This is just a trick, wait for him to drill?

So he also looked at Xu Linyuan angrily.

"Disrespecting the saints, disobedient to, a junior, really are..."

The voice of fury in the mouth has not yet been uttered.

But immediately after, he heard a sneer from above his head.

"I don't respect you, so what!?"

As soon as the words fell, Yuanshi Tianzun felt a terrifying coercion above his head accompanied by a huge sword energy, tearing through the space and chopping down directly!

So Yuanshi Tianzun's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly dodged away!



The earth trembled, and even the distant mountains that were separated by a vast distance collapsed directly at this moment.

The earth's veins are rewinding, and the earth's energy is violent.


Thousands of Taos are crying, and the sky and the earth are trembling.


Throughout the Three Realms, countless ignorant beings knelt down together.

In the underworld, evil spirits cry.

In the heavenly court, Tianma howled.

Even from the surroundings, the entire world really began to completely disintegrate!

This unprecedented horror vision shocked everyone!

And Yuanshi Tianzun looked at 783 in disbelief at the figure with the black hair in the black robe above his head, which he chopped down without hesitation while holding the Qingping sword.


The majesty of the saint is gone, Yuanshi Tianzun seems to see a lunatic in his eyes!

"Are you really crazy?"

His voice was almost hoarse.

He never expected that the leader of the Tongtian sect would actually slash at him with a sword!

They didn't come here as incarnations, nor did they fight with spirit treasures.

They are all true saints themselves, come here in person!

If it is said before - the saint himself is not allowed to enter the world easily, it is just an unspoken rule that the saints are afraid of the Taoist ancestor.

Then 'a sage himself shall not fight in the Three Realms' is the iron law that the Taoist ancestor really stated in the past!

Because the saints fight each other, it is Zhen who will lead to the destruction of the already unstable and fragile Three Realms after the conferment of gods!

If it really gets to that point... Dao Ancestor will definitely come to the world, and everyone will have to finish the game!

But in the face of Yuanshi Tianzun's questioning.

The icy face of Master Tongtian was not moved in the slightest.

He just sneered: "I said it before."

In the words, there was an indescribable sense of determination: "If you want to deceive my disciple, I will not quit with you."

"You dare to kill my disciple in the three realms, although I will not bully the small with the big...but I still want to seek justice for the disciple and seek a righteous result."

He sneered.

"At most, we can wait for Teacher Hongjun to come into the world, so we can talk about cause and effect—but let's see, who will fall into the hands of you and me?"

After finishing speaking, in Yuanshi Tianzun's horrified gaze.

The leader of Tongtian Sect didn't hesitate, swiped Qingping sword and slashed out a shocking sword! .

122. The chaotic sages fight each other, and the Buddha stops Lao Tzu!

Seeing that Master Tongtian cut out the second sword without hesitation, Yuanshi Tianzun also cursed secretly as a 'lunatic'.

But the movements didn't stop at all—the power of Qingping sword, even a saint wouldn't dare to take it head-on! ?

Then I saw a cloud of celebration appearing above Yuanshi Tianzun's head.

Qingyun is divided into nine colors, among which there are countless phantoms in the sky flickering on and off!

That is Yuanshi Tianzun's defense treasure - Zhou Tianqingyun.


And that Zhou Tianqingyun sprinkled rays of light, and was holding the Qingping sword against it.


The mana of the Second Saint surged, and the world around him, which was already faintly beginning to disintegrate, suddenly became dizzy and incomprehensible!

"Tongtian, stop quickly!"

And Yuanshi Tianzun is really anxious at this time.

If this goes on, at most there will be a moment of effort.

These three realms should really go to the situation where the earth, water, fire and wind repeat themselves.

As soon as the table is lifted, the Taoist ancestor will inevitably come to the world.

And Yuanshi Tianzun is very clear.

In the past, Daozu Hongjun loved Tongtian Cult Master the most at the end of the Three Qing Dynasty, and gave him the most spiritual treasures.

And this time the leader of Tongtian took action brazenly, and the reason was because Yuanshi Tianzun wanted to kill his disciple!

No matter how you say it, Yuanshi Tianzun is at least the unreasonable one.

If Dao Patriarch came, then even if he didn't give the Falling Saint Pill.

He and Tongtian will also be taken back to Zixiao Palace, and countless yuanhui may not be born.

At this time, even Lao Tzu also looked solemn.


He sighed, and then a pagoda appeared directly above his head.

The whole body of the pagoda is pure gold, with nine floors.

The top of the tower is like a cover, and the tower is like a bottle.

The body of the pagoda is built with colored glaze, gold and jade, and the heaven and earth are dyed with merit and virtue.

But it is the supreme treasure recognized by the Three Realms as the most defensive one - the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

This treasure was conceived after Pangu opened up the world, the great god Pangu opened up the sky and the heaven and earth's mysterious and yellow energy.

Born to fall into the hands of Lao Tzu, the head of the Sanqing, he is the only "innate merit and virtue supreme treasure" in the world.

Although it is not included in the ranks of innate treasures, it is also one of the few spiritual treasures in the Three Realms that can compete with innate treasures.

Hanging above your head, you are born invincible, and have infinite supernatural powers!

At this time, the Heavenly Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda was sacrificed.

It is to directly fix the three realms of water, fire and wind that are about to return to chaos!

It barely stabilized the momentum of the collapse of the Three Realms!

"Junior Brother Tongtian, temporarily extinguish the anger of Thunder."

"Even if we want to fight here, we have to do it in the chaos."

As soon as Lao Tzu said this, it could be regarded as a statement of attitude.

He was invited to come here, naturally he wanted to stand on the side of Jiejiao.

But at the same time, he really didn't want Daozu to be provoked by the Saint War - in his opinion, things had not developed to such a point!

As soon as Lao Tzu said this, countless anxious creatures and great supernatural beings in the Three Realms nodded their heads again and again.

The secret path is worthy of being the head of all saints, the words of the Taiqing sage are the mature and prudent words!

They are naturally very clear.

If Yuanshi Tianzun and the leader of Tongtian really fought again.

Then Daozu will certainly come to the world.

But according to the previous situation of Conferred God Quantitative Calamity and Lich Quantitative Calamity.

When the Taoist ancestor came to the world, whether they, the creatures of the three worlds, survived depends on luck.

After all, in the past, when the Lich robbed and the Tianzhu collapsed, when the Taoist ancestor came to the world, almost [-]% of the creatures in the whole prehistoric land were lost.

It is even more exaggerated to confer gods and calamities. When the Taoist ancestor came to the world, the saints had already shattered the entire Great Desolate Continent into what it is today in the Three Realms and Four Continents.

And after Lao Tzu said this, it can be seen that the Qingping sword in the hand of the Master Tongtian has not wavered in the slightest.

She also frowned, and then turned her gaze to Xu Linyuan.

The meaning is very simple - still don't persuade you teacher sage?


And I have to say that at this time Xu Linyuan was indeed in a daze.

Just now, he indeed informed the Master Tongtian through the 'sign signal' that he had agreed with the Master Tongtian.

It is best to give Yuanshi Tianzun a dismount and tell him to know the deterrence.

But Xu Linyuan didn't expect that the Master Tongtian would be so violent.

Even Xu Linyuan, who knew enough about himself as a saintly master, could faintly feel it.

Ninety percent of the words and anger of Master Tongtian at this time had nothing to do with Xu Linyuan's hint just now.

He was really angry with the Sacred Heart, and wanted to seek justice for Xu Linyuan.

Even Xu Linyuan could guess.

If he doesn't speak, then the leader of Tongtian will really fight to the death with Yuanshi Tianzun.

In the end, Daozu was led out and punished both of them.

In this way, there are no saints in explaining and cutting off teachings.

And Xu Linyuan, who has endless potential, is likely to gain the upper hand in the battle of interpretation.

It is indeed not impossible to revive the cut off teaching!

Thinking of this, Xu Linyuan's heart naturally felt warm.

There are masters like this, and there are teachers like this.

But it is really his luck.

However, Xu Linyuan naturally wouldn't really allow such development to continue.

If both Master Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun were punished by Taoist ancestors, they would even perish together.

Even so, Jujiao is likely to be revived without the shackles of elucidation.

But this ending was impossible for Xu Linyuan to accept anyway.


"Teacher Tongtian."

He said softly, only speaking four words.

But the Master Tongtian was also slightly taken aback when he heard the words.

He turned his head to look at Xu Linyuan, but Xu Linyuan nodded solemnly.

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