"Have you found out?"

At this time, in the Three Realms, someone was discussing in horror with his fellow Taoists.

"The three disciples of Master Yuanquan seem to have innate spiritual treasures?"

"That's right... the first disciple Taixi has at least three pieces, and the second disciple Xuanzhi has the halberd and jade bottle. Although the third disciple Liuli doesn't know how he beat the two real people from the Jade Cauldron."

"But the palace gauze on her face is obviously an innate treasure."

This is undoubtedly shocking news.

You must know that even the Twelve Golden Immortals did not dare to guarantee that everyone has an innate spiritual treasure in the past—not to mention, the real Huanglong didn't have one?

Not to mention the three generations of Chanjiao's disciples, those with innate spiritual treasures can be counted on one hand.

But now the three generations of disciples who cut off the teaching have shown what arrogance is!

Everyone has an innate spiritual treasure—and judging from this meaning, there is a high probability that everyone has more than two!

Moreover, the rank of Xiantian Lingbao is obviously far higher than that of Chanjiao.

"It's not that Jujiao has declined... This... Where has it declined?"

"Chanjiao used some shady means to enshrine the gods in the past. Why are the disciples of Jiejiao better than them in supernatural powers, mana, and spirit treasures?"

"Forget about the ancestral dragon Xuanchi, what kind of footsteps are Taixi and Liuli?"

Among the Three Realms, there are naturally not one or two who have countless questions and thoughts in their hearts.

And how could Guang Chengzi not understand this.

Explanation and teaching came aggressively.

But for now, it's a crushing defeat!

The real Huanglong was captured.

Daoxing Tianzun's body fell, leaving only his soul.

Qingxu Daodezhenjun and Lingbao Master were suppressed under Wujue Mountain, and now they can only barely support them.

Now, Daoist Taiyi has also lost his body and only his soul remains.

And Daoist Yuding... don't mention it!

It can be said that the prestige of explaining education has been lost.

"Zhuzi An dares to do this, An dares to do this!?"

As a result, Guang Chengzi's mana surged all over his body, obviously extremely angry.


So Guang Chengzi directly raised his hand, and the Tiantian seal on his head fell directly towards Liuli not far away!

That's right.

At this time, he didn't think about face anymore.

Not to mention saving face.

The six golden immortals who explained and taught were lost to three disciples of the third generation of Jiejiao!

The face here has been completely lost.

That being the case, he simply no longer wants face!



Just at that time, the seal of heaven was wrapped in a force that resembled the power of the sky, wrapped in boundless power and suppressed it.

Xu Linyuan, who had already guessed this scene, took one step forward.

The next moment, he was already in front of Liuli.


"I said earlier that life and death are up to God in competitions, why is Daoist Guangchengzi so angry?"

"not to mention..."

He spoke softly, then raised his hand...

Swing a punch towards that sky seal!

He has done similar things before.

It's just that Xu Linyuan at that time used Zhou Tianxing Dharma Body.

Only then did he barely withstand Fan Tianyin's blow.

But this time...

Without applying any mana, Xu Linyuan just raised his hand and punched.

Silently, there will be yin and yang good fortune.

Follow your heart and mind, but it has its own shocking power!

・・・ Flowers・・・

This punch brought a strong wind and scattered the sky!

This punch caused the earth to roll up and the trees to turn into dust!

This punch made the sun and the moon dizzy, and thunder exploded!


The next moment, the fists and seals collided!

Then the Heavenly Seal that covers the sky and blocks the sun and overwhelms everything.

It is to fly backwards towards the end of the earth's vision at a speed invisible to the naked eye in an instant!

Then, Guang Chengzi's face turned from furious to stunned.

The astonishment wasn't just because Xu Linyuan's punch sent Fan Tianyin flying away.

The astonishment is more...


He didn't even have time to recall Fan Tianyin.

Just seeing Xu Linyuan's figure, the next moment he actually appeared in front of him.

His dignified quasi-sage's divine sense didn't even catch the other party's actions at all!


"Dare to attack Xu's disciple."

"Really, Xu...doesn't dare to beat you up?"

After the words fell, Xu Linyuan punched Guang Chengzi directly!


So Guangchengzi himself didn't say a word.

It directly turned into a shooting star, and the sky seal that followed him flew directly into the sky and disappeared without a trace!

"Brother Guangchengzi!"

And for such a startling change, Chi Jingzi, who was watching from the side, exclaimed.

But before he had time to make a move, he saw Xu Linyuan's figure flash and he also came to him!


No more nonsense, another punch!

So Chi Jingzi also flew out with Guang Chengzi!


And Xu Linyuan breathed a sigh of relief after blowing the two of them away with two fists.

However, he felt quite familiar with this scene - when he thought about it carefully, it was the first time he fought against Yang Jian and Nezha before.

...... 0

It looks like a scene, but it is quite similar to this time.

It's just that what he sent flying were two Taiyi True Immortals.

But for him now, it was already two quasi-sages of the Three Realms who flew away!

But after sighing in his heart, he turned his head and looked at his three disciples: "Okay, wait here and wait - remember, if the situation is not right, you will return immediately."

His words were unprecedentedly serious.

It was even more serious than before when he started the war with the eight Golden Immortals of Explanation and Education.

He didn't say where to return, but the three disciples naturally understood the meaning.

If something goes wrong, they will naturally return to Linyuan Realm.

Only in the Linyuan boundary can it be called absolutely safe.


But at this time, Tai Xi frowned and said: "Is this really the case? We can't help at all?"


Liuli on the side also chimed in.

"I think those ancient golden immortals who explain teachings are just like that."

She wrinkled her nose and looked very disdainful: "Every time I make a sneak attack, I really have no ability to fight."

The little fox's tail was about to go up to the sky after easily handling the real Yuding and Taiyi.


And Xuan Chi nodded with his hands clasped.

Hearing this, Xu Linyuan gave the three of them a blank look.

But it's hard to say anything.

Because with the heels of these three little things, he is really qualified to say such things.

After all, the three of them have grown up smoothly, and their future potential is basically based on quasi-sages.

And it is the absolute strongest potential among the quasi-sages.

So although for most of the monks in the Three Realms, the Golden Immortals of Interpretation and Teaching are already great figures.

But for the three of them, it really can only be said to be 'that's it'.

However, Xu Linyuan said to them seriously.

"First of all, you have already helped a lot—I am very satisfied with your performance as a teacher."

He first praised his three disciples and smoothed them out.

Afterwards, he said: "Secondly, these golden immortals are not the only ones explaining teaching."

He shook his head: "The real key to this battle lies in the background of teaching."

"Although I am somewhat prepared, I don't know if I can really handle it."

"So if there's any mistake in it—you three little guys, just don't bother...how can I help?"

Speaking of this, Xu Linyuan also felt something.

He ignored the dissatisfied expressions of the three little guys.

Then he raised his eyes and looked at the far end of the eastern sky: "Here——if you don't believe it, you can see for yourself."

"Isn't this the one who explained the background of teaching?"

After the words fell, the three little guys raised their heads one after another.

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