"Yes, if this place is really where the Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning is."

"Then even if the sea eye has been abandoned and damaged."

"But its ability to conceal the secrets of heaven must be preserved."

The concealment of the secret of the sea eye in the beginning is its own characteristic, even if it is abandoned, it will not be easily found.

In this regard, Yaozu can be used as an example.

In the past, the Eastern Emperor Taiyi and others were unable to find it with all their efforts. That is no joke.


"It itself has the ability to conceal the secrets of the sky, and it is under such a deep sea... Brother Zhao Gongming was able to find it in the past, it is really lucky!"

Xu Linyuan sighed so much at this time.

He also asked Zhao Gongming about the situation of this sea eye.

And Zhao Gongming replied.

"At that time, I didn't have any spiritual treasures in my hand, only a dragon-binding rope was still being sacrificed—but I was also looking for dragon species to refine it from its blood essence."

"Just in the North Sea, I found an evil dragon."

"The evil dragon is born in pitch black, and its aura is even more extraordinary. I'm afraid it has the realm of Taiyi's true fairy, but it seems that it has not yet produced spiritual wisdom."

"After I saw it, I naturally went after him. After following him all the way, I accidentally discovered the location of the sea eye."

This is what Zhao Gongming said.

Simply put, pure luck.


And soon, Xu Linyuan dived all the way to the target.

I saw that in the distance, there really was a sea of ​​eyes constantly circulating.

Its appearance is exactly [-]% similar to the Taichu Sea Eye in Linyuan Boundary.

The only difference is that there is no heavy water around this sea eye.

And the sea current around the sea eye itself no longer flows, instead, there are countless golden dragon auras constantly wrapping it.

"The seal of the ancient dragon clan...is really here."

Xu Linyuan could understand it with just one glance.

Those golden dragon auras are the seals set by the elders of the ancient dragon clan and the ancestor dragons themselves.

After all, this Taichu Haiyan used to be the treasure house of the Dragon Clan.

"Well... According to Senior Brother Zhao Gongming, the Ding Sea God Orb and the Zulong Egg were discovered not far from this sea eye."

Xu Linyuan looked around, silently engraving the situation of the past in his heart.

With the sea eye as the center, there are three different areas.

The closest to the sea eye is the seal set by the "Prime Dragon Clan" for their ancestral land.

A little outside is where the '24 Dinghai God Beads' are located.

But according to Xu Linyuan's current information.

There is a high probability that these 24 Dinghai Divine Beads were placed here when the Zulong was about to fall in the past.

And considering that the effect of the 24 Dinghai Shenzhu itself is to 'anchor the four seas and suppress ten thousand dharmas'.

It can basically be judged that Zulong did this to strengthen the seal.

As for the last part, it is the ancestral dragon egg left by the ancestral dragon.


So Xu Linyuan frowned even tighter.

He still couldn't understand what was going on in the past.


"Whatever his situation... Open it and see!"

Xu Linyuan did not hesitate.

It's all here, there's nothing to hesitate about.

So he just pointed his finger.

I saw a streak of dark golden blood flying out from his fingertips.

That is not something else, it is the essence and blood of the ancestor dragon given by Xuan Chi.



With the appearance of the ancestral dragon's essence and blood, the countless golden dragon aura surrounding the eyes of the sea also seemed to see the king.

The figure that was constantly circling, faintly revealing the shape of a dragon, became distorted.

Afterwards, the dragon qi was scattered directly under the coercion of the ancestral dragon's essence and blood.

So the spinning abandoned sea eye was directly exposed in front of Xu Linyuan.

"...So simple?"

And the simplicity of breaking the seal, even Xu Linyuan was taken aback at this time.

Although he knew that the outermost seal '24 Dinghai God Beads' had been taken away by Zhao Gongming long ago.

But this place was, after all, where the ancient dragon clan's treasure house was located in the past.

The speed at which these dragon energy seals were broken was too fast!

・・・ Flowers・・・

"Could it be that the seal of this place was damaged during the early robbery of the Dragon Han Dynasty?"

"Or has it been too long, so that the dragon energy has also worn away over the years?"

Xu Linyuan murmured in his heart.

But immediately, his movements were not slow at all.

With just one step, he walked into the eyes of the sea.



Xu Linyuan only felt a sense of dizziness.


He was so shocked that he hung the Chaos Clock above his head almost without hesitation.

On the Taoist robe of Jietian, the light of the stars also radiated instantly.

Then, he finally had time to observe the surrounding scene.

And this observation made him even more stunned.

I saw that the surrounding scene was constantly changing, and everything seemed to be broken.

There seemed to be cracks in the space, tearing the space into countless shards.

And in that broken space, Xu Linyuan could faintly feel a familiar aura.

That is...

"Ancestral Dragon?"

That's right, that glorious and domineering, desolate and distant immemorial coercion.

It is the coercion of Zulong.

Of course, the traces around here were obviously not left by Xuan Chi, the little ancestral dragon.

........ 0

It was left by the ancestor dragon in the past.

"Good guy, Zulong used his dragon body to split the surrounding space forcibly in the past."

So in Xu Linyuan's heart, he had to sigh again about Zulong's abnormality.

It is worthy of being an ancient existence who claims to be able to easily kill three dead quasi-sages.

This strength is too outrageous.

Xu Linyuan knew that breaking the space into pieces—if the saints wanted to, they could naturally do it.

Besides the saints, Donghuang Taiyi can also control the Chaos Clock [-]%.

But other than that...

"If it is a quasi-sage of the three corpses who can understand the way of space, maybe it can."

"The former 'Space Ancestor Wu' Di Jiang, should be able to."

"Other than that, you have to rely on your physical body to shatter the space...I'm afraid it's just this Zulong."

While sighing, Xu Linyuan became more and more confused.

"What is sealed in this sea eye?"

"Before the Zulong fell, not only put down the Dinghai Shenzhu to suppress it, but also smashed the surrounding space so much?"

Xu Linyuan couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Of course he knew.

After this space was shattered into such fragments, the surrounding space laws must have been completely messed up.

The quasi-sage is afraid that he will get lost in it.

Even for a saint, it takes a lot of effort to find a designated piece among countless space fragments.

So Xu Linyuan couldn't help having a headache at this moment.

He was protected by the Chaos Clock and the Heaven-Jie Dao Robe, so naturally he would not be hurt by this shattered space.

But to find the right one, even he really doesn't have any good means.

But it is also at this time...



Xu Linyuan's face suddenly changed.

Because at this moment.

The Chaos Orb in his sea of ​​consciousness produced an unprecedented huge reaction.

Or to be more precise - it was the Abyss Boundary in the Chaos Orb, which had some kind of induction at this time.

That feeling was infinitely stronger than facing the sacred laurel tree and the sacred hibiscus tree before.

And Xu Linyuan, as the Heavenly Dao of the Linyuan Realm, can also clearly sense it—that is the 'desire' for the perfection of the world!

Therefore, Xu Linyuan also instantly identified a piece of space debris through the induction of the Chaos Orb!

"It's right there!" Qian.

145. Xuanyuan Zhenhai, the Demon Ancestor Fashes!

Xu Linyuan, who has seen the Chaos Orb's induction more than once, naturally trusts it unconditionally.

So without hesitation, he directly drilled into the piece of Chaos Orb that reacted amidst countless space fragments constantly changing!



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