105. Zulong destroys the Golden Immortal Body, Huanglong Daoist has a decision!

Above the sky, the waves are surging.

The boundless waves seemed to cover the sky and the sun, rolling continuously with the flying black real dragon!

Wherever the real dragon goes, there are waves to follow!

But among the Three Realms, there are ancient existences who have some knowledge about the first robbery of the Long Han Dynasty.

After seeing Xuan Chi's real appearance at this time, naturally he couldn't sit still no matter what!

"Ancestral Dragon!"

Countless exclamations resounded throughout the Three Realms.

Ancestral Dragon—the ancestor of all dragons, the innate spirit, the king of Haizhen!

No one could have expected that they would be able to see this kind of creature appearing in the world again after so many meetings!

"Ancestor Dragon has long since fallen in the early robbery of the Dragon Han Dynasty, but how did he become the disciple of the Yuanquan Mountain Master here?"

"Could it be that the true spirit is still alive and reincarnated?"

"The first calamity of the Long Han Dynasty was a calamity of measurement, how could the true spirit of the ancestor dragon still exist?"

"It turned out to be an ancestor dragon, no wonder the physical strength is so strong!"

"The Taoist ancestor once said that even if the ancestral dragon of the past did not have any Taoism, the combat power of the ancestral dragon alone is far superior to the ordinary quasi-sage of the three corpses!"

They naturally understand what this means.

The word Zulong is enough to explain that as long as Xuan Chi grows naturally, he will be an invincible figure among quasi-sages in the future!

Even existences such as Kunpeng, Peacock Daming King Bodhisattva, and Zhenyuanzi dare not say they can win!

But compared to other people in the Three Realms.

"Seven Seven Zero" At this time, the attitude of the real Huanglong is the weirdest one!

Seeing the ancestral dragon, wrapped in endless waves, heading towards Daoxing Tianzun!

And when the Daoxing Tianzun saw this, his complexion changed drastically.

If it was before, he must have turned around and fled here.

But just now, he just lost his vitality in order to display the 'Dao Mi Ling Dou'.

His complexion was pale here, although he was about to leave as if he was escaping light.

But where did it come from?

Then I saw the pitch-black ancestral dragon carrying the waves, and the dragon's claws were lifted towards the Daoxing Tianzun with one claw!


And that Dao Xing Tianzun only had time to let out a scream, and his body was directly pierced through by the claw of the ancestor dragon.

The terrifying power tore apart his physical shell almost instantly!

And Dao Xing Tianzun also decisively cut off his wrists when he saw this situation-only a little light flashed in the ancestral orifice between his brows, but the subduing magic pestle dragged his soul to escape from the body in an instant!

In this moment of effort, Xuan Chi, who manifested his true nature, directly forced the Daoxing Tianzun to give up his physical body, and fled for his life with only the Lingbao and Yuanshen soul!

And when this scene that shocked the Three Realms happened.

But of course no one noticed

"Sure enough... Sure enough..."

Daoist Huanglong at the side trembled all over and murmured in a low voice.

As early as when he fought Xuan Chi for the first time before, the suppression of that bloodline gave him a faint guess.

But at this time, he finally confirmed his guess!

"He is really an ancestor dragon... There are also ancestor dragons in the Three Realms!"

A trace of horror flashed in his eyes, and then he struggled.

Just as I said before, he is a Dragon Clan.

In the old days, as a representative of the dragon clan, he worshiped under Yuanshi Tianzun's sect.

Not only for himself, but also for the Dragon Clan.

There is no need to say much about the treatment he has received in Chanjiao these years.

But before that, even if he had the opportunity when he was enshrining the gods, he never betrayed Chanjiao.

There is also a part of the ethnic group for what they do!

And now...

"The ancestor dragon was born, my dragon clan..."

The struggle in his eyes flickered for a moment.

After a while, that struggle turned into a decision rarely seen in Huanglong's real person!

Yes, there is nothing to worry about.

A few years ago, what happened to Lao Dan, the attitude of Yuanshi Tianzun.

In the past when he was conferred the gods, that shameful record.

The eyes of those so-called seniors who are polite on the surface, but actually disdainful!

Is there anything else worth hesitating about this exposition?


"Junior Brother Daoxing, I'll help you!"

Only Daoist Huanglong shouted.

Then, regardless of the injuries on his body, he raised his dragon body again and headed towards Xuan Chi and the boundless waves!

Then, Huanglong directly pushed the soul of Daoxing Tianzun towards the people of Chanjiao.

As for himself, he was facing Xuan Chi head-on.

But the only weird thing is...

At this time, the dragon horn on the top of the real Huanglong's head tilted slightly undetectably downward, drawing a strange arc.


But Xuan Chi's dark golden dragon eyes seemed a little surprised to see this scene.



As soon as the black Zulong and Huanglong collided, the horns on the top of the real Huanglong's head were broken instantly.

Afterwards, the boundless sea water instantly submerged the real Huanglong!

After only a moment, there was no sound!

"Senior Brother Huanglong!"

Seeing this scene, the primordial spirit of Daoxing Tianzun also let out a cry of grief.

He didn't expect that the real Huanglong, whom he had always looked down upon, would "sacrifice his life to save him" in this way!

But he hadn't had time to make any moves, but Xuan Chi, who had suppressed Huang Long, was still moving.

Its ancestral dragon claw stretched out, another claw!


It is to directly capture the 'Dao Mi Ling Dou' that was originally hanging in the sky!


And that 'Dao Mi Ling Dou' itself is a middle-grade innate spirit treasure, so it is not so easy to be suppressed.

However, the body of his master Daoxing Tianzun was broken, and his magic power was greatly damaged.

Therefore, at this time, the Lingbao was firmly restrained by Xuanzhilong's claws, and it couldn't move at all.

After a while, it was obvious that his spirituality was damaged, so he stopped making any moves!


And Daoxing Tianzun, who had already consumed his heart and blood, saw that the Lingbao was damaged at this time.

There was only the soul of the primordial spirit left, so he fell over with a scream.

But even Yuanshen was so angry.

"Brother Daoxing/junior brother!"

Seeing that Daoist Huanglong was suppressed, Daoxing Tianzun was stunned with only his soul and soul.

The other golden immortals can't sit still!

"How dare you stop teaching evildoers!?"

They glared at Xuan Chi one after another, especially the Qingxu Daodezhenjun and the Lingbao Great Master, who had the closest relationship with Daoxing Tianzun, directly shot out a Jade Purity Thunder!

But Xuan Chi stretched out the dragon's claws, and the body of Zulong easily broke through the two divine thunders!

After that, he just ignored those two people at all.

Turning around, he headed directly towards Xu Linyuan.

While flying over, his figure gradually turned into a human form.

The boundless waves above the sky, together with the real Huanglong suppressed in it.

Also following Xuan Chi's transformation into a human form, Qi Qi was put into a strange vial.

That is also the spiritual treasure of Xuan Chi - Nahai bottle!

"Hey! Don't want to run away—and give back the spirit treasure of my junior brother Daoxing, and then release senior brother Huanglong!"

And Immortal Yuding and Immortal Taiyi also shouted angrily at this time.

But Xuan Chi just turned his head and looked at them suspiciously.

"Who wants to escape?"

He said disdainfully: "Benlong has already won, and you are the prey of my senior sister and junior sister."

The clay figurine still has three points of anger.

Hearing Xuan Chi's words here, how can the Xianjiao immortals hold back their temper.

At this time, they didn't care about the rules before the formation, and immediately raised their hands to pinch the formulas.

So all of a sudden, the four surges of mana were all heading towards Xuan Chi - not to hurt him, but to keep him!

But the next moment...


As for Qingxu Daodezhenjun and Lingbao Great Master, the auras that were shot out were wiped out by the infinite Qi in just a moment... .

The next moment, the two saw a beautiful figure standing in front of them.

"You two seniors, did you forget the previous agreement - my junior brother has already won, so you should consider me your opponent!"

Tai Xi's voice was still gentle, and her face was still beautiful.

"I am the eldest disciple of the Master of Yuanquan Mountain, Taixi—I hope that the two seniors will appreciate me, and I was defeated earlier."

"But don't let my senior sister lose to my junior brother."

But in his words, he never concealed his hostility and disdain for the two people in front of him.

And the other side.

However, the situation of Master Taiyi and Master Yuding is also similar.

"I heard from the teacher earlier that you should not be naughty, but I didn't expect to be able to bear it so soon?"

With a playful and innocent voice, but also with a three-point coquettish voice.

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