he is the elder brother of all saints, the most capable saint in planning and deduction!

But this time, it's completely different!

This time, it was obvious that it was purely a plan to stop teaching.

But he lost, and he lost like never before!

"Before the birth of a sage, no one should be able to calculate its origin."

"Tongtian can cover up the secrets in advance for a full thirty years."

When Yuanshi Tianzun thought of this, he felt that his old enemy who had not known how many Yuanhuis had become a little strange.

What kind of frightening benefits did he gain in these years in Biyou Palace?

Why did the means of calculation reach such an unbelievable level?

But such thoughts are just fleeting.

Because Yuanshi Tianzun is very clear, this matter must not sit idly by!

This is to destroy the foundation of his teachings, and to destroy the affairs of the country for thousands of years.

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