Wang Shu began to retreat.

It wasn't until not long ago that she finally cut off the third corpse and successfully broke through.

But now, it's only been a few days since the breakthrough.

It is estimated that even the cultivation base is not completely stable yet.

He was directly dragged out by Xu Linyuan to fight, and the opponent was another quasi-sage of the three corpses.

Wang Shu's white eyes and helplessness naturally come from this.

"Hey...Master Fairy has a lot, don't blame me."

"In the future, the benefits of the fairy will be indispensable."

So Xu Linyuan, who was wronged, naturally smiled embarrassingly.


Wang Shu snorted lightly, and turned his gaze back to the Antarctic Immortal.


But at this time, Antarctic Fairy still didn't know what to say.

It was difficult for him to understand—why an ancient demon god whose public spirit had been wiped out for countless years would suddenly appear.

Moreover, his cultivation base has also broken through to the quasi-sage of the three corpses, which is a step further than previous years.

It was even more difficult for him to understand why the Moon Palace Goddess Wang Shu was recognized in the ancient times as having a cold temperament like ice, even the Demon Emperor and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi never cared about her.

To be so close to Xu Linyuan.

But looking at Wang Shu's performance at this time, he understood at least one thing.

"Fellow Daoist Wangshu, do you really want to join the battle?"

He asked softly, but the solemnity in his words could not be erased.

"Owing him a favor."

Wang Shu is concise and to the point.


Therefore, the Antarctic fairy just nodded silently.

Immediately, he turned his head to look at Xu Linyuan: "The old man takes back what he just said~¨."

"The mountain master's method is really... Even the old Taoist has never guessed the slightest!"

In his words, there was no such amiable but detached feeling before.

He is very clear.

Wang Shu in front of him chopped off the third corpse.

Although in terms of mana, it is obvious that he has just broken through the corpse.

But that's enough.

Because the Antarctic fairy knew that Wang Shu was also the top innate god in ancient times.

How strong they will be after cutting off the three corpses!

Even if he had just chopped off the three corpses, he was still terrifyingly strong.

It has nothing to do with mana - that is a difference related to the essence of the three corpse quasi-sages!

Even if the Antarctic fairy has been beheading the three corpses for 3 years.

But if he really wants to fight, he knows... the outcome is really unpredictable!

"It's okay! It's okay!"

Therefore, the Antarctic fairy also sighed.

He only said to Wang Shu, "Fellow Taoist Wang Shu, please."

"As it should be."

Wang Shu nodded.

Then he took a look at Xu Linyuan, and his figure turned into a moonlight and soared into the sky!

Afterwards, the Antarctic fairy also followed closely on the fairy deer.

but after a while


A roar that shook the Three Realms from 33 days away was enough to show that the two had already fought each other!

Seeing this scene, Xu Linyuan was not surprised.

Although he doesn't know the specific reason.

But it was also mentioned by Yun Xiao and others.

The quasi-sages of the three corpses are extremely special.

In the case that the saints can't easily make a move.

To a large extent, they represent the top combat power of the Three Realms.

In fact, just now Xu Linyuan also felt the quasi-holy pressure of the Antarctic Immortal.

That coercion is indeed far from that of Guang Chengzi and others.

It can be seen that the quasi-sage of the three corpses who cut off the three corpses and "consummated" himself.

Compared with the Ershi Zhunsheng, there seems to be some kind of indescribable transformation.

The fighting skills between them, although it cannot be compared with the fighting skills between saints.

But if you try your best in the human world, it is still easy to cause a great disaster.

If this provokes the backlash of the luck of the world, it is naturally inappropriate.

So now that I know that my opponent is the same three-corpse quasi-sage.

Wang Shu and the Antarctic Immortal would naturally have to fight 33 days away in order to exert their full strength.

And after Nanji Xianweng and Wang Shu left to fight each other.

Xu Linyuan smiled and looked at Chi Jingzi and Guang Chengzi in front of him.

"The previous battle was delayed for a while."

"At this time, I just came to experience the methods of the two fellow Taoists again."

He spoke with a smile, but his eyes were full of sarcasm.


And Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi just came back to their senses after hearing these words.

They were shocked by Wang Shu's identity before.

But at this time, after hearing Xu Linyuan's words, they all naturally restrained their thoughts.

"Humph! Stubborn!"

Guang Chengzi sneered and raised the Fantian Seal, hanging above his head.

Sweeping Xia clothes on his body, emitting Xia Guang.

at the same time...


Qing Yun appeared above his head.

And from the Qingyun, two more 'Guangchengzi' flew out impressively.

One of them, Guang Chengzi, had a ferocious face, was wearing a black robe, and hung an ancient bronze bell above his head - the top-grade innate spirit treasure 'Lost Soul Bell'!

The other Guangchengzi has a gentle face, wears a white shirt, and holds two fairy swords in his hands - the Zhongpin Xiantian Lingbao 'Male and Male Yin and Yang, Mother and Son'

"々. How about Luna Wangshu helping you?"

And that Chi Jingzi also sneered at this time.

"How can I know the background of my teachings!?"

The gossip purple ribbon fairy clothes on his body showed the vision of gossip.

There is also a precious mirror hanging from the top of its head, but it is the best innate spiritual treasure 'Yin Yang mirror'.

And from the Qingyun above his head, two figures also appeared.

The same face has a fierce face and a kind face, holding his handy Lingbao'Shuihuofeng' and'Fengyunzhan' respectively.


These two quasi-sages here have never underestimated Xu Linyuan.

What the two of them showed at this time was also the 'incarnation of three corpses' unique to quasi-sages!

The two respectively cut off the 'good' and 'evil' corpses, and cultivated into these two incarnations.

Here, each of them took out their magic weapons, so they must face each other with all their strength!

After hearing the words of the two, Xu Linyuan chuckled lightly.

"OK OK."

He waved his hand: "I see the real chapter under my hands-no matter how much I say, I have to do it once."

"As for the background..."

There was a kind of ridicule in his words.

"You have a solid background in elucidating teachings, so don't tell me I have no way to stop teaching (Zhao Zhao Zhao)?"

After the words fell, Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi were naturally taken aback.

But they haven't had time to think about anything.

But beside Xu Linyuan, a lightning hammer flying out, followed by a fishing drum.

And the Jietian Taoist robe on his body was like a burst of starlight.

In just an instant, a star giant whose figure pierces through the sky and earth has appeared.

The Dharma Body of Zhou Tian Xing Chen—Appears!

The next moment, Xu Linyuan, who was full of stars, was already killing Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi!

"Good come!"

So Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi didn't care about anything else, they just wanted to fight Xu Linyuan together!

But in their hearts, Xu Linyuan's words just now still echoed.

'You have a solid background in elaborating teachings, so don't I have no means to stop teaching? '

Remember that this incident itself was provoked by the Interdiction Institute.

Think again about the calculation and planning ability shown by the Jiejiao sage before.

An ominous premonition faintly rose from their hearts.

Interception... Is it true...! ? .

113. The sage lowers and hits the divine whip, and the Jade Emperor's heavenly soldiers stand in front of the battle!

With the battlefield, the war begins.

Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi felt uneasy in their hearts.

In fact, it was just as Xu Linyuan said.

He has a profound background in teaching, does he not know?

Of course he knew.

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