But after Wang Shu finished asking, he didn't wait for Xu Linyuan to answer at all.

She smiled and said, "The answer is Tao."

What is Tao?

The unknowable is the Tao.

The Tao cannot be spoken, and the Tao cannot be described.

Only oneself can feel it.

"Slaying the three corpses, although not completely abandoning the desire in my heart."

"But at the same time as killing the three corpses, it is to abandon the six qi, extinguish the anger, and subdue the inner demon."

"The mind of the quasi-sage will gradually move closer to the hidden 'Tao'."

"Because of this, the quasi-sages of the three corpses will realize their own 'Tao'."

Between the words, Wang Shu also gently raised his hand and waved a mana.

(The money is good) "..."

But looking at the magic power, Xu Linyuan was instantly stunned.

Because as the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao in Linyuan Realm, he can naturally see the essence of Wang Shu's magic power at a glance.

That is an ordinary mana, but it seems to contain something indescribable.

Xu Linyuan seemed to be able to see the boundless moonlight through that magic power.

It seems that through that magic power, you can see the swaying laurel tree on the lunar star.

The Taiyin is vast and clear, as vast as a sea of ​​smoke.

Those of the Taiyin, Changhe Xuanmu, turn to Chenhua at night.

That is feminine, it is frost, it is the most cloudy in the world.

It is gentle, it is spiritual, it is the most mysterious of heaven and earth.

"This is the way of Taiyin—the way I realized myself after beheading the three corpses."

"There are three thousand ways in the world, and this way is one of them."

Wang Shu's words directly revealed the reason why the three dead quasi-sages were so powerful.

"Every quasi-sage who kills the three corpses, whose true self is in harmony with the heaven and the earth... will have his own way."

"In other words... Only by beheading the three corpses can one enter the Tao!".

138. There are three thousand ways in the world, I want to worship Biyou Palace!

Between Wang Shu's words, it can be regarded as pointing out the essence.

Why are the three corpse quasi-sages so much stronger than the two corpse quasi-sages, and they don't even seem to be in the same realm at all.

The reason lies in the word 'Tao'.

Heaven and earth are divided into three thousand—the "three thousand" here is not a real number, but an infinite number.

Birds have their way, animals have their way, breezes have their way, flowing water has their way, and rivers and seas have their way.

Theoretically, everything in the world has its own way.

The quasi-sages of the three corpses have cut off all the three obsessions of good and evil in their hearts, and their Taoist hearts are as clear as they are, and they have sympathy with heaven and earth.

Therefore, the quasi-sages of the three corpses will all have their own way.

Only when they reach this step can they truly embark on the journey of 'seeking the Tao'.

"The Antarctic fairy..."

So Xu Linyuan also frowned.

"Well—the Antarctic fairy has cultivated the way of vitality."

Wang Shu nodded: "Although the combat power is not strong, but the self-protection is very powerful...so I couldn't hurt him at all."

After Wang Shu's words fell, Xu Linyuan couldn't help but recall the time before he crossed.

The name of the Antarctic Fairy in the world is 'Shouxing Gong'.

"Fortune is like the long flowing water in the East China Sea, and life is not as old as Nanshan."

From this point of view, it is not difficult to understand that it has cultivated into the 'way of vitality'.

 827 But what surprised him was

"In this way, Fairy Wang Shu, you fought with that Antarctic fairy... but you never suffered a loss?"

Xu Linyuan was really startled.

He originally thought that the Antarctic fairy had killed the three corpses for more than 3 years, and Wang Shu, a newcomer in the quasi-sacred world of the three corpses, would probably not be his opponent.

That's why I felt apologetic before.

But now it seems that the situation is not the case?

"That's natural."

But Wang Shu glanced at him with a smile: "I am a congenital demon god——Does Xu Daoyou not know... We are congenital demon gods, and we are naturally born with the heaven and the earth."

As soon as these words came out, Xu Linyuan was also shocked.

He instantly realized the key point.

In ancient times, there were innate demon gods such as Wangshu, Kunpeng, and Donghuang Taiyi.

Again like Sanqing, Zhen Yuanzi and others are congenital gods.

Although the titles are different, the essence is similar.

That is, they were born congenitally, and they were born following certain rules of heaven and earth.

Previously, Xu Linyuan only thought that these innate great gods were just thick-footed, talented, and born with powerful supernatural powers.

But now listening to Wang Shu, the situation seems to be far more than that.

"After killing the three corpses, the innate demon gods will be stronger than normal monks? Because they were born following the principles of heaven and earth?"

Xu Linyuan guessed so.


And Wang Shu nodded without hesitation.

For example, she, Wang Shu, was conceived by the Lunar Star, and the accompanying lord of the Sacred Laurel Tree.

Born to be the 'Essence of Taiyin', there is a natural advantage in the way of Taiyin.

"The Antarctic fairy is nothing more than a spiritual pine tree after the heaven and earth first opened."

"It takes 3 years of hard work to cultivate the way of vitality... but it is naturally no match for me."

Wang Shu's words were very simple.

But Xu Linyuan could hear a little exclamation in it.

Isn't that so?

The thing about foot qualification is the most intuitive and cruel.

For example, the Antarctic fairy is not comparable to the innate gods.

Therefore, after beheading the three corpses, it took 3 years to comprehend the way of vitality.

But in the face of Wang Shu, who has just become the quasi-sage of the three corpses, he is still invincible and can only barely be defeated.

It took him 3 years to penetrate 30.00% of the way of vitality.

But Wang Shu, a congenital master, has a starting line of 40.00% or even [-]%.

"Fairy Wangshu, you mean... Innate Spiritual Root..."

But Xu Linyuan naturally did not forget the root of the question he asked here.

It is absolutely impossible for Wang Shu to implicate the three dead quasi-sages out of thin air.

Now that it's here, there must be a reason.


And Wang Shu also lightly tapped his head: "First of all, every innate spiritual root is not an 'innate god'?"

"I was born with the Godly Laurel Tree, and after cutting off the three corpses, I can faintly sense it...the Dao of Heaven and Earth is also hidden in the Godly Laurel Tree."

As soon as she said these words, Xu Linyuan said to himself, and at the same time his heart was shocked.


Just like what (dbec) said before, the innate spiritual root is recognized as the supreme spiritual material that is relatively unique in the three realms.

They are self-generated and infinite, but they never take form.

Only the corresponding spiritual root master will be born.

But even so, a fact is still in front of us.

That is every innate spiritual root, but its heels are absolutely no less than the innate gods.

And Wang Shu's words proved this point even more.

"The way of heaven and earth in the laurel tree is the 'way of Taiyin'?"

Xu Linyuan asked quickly.

In his opinion, what Wang Shu, who is the master of the spiritual root, cut off the three corpses and cultivated is the way of Taiyin.

Then the Godly Laurel Tree is naturally the same.

But unexpectedly, Wang Shu shook his head: "I have cultivated the way of Taiyin because I was conceived on the Taiyin star."

"As for the way of heaven and earth contained in the Sacred Laurel Tree, could it be that Fellow Daoist Xu couldn't guess it?"


At this point in Wang Shu's words, Xu Linyuan's heart was naturally shocked!

Among the five congenital spiritual roots, the sacred laurel tree is the... Guishui spiritual root!

"Is it one of the five elements, the way of Guishui?"

Xu Linyuan instantly realized the answer.


Wang Shu nodded calmly: "Besides, after the Peach God Tree was planted just now, I feel even more... the one in the Peach God Tree should be..."

"The Way of Otoki?"

Xu Linyuan can naturally understand this.

He even understood what Wang Shu wanted to express.

"The five innate spiritual roots each have one of the five elements in the way of heaven and earth."

"Guishui, Wutu, Lihuo, Yimu, Gengjin."

"Fellow Daoist Wangshu means...if I can completely collect the five spiritual roots, the five elements will gather together."

"So, maybe there's something special about it?"

Xu Linyuan asked repeatedly.

But after hearing his question, Wang Shu gave him a blank look.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, these words are embarrassing for me."

She said helplessly.

"Although our three corpse quasi-sages can sense the way of heaven and earth, it can be regarded as a transformation on the basis of quasi-sages."

"But in the end, we are just 'just on the road'."

"Even the Dao of Taiyin, I dare not say when I will fully comprehend it."

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