Even Xu Linyuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

But immediately.

He was taken aback suddenly.

A feeling rose from the bottom of his heart.

That feeling seems like nothing, like looking at flowers in a fog, which is elusive.


That feeling seemed to remind him.

It happened once by coincidence, and it was indeed a coincidence.

But if the coincidences are all superimposed, it seems a bit too coincidental.

But that feeling has dissipated without a trace in just an instant.

"Is it an illusion?"

Xu Linyuan muttered, only thinking that he was thinking too much.

The six sages are involved here, a coincidence is a coincidence.

Could it be that within the Three Realms, there are still people who can count on the six saints?

If there is such a person, then there is only the Taoist ancestor who sits in Zixiao Palace.

But that Dao ancestor was fit for the way of heaven, and this body is only the way.

No matter how you think about it, there is no reason to favor the sect.

So Xu Linyuan also shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

His eyes were also looking into the distance.

...................... 0

What he was looking at was the direction of Zouyi City.

"Next, it's up to you... disciple."

he knows.

In the city of Zouyi.

A class that is destined to change the course of the human race and the situation in the Three Realms is about to begin.

At the same time, Zouyi City.

The countless people in Zouyi couldn't see the great battle tens of thousands of miles away that could shake the Three Realms.

But they could hear the thunder and the boundless light from the aftermath of the great war.

However, at this time, these people did not discuss as much as before.

Whether it is great sages from various countries, ordinary people from ordinary families, or peasant women and mountain people from the mountains.

At this time, everything is extremely stable and quiet.

In their eyes, each of them shone with the brilliance of faint wisdom.

They all raised their heads and looked at the palace in front of them.


[Jixia Xuegong] The four characters are hung above the Xuegong.

At this time, within the Three Realms, anyone who pays attention to the situation in Zouyi will find out.

In Zouyi at this time, the boundless literary spirit has already turned into real substance.

They float in every corner of Zouyi, like the aura of all things.

And those common people were also influenced by the culture.

That's why everyone was calm and steady just now, not as ignorant.

And it is at this time...


Accompanied by a low voice came.

The gate of Jixia Academy was pushed open.

A figure walked out of the self-study palace.

That is a man.

His face is not handsome, and his stature is not tall.

Wearing an ordinary white clothes.

He didn't take the booklet.

He holds a carving knife in his right hand and two wooden combs in his left hand.

Only a common taxi crown is worn on the head.

But only his eyes.

It was firm, steady, powerful, with radiant eyes.

He was not interested in the vision caused by the fighting of the saints outside that day.

He is also not interested in the immortal light where countless immortals are fighting in the distance.

In his mind, it seems that at this moment, there is no self and no other.

"My name is Kong Qiu."

He said softly: "The disciple of Xu Linyuan, the owner of Yuanquan Mountain."

"Here today, we will give lectures." Qian.

125. When Confucius taught the Fa, everyone was like a dragon!

It was also at the moment when Confucius' words fell.

Above the sky, at this time, a red goose rainbow appeared out of thin air.

In the surrounding world, there seems to be the faint sound of colorful phoenix singing and unicorn humming.

Purple air loomed at the end of the sky, and there was a golden light in the flowing wind.

These are all visions.

When a sage is born, the corresponding vision of heaven and earth.

It's just like the old Dan became Taoist in the past, and the purple air came ninety thousand miles from the east.

This kind of vision usually only appears when the great sage is certified to the throne.

But unprecedented—this time, before the enthronement of the sages.

These visions have already appeared.

But Kong Qiu didn't pay any attention to these visions.

"I was smart when I was young, and I was quick to learn."

He just spoke softly.

"When I was young, I once asked my grandfather Xia, what is right in the world?"

"My ancestor didn't answer, but said that old Dan once asked about it when he was young, and he didn't understand."

Tell me about your childhood experiences.

When I was eight years old, I asked my grandfather Bo Xia.

The little girl I met that day invited him to play Cuju together.

Then, he strayed into the barren mountain and met Xu Linyuan.

"What my teacher said at the time - ethics, bullshit doesn't make sense."

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the audience.

You must know that among the people present, there are a large number of great sages and common people from surrounding countries.

They all heard about the Jixia Academy, or they came here with the intention of studying or debating.

Once Confucius said this, how could they bear it?

After all, the theory of ethics is still deeply rooted in the hearts of other countries besides Lu.

However, Kong Qiu ignored the uproar below.

He just said: "The rest of the teachers and brothers all praise it, but I don't understand it."

"I only think about it now, but I just feel that... what my teacher said and did is really right."

"The theory of etiquette is indeed no different from that of the people, but it is really nonsense!"

He clapped his hands and smiled.

On the side of "Seven Nine Zero", someone couldn't help shouting angrily: "Disrespectful!"

Everyone looked at it together, but someone recognized that this person was the great sage of Cao Guo, and also the scholar-bureaucrat "Yu Qi" of Cao Guo.

"Ritual music is the right way in the world, passed down by the Duke of Zhou."

He sharply reprimanded Confucius: "The uprightness of rites and music is like the Beichen, which lives in its place and all the stars share it."

"Heaven's destiny is not presumptuous—you are the son of a scholar-bureaucrat, but if you say such words, if Zhou Gong knew it, he would fall into a dream and blame him!"

It is worth mentioning that the disciple Guang Chengzi took in in the past, Zhou Gongdan, the younger brother of King Wu, also sealed the gods.

It is the "true king of spiritual manifestation into dreams", the authority in charge of the dreams of mortals.

Therefore, here, this is only here in Qi.

But Confucius just laughed and said, "It's wrong, it's wrong!"

"If Duke Zhou falls into a dream, it's not him who blames me, but I will spit on him!"

As soon as this remark came out, Yu Qi became even more furious.

Not only disrespecting etiquette, but also disrespecting the Duke of Zhou.

On the contrary, he also said that if Duke Zhou fell into a dream, he would spurn Duke Zhou instead!

"Rude! Rude! Really rude!"

So Yu Qi also stood up angrily: "I also know what great sages have come out of Lu Kingdom, who can inherit the Qiudao Pavilion left by Lao Dan."

"Looking at it now, he is actually an ignorant, fearless, and rebellious madman!"

He pointed directly at the sword, pointing at Kong Qiu and said.

"I will report to the king when I return today, and I will definitely raise the soldiers of the righteous way and follow the responsibilities of propriety and education to attack the country of Lu."

"Return the land of the sages to Lao Dan, so as to correct humanity!"

In his opinion, Lao Dan, a sage of the human race, has only been certified for decades.

The Qiudao Pavilion left by him was occupied by lunatics like Kong Qiu.

It is really a loss of humanity, and the law of etiquette is gone.

After all, he turned around and was about to leave.

But Kong Qiu was not angry, and just asked a word in a soft voice.

"Based on what the doctor said, where is the importance of humanity?"

When he asked such a question, Yu Qi, who was about to leave, also stopped.

Although he disdained Confucius at this time, he still upheld the etiquette and replied: "Humanity naturally emphasizes etiquette."

"Only etiquette can prosper the country, only etiquette can calm the people, and only etiquette can bring peace to the world!"

As soon as he said this, the other great sages present clapped their hands together and praised him.

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