That's right.

In the Three Realms and Four Continents, there are countless people with great supernatural powers.

There are only two people who can mobilize the Zixiao Palace, the Conferred God Gold List.

One is Yuanshi Tianzun who is in charge of hitting the magic whip.

Second, it is naturally the Jade Emperor Haotian who is in charge of the Heavenly Court of the Three Realms under the order of the Taoist ancestor in name!

After all, if we really want to talk about it, the initial trigger of the former Conferred God Quantification Calamity was Haotian going to the Zixiao Palace to ask the Taoist ancestor.

Only then did the Taoist ancestor bestow the list of gods, and he wanted to assign the gods to serve in the heavenly court to help Haotian manage the three realms.

The lord of the Heavenly Court naturally has the ability to mobilize the divine power of the Conferred Gods List.

It's just that Haotian has never used it in these years.

After all, the gods on the list of gods are basically disciples of the three religions, and there are saints behind them.

He didn't want to offend the saint, so naturally he never used this authority.

So much so that Yuanshi Tianzun almost forgot about this.

And as expected...

"The saint was joking."

With a bland response.

Above the sky, the Jade Emperor 'Haotian' is dressed in a golden gown robe and a heavenly crown.

It also appeared in the 33 heavens on a golden chariot pulled by a heavenly horse.

And behind him, there are countless heavenly soldiers and generals standing in the clouds.

The heavenly soldiers and generals are all dressed in armor.

Among the mighty, there are flags swaying.

At this time, he was actually looking at the magic whip without evasiveness.

To be exact, it was looking at the sage who was manipulating the magic whip.

His gaze was unexpectedly firmer than ever before.

"I don't know what to help and teach..."

"I'm just fulfilling my duties in heaven."

he said softly.

"Manage the immortals of the Three Realms, and calm down the chaos in the world.".

114. The Jade Emperor pays more attention to suppressing the teachings, and the three immortals stop the disaster!

As soon as the Jade Emperor said this.

"Haotian, have you really thought about it?"

Just hearing the whip in front of him, the saint asked in a cold voice.

Even with the magic whip, the coldness is enough to make anyone in the Three Realms startled.

But unexpectedly

For a long time, Haotian, the Jade Emperor, has always been famous for his "counseling" style in the Three Realms.

After hearing these words, there was no slight change in his face.

"I don't understand what a saint means."

he said softly.

"In the past, I received an imperial edict from the Taoist ancestor to manage and restrain the immortals of the Three Realms."

"However, for some reason today, many casual cultivators in the three realms are all intervening in the affairs of the world."

With a chuckle, he pointed to the immortals at the bottom, and the countless casual cultivators of the Three Realms behind them.

But even though he was smiling, there was a clear coldness in the Jade Emperor's eyes.

This is what he can't tolerate the most.

He is the Jade Emperor, and he is the Lord of the Three Realms of Heaven.

And among the mortal casual cultivators below, there are many immortals.

But why did they respect him at all?

There is no one available in the heavenly court, and these casual cultivators of the Three Realms are self-cleaning.

Once there is something to explain and teach, these casual cultivators will gather and move.

People in the world only know the beauty of Yuxu in Kunlun, and they only know how to teach and rule the heavens.

Where did he take a look at him, the Jade Emperor?

Not to mention Nezha, Yang Jian, Tu Xingsun and other educating immortals.

You know, they are theoretically the gods of heaven.

But in practice?

At this time, on behalf of Chanjiao, they led casual cultivators in the world to destroy this humane culture.

But why did he ever inform the Jade Emperor?

"Today, I lead the heavenly soldiers and generals and send the heavenly gods here."

"We are going to capture these monks who are causing chaos in the world, and cleanse the world of cleanliness."

In all fairness, the reasons Jade Emperor sought were undoubtedly high-sounding.

Because in fact, the Chanjiao Immortals led casual cultivators to break through the humane culture.

At least in name, it really belongs to the Heavenly Court.

Especially those rogue cultivators attacking and destroying humanity, this is even more against the rules of heaven!

It's just that before, no one thought that Heavenly Court would dare to intervene in this matter.

But at this time the Jade Emperor appeared, at least in name, he could really stand up!

And the position of the whole situation has also undergone tremendous changes.

Originally, it was the Xianjiao Xianzhong who led the casual cultivators in the world to destroy the humane culture, and to protect the luck of the Great Teaching.

However, the Jiejiao immortals tried to stop him, which violated the rules of conferring gods in the past.

Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun can lower the whip for punishment.

But now after the Jade Emperor said so.

However, the situation has become—the scattered cultivators in the world are creating chaos, trying to harm the court.

As for the Jiejiao immortals taking action at this time, the fundamentals have also changed accordingly.

At this time, they did not act as intercepting disciples at all.

Instead, as a fairy god in the heavenly court, he came to 'sweep away the world and sweep away the chaos' for the heavenly court and the three realms!

In other words...

No matter how angry Yuanshi Tianzun is at this time, it is impossible to mobilize the divine power of the whip.


"If the saint is dissatisfied with this, he can go to Zixiao Palace to find the Taoist ancestor, and cut off my fruit status."

"I will kill you if you want to, and I will never say a word."

The Jade Emperor spoke softly.

But at this time, there seemed to be an inexplicable domineering arrogance in the words.

"Good... good... very good!"

When Yuanshi Tianzun heard this, he was also very angry and laughed back.

But he knows that he really can't kill Haotian.

After all, the other party is the boy of the Taoist ancestor in the past, after all, the Jade Emperor who was kissed by the Taoist ancestor.

If the other party really directly scolded him or made him an enemy, Yuanshi Tianzun could teach him a lesson.

But Haotian is playing such a legitimate banner at this time.

Yuanshi Tianzun made a move, which was irrational.

If the Taoist ancestor came to the world due to the trouble, he might not be able to please him.


"Haotian, you made such a bet... What benefits are you promised by cutting off the teaching?"

Although angry, Yuanshi Tianzun naturally understood it in his heart.

With Haotian's temperament, at this time, he is willing to act as a platform for interception.

Even at the expense of directly opposing him.

The reason must be that Jujiao promised great benefits.

When the Jade Emperor heard the words, he just smiled slightly.

"I don't understand what the saint is saying."

Naturally, he will not drop his tongue.

But in fact, Yuanshi Tianzun's guess is naturally correct.

The Jade Emperor has been dissatisfied with teaching and Buddhism for many years, but he has been forbearing.

But in fact——if there were no accidents, he would have continued to endure it.

At most, it was like the Lunar Star incident before, secretly placing a bet on Jujiao.

After all, he knew that he really couldn't offend the saint behind the teaching and Buddhism.

Otherwise, even if it is quick for a while, it will definitely not end well in the future.

Forbearance, maintaining the neutrality on the surface, at least can keep the position of Jade Emperor.

Once you leave the field in person, there is no room for maneuver.

But this time, he still chose to stand in line and intercept the coach himself.

The reason is that when the three of Yunxiao went to Yaochi...give him a condition that he cannot refuse!

"If Da Tianzun is willing to help here, the karma of the past years will be cancelled."

"We stopped teaching our disciples, but we will be on the list of gods for one day."

"As long as we don't harm our great teaching, we can manage the Three Realms for Heaven!"

This was the condition of the three of Yunxiao at that time.

To put it simply - as long as the Jade Emperor agrees to take action, then these disciples who are intercepted and taught in the Heavenly Court will no longer be "fishing" like they are now.

Instead, he will truly serve as a fairy god in heaven and fulfill his duties.

Although it is not enough to serve the Jade Emperor, it will also assist the Jade Emperor to manage the Three Realms.

And this is undoubtedly the biggest temptation for the Jade Emperor!

The disciples of Jiejiao occupy almost most of the god positions in the heavenly court.

And each one has extraordinary powers and unparalleled means.

If they can really help the Jade Emperor and control the Heavenly Court.

Then the wish of the Jade Emperor to manage the Three Realms can be fulfilled in an instant.

This is what the Jade Emperor wanted to choose.

It is to continue to forbear, silently endure the teaching and Buddhism, and be a marionette.

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