
At this time, the quasi-sage of casual cultivators also sighed.

"Since this is the case, I have to go all the way."

While whispering, he also stood up and walked out of the cave.

Its purpose, of course, is to help and teach.

The reason is also very simple - the real person Du'er is inextricably linked with the interpretation of education.

In the past, he was good friends with Ran Deng Taoist, the deputy leader of the interpretation of education, and he could even accept the same person as a disciple.

When he was enshrining the gods in the past, although he didn't take action himself.

But he also gave Ding Fengzhu and helped explain the teachings, which can be regarded as a good relationship.

After the conferment of the gods, although Taoist Ran Deng left Chanjiao and devoted himself to Buddhism.

However, the good relationship between Duer Daoist and Chanjiao still exists.

Until a few years ago, when he was about to break through the three corpses after he had successfully practiced.

But Yuanshi Tianzun personally helped him and gave him the innate spirit treasure for beheading the corpse.

This karma is naturally owed greatly.

Not long ago, Daoxing Tianzun came to ask him for help with the Yuxu Golden Talisman.

Although Daoist Du'er didn't want to offend the saint of interception.

But under the influence of cause and effect, it is natural that he can only make a move at this time.

And he is naturally one of the foundations of teaching... .

Again at the same time.


The South China Sea, one of the four seas, is home to the mighty Zixia Peak.

On Zixia Peak, a strong man with bare feet and long beard is also getting up from Zixia Peak.

"I have to go all the way."

He raised his head and sighed: "I have repaid the kindness of the sage who explained the teachings in the past, so I have nothing to worry about!"

But he is also a quasi-sage of loose cultivators in the Three Realms, one of the three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace in the past.

No one knows his Taoist name, and he never cared about it himself.

Walking around the world on weekdays, helping people in need, always barefoot and long beard.

Therefore, the world calls it the "Barefoot Immortal".

Like Duer Daoist, its origin has nothing to do with teaching.

But it was in the hundreds of years after he became a god, he also got the help of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yuanshi Tianzun gave him a part of the fortune of explaining and teaching, and helped him behead the third corpse and become the quasi-sage of the three corpses.

So here, it is precisely to repay that favor.

He is also one of the foundations of elucidation and teaching.

And it's still not over.


Zhongnan Mountain, in Yuzhu Cave.

"Go! Go! Go!"

A Taoist with immortal demeanor also sighed.

But its name is naturally resounding.

Fude Zhenxian, Yun neutron.

But he is also a remarkable figure, and he was already a quasi-sage when he was conferred the godship.

But now, although the third corpse has not been beheaded yet.

But it's also very close.

And the reason why Yun Neutron sighed at this time is also very simple.

Because he actually didn't want to participate in this battle at all.

In fact, although he participated in the war when he was conferred the gods in the past.

But it was only because he and Yuanshi Tianzun had the kindness of a half-teacher enlightenment in ancient times.

That's why he's going to fight.

And at the end of the calamity, when the battle was most intense.

Yun Neutron just didn't participate in the battle.

Especially the most dangerous Jiuqu Yellow River formation, he even avoided it directly.

But now, he naturally knew that he couldn't escape.

Not to mention that Yuanshi Tianzun's golden talisman had been delivered to him a few days ago.

His disciple Lei Zhenzi alone is a loyal disciple of Chanjiao.

And when he was conferred the gods in the past, although he didn't participate in the war for a long time.

However, he killed Wen Zhong in Juelong Ridge with the pillar of fire from the God of Tongtian.

This karma has fallen, and he naturally has no way of getting out.

"Whether it's a blessing or a curse, the cause and effect of the past... there is no escape!"

It was also Yun Zhongzi who also sighed, and also walked out of the cave.

But this is still not the end.


Looking south to Buzhou, Wudang Fairy Mountain.

This place is the ashram of the four emperors of heaven and the three corpses of Emperor Zhenwu's 'Nine Heavens Smite Demon Patriarch'.

But at this time, the Heavenly Court Four Royals who suppressed Nanzhan Buzhou also opened their eyes.

From behind him, the two generals of the tortoise and the snake appeared together.

 4.2 "Lord!"

The two gods will bow down and turn into turtles and snakes.

"Well... you two take care of the dojo."

The Patriarch of Nine Heavens Dangmo said softly: "Yuanshi sage helped me ascend to the position of the Four Imperials in the past, and today I shall repay it."

"After the repayment, I will settle the matter with the Chanjiao—only in this way can I get rid of my obsession."

Everyone knows that Emperor Zhenwu is the number one pride of the Three Realms since ancient times.

No one knows about his heels, but he is the only casual cultivator who has become a quasi-sage after the Three Emperors.

And as a casual cultivator, he ascended to the top four royals in that court.

Looking at the Three Realms, it can almost be said to be unique.

After all, the quasi-sages of the Three Realms today, almost without exception, were enlightened during the Three Emperors period or even earlier.

And the position of the four emperors is even more precious to the extreme.

Each position of the Four Heavenly Emperors is bestowed by the origin of the heavenly court, and can share part of the luck of the entire Three Realms.

Since the establishment of the Heavenly Court, countless quasi-sages have tried to obtain the position of the Four Emperors.

As for Emperor Zhenwu's achievement of the four emperors as a loose cultivator, it is naturally valued by the Jade Emperor.

But at the same time, few people know about it.

Yuanshi Tianzun, the sage of elucidation and teaching, also made a secret contribution.

If this saint hadn't nodded his head, the Jade Emperor would have been optimistic about this Nine Heavens Smite Demon Patriarch.

But it may not be possible to entrust him with the precious four royal positions.

Therefore, at this time, the Nine Heavens Smite Demon Patriarch is also going to help explain the teachings.

Otherwise, if he doesn't repay his kindness in the past, he will never be able to kill the third corpse in his life.


The tortoise and snake generals bowed down together, nodding yes.

So the Nine Heavens Dangmo Patriarch also raised his hand to take away the True Martial Arts Sword, stepped up to the sky, and headed out of Wudang Mountain.

111. In order to explain the teachings and to break the spirit of the text, Wang Shu cuts off the three corpses in this world!

It was at the time when many quasi-sages and powerhouses were making their own moves and preparing to join the battle.

Wei Guo, Liang Ye.

As a city, Liangye is undoubtedly not a big city in Weiguo.

At least compared to Chaoge, the capital of the Wei Kingdom, the old capital of the Yin and Shang Dynasties, or the Emperor Hill where the former Emperor Zhuanxu lived.

It's all a lot worse.

But in recent days, it is rare for Liang Ye to gather countless people.

Its number even exceeds that of the capital city of Weiguo, "Chaoge".

As for the reason, it is also very simple.

Because the "Jixia Academy" in Weiguo was established in Liangye.

And the founder of the academy was naturally Kong Qiu's disciple in Weiguo - Duanmuci.

The young man who was almost sacrificed to the mountain god in the village in the past is already a well-known businessman in various countries.

At this time, the Jixia Academy in Weiguo was established under his support.

"Confucian preaching is the prosperous age of Bang Zhou."

At this time, Duanmu Ci looked at the bustling students from all walks of life who came to sign up in the Jixia Academy.

His gaze was also looking in the direction of Lu Guo from afar.

He was looking forward to it.

Today Confucius will be speaking at the Jixia Academy in the State of Lu.

After the sermon, he will go to the State of Lu to transcribe all the books in the palace.

Then, as Confucius asked - to educate the people!

He will teach everyone the countless precious books and the principles and knowledge passed down by Confucius.

"After staying today, Bang Zhou... will definitely look brand new!"

He whispered to himself.

But it is also at this time


There was a sudden thunder explosion above the originally cloudless sky!

And from the burst of thunder, a figure with an ugly face, holding a pair of wind and thunder sticks, and wings on his back is standing in the air!

Explaining and teaching the immortal, the apprentice of Yun Zhongzi, Lei Zhenzi!

Beside Lei Zhenzi, there was another burly man holding a golden pestle.

Daoxing Tianzun's disciple, Wei Hu!

At this moment, the two disciples of the third generation of Yuxu were looking at Liangye City from a distance.

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