At this moment, Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi and their three corpses cast their magic powers respectively.

Every time the Falling Soul Bell rings, it frightens the surrounding mountains into dust.

Every time Fan Tianyin hits it, it will affect the aura of heaven and earth and turn it into a tide.

Whenever the yin and yang mirror shines, even if the forest withers and all things return to silence.

Where the water and fire front cut down, the weak water and sky fire swept across the world.

There is no doubt - Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi have already demonstrated their powerful mana and supernatural powers.

Each of the three corpses has the combat power of the quasi-sage of the two corpses.

Their respective spiritual treasures are the top profound abilities of the Three Realms.

Inheriting the Dharma lineage is even more worthy of a sentence with great magical powers and boundless magic power.

At least the melon-eaters who are watching this battle in the Three Realms now have to sigh.

What is the Golden Immortal of Interpretation and Education, and which one is the child of a sage?

That's it!

It can be said that Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi displayed the cultivation power.

Among the quasi-sages of the two corpses, it is already quite powerful.

As for the quasi-sage of the two corpses, they are undoubtedly at the level of the top powerhouses in the Three Realms.

As for the three quasi-sage corpses—there are still undead in the Three's hard to say whether there are twenty of them in total.

"Seven seven seven" But this is what astonished people the most.

Because even at this time, Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi had clearly demonstrated their powerful mana.

But the two of them fought alone against one Xu Linyuan, but at this time they were still clearly at an absolute disadvantage!


Facing the ringing of the falling soul bell, Xu Linyuan beat the fishing drum above his head and knocked him back.

The weak water and sky fire waved by the water fire front was immediately wiped out when it touched the golden flame of the sun and the breath of the nine heavens surrounded by Xu Linyuan.

The mirror light illuminated by the yin and yang mirror was directly eliminated by the starlight scattered by Xu Linyuan's Heaven-cut Taoist robe.

The boundless spiritual energy driven by the smashing of the sky seal was scattered by the Zilei Hammer beside Xu Linyuan with the Zixiao Shenlei.

What was even more frightening was Xu Linyuan himself.

With the blessing of Zhou Tianxing's dharma body, the power of the good fortune dharma body has reached an unimaginable level!

Every time he punches, the huge power of the stars and the terrifying power of blood and flesh can make the world and the stars dark.

It's as if every punch is accompanied by billions of stars!

Even Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi each have the best innate spiritual treasures 'Saoxia Yi' and 'Bagua Zishou Immortal Clothes' to protect themselves.

Just now he took a punch from Xu Linyuan, but his mana was only unstable.

But now that Zhou Tian Xingchen's dharma body has blessed them, if the two of them get a punch, they will be directly injured and fly far away!

Rao is at this time the two methods are exhausted, but they are only barely able to remain undefeated.

Even they themselves have to admit a fact.

That is

Except for the gap in the realm of cultivation.

Xu Linyuan is not inferior to them in terms of spiritual treasures, supernatural powers, and mana.

And that unbelievably strong physical body endowed him with astonishing combat power!

And this is the most unimaginable situation for people in the Three Realms!

They actually thought about it, maybe this Yuanquan mountain master could show some new means or spiritual treasures to suppress Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi.

After all, there are the golden flames of the sun and the jewels and jade of the nine heavens before them.

In this way, they can accept some.

But unfortunately, Xu Linyuan didn't.

Whether it is Yugu, Zilei Hammer, Jietian Taoist Robe, or Zhoutian Xingchen Dharma Body.

What he showed was almost exactly the same as the last time he fought with Guang Chengzi and others.

But its combat power is far from what it was before!

This is the most terrifying!

Because whether it is a chance or a supernatural power, there are countless ones after all.

No matter how powerful your chances are, no matter how wonderful your supernatural powers are—you can’t always get new opportunities and new supernatural powers, right?

Since then, it is still acceptable.


"How long has it been, but decades?"

Among the Three Realms, some people with great supernatural powers even went into a trance.

"Last time, this Yuanquan mountain master could only withstand one blow from Guang Chengzi with all his means, and the second blow would seriously injure him."

"But this time, he..."

He couldn't go on.

The astonishing degree of this speed of progress can be said to have never been seen since the beginning of the world.

Even Dao Patriarch Hongjun, even the saints.

Which one is not countless yuan will practice hard in order to advance in practice?

But what about Xu Linyuan?

Flesh body, mana, supernatural powers—but in just a few decades, there has been a terrifying breakthrough that is almost earth-shaking!

Even people can see an indescribable temperament from Xu Linyuan.

That is a domineering aura that is difficult to understand, that is an arrogance that defies the sky and the earth.

No new opportunities are needed, no new spirit treasures are needed.

Just relying on his practice and talent alone, he is enough to disdain everything in the Three Realms!

"His actual cultivation level is only Da Luo Jinxian."

Someone exclaimed.

Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation base is not low, but compared with Xu Linyuan's strength and progress speed displayed at this time.

But it is simply enough to be called terrifying.

"Give him time, it doesn't even take long."

"According to his current progress speed and supernatural power, it is not difficult to cut off the three corpses."

"At that time, under the sage... this Yuanquan mountain master may not find many opponents!"

Once again, Xu Linyuan made the Three Realms sigh.

They know that even if the calculation fails this time.

But as long as this Yuanquan Mountain Lord is around, then there is hope for Jiejiao.

"Such characters are now in Jiejiao. Is it true that the heavens want Jiejiao to be revived?"

But it is also in the amazement of the world...


on the battlefield.

"Good come!"

Xu Linyuan sideways dodged the male and female swords struck by Guangcheng Zishan's corpse.

Turning around and punching out, Guang Chengzi vomited blood again and flew back backwards.

In his heart, he was thinking secretly.

He could actually see Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingzi's plans.

"The power of the stars they want to drag into my Taoist robe is completely exhausted?"

He sneered in his heart.

Guang Chengzi had seen the method of Jietian Taoist robe before, and knew that Xu Linyuan's Zhoutian Xingchen dharma body needed the power of the stars.

Therefore, at this time, although he and Chi Jingzi were at a disadvantage, they didn't intend to work hard.

The reason is that they want to drag Xu Linyuan's star power to exhaustion.

When Zhou Tianxing's Dharma Body is released, they feel that they may not have the power to fight.

But they naturally don't know.

Long after Linyuan Realm turned into a complete Xiaoqian World and gave birth to four stars.

Xu Linyuan's Jietian Taoist robe no longer lacked the power of stars.

As long as he is willing, he can completely mobilize the power of the stars in Linyuan Realm to integrate into Jietian Taoist robe.

Thus, the Dharma Body of Zhou Tian Xing Chen has been maintained.

But correspondingly, Xu Linyuan was also happy to entangle with Guang Chengzi and the other two at this time.

Because he is waiting.

Waiting for the arrival of the remaining quasi-sages

"Yun Zhongzi, the ancestor of the Nine Heavens Demon Slayer..."

"And... Barefoot Immortal."

Thinking of this, even Xu Linyuan felt a little heavy.

Under the influence of cause and effect, he naturally knew the identity of the enemy at this time.

In fact, this is also the reason why he said to his three disciples, 'If the situation is not right, immediately withdraw to Linyuan Realm'.

There is indeed a fundamental gap between explaining teaching and cutting teaching.

Even though Xu Linyuan had mobilized all the forces he could mobilize, there were still gaps.

The key is to fall on these quasi-sages.

Among them, Yun Zhongzi and Xu Linyuan, the ancestor of the Nine Heavens Swinging Demons, had an early warning.

After all, Yun Zhongzi was originally an immortal who explained and taught, and the ancestor of Jiutian Dangmo was one of the three corpse incarnations of Emperor Zhenwu.

The Jade Emperor had already known about the situation.

In the past, Emperor Zhenwu ascended to the position of the Four Royals with the help of Yuanshi Tianzun, so Xu Linyuan could also guess that the other party would make a move.

But what Xu Linyuan didn't expect was the barefooted immortal.

The quasi-sage of the three corpses of Xianyuyehe was not on the "enemy list" arranged by Xu Linyuan before.

So at this time, he will feel heavy in his heart.

Out of thin air, an enemy of the quasi-holy level of the three corpses appeared.

Even if he is also prepared, naturally he still feels uncertain.

"At that time, I can only use that method to try... If it really doesn't work, I will have to fight to the death."

This is what Xu Linyuan thought... .

And it was at this time...


Along with the sky and the earth, there was a wave of spiritual energy.

Even Xu Linyuan could see that there was a light coming from beyond the sky!

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