Therefore, Xu Linyuan really felt a little bit guilty.

It is true that he is very confident in himself.

However, this is the demon ancestor Fashui.

And judging from this meaning, God knows what is going on with this Demon Ancestor.

It has fallen, and the mana and magic energy above Fashui seems to be able to directly destroy the Xuanyuan Zhenhai formation.

There are so many mysteries in it that Xu Linyuan still doesn't know the answer.

God knows if it would be dangerous to approach the Demon Ancestor Fashui at this time.

And with the reputation of this Demon Ancestor, Xu Linyuan doubted whether the Chaos Clock could stand it.


So Xu Linyuan's expression was cloudy and uncertain.

After half a sound, Fang just let out a deep breath of foul air.

It is definitely a rare and good thing that can cause such a change in the Chaos Orb.

Most likely, it is the "big opportunity" in the calculation of the Master Tongtian.



Xu Linyuan gritted his teeth secretly.

Afterwards, the Chaos Clock and Jietian Taoist Robe were pushed to the extreme.

Then, he stepped out.

In the next moment, he came directly to the side of the demon ancestor Fa Huai.

At this time, the constant reaction of the Chaos Orb in Xu Linyuan's sea of ​​knowledge became more and more intense.



Xu Linyuan suddenly saw a dark seal between the eyebrows of that 'Demon Ancestor' Luohu.

It suddenly flickered at this moment.

Afterwards, there was an infinite amount of pitch-black brilliance flickering on and off above the dharma seal.

A moment later, the dharma seal turned into a little black light and flew towards Xu Linyuan directly!



The black light flew directly in front of Xu Linyuan.

At this time, the reaction of the Chaos Orb in Xu Linyuan's sea of ​​knowledge seemed to have reached a certain limit.



Accompanied by the chaotic bead and that black light, there was an induction.

Xu Linyuan suddenly saw a barren and desolate world.

It was a dark world.

That was totally different from any world that Xu Linyuan knew so far.

There is no star, no moon, no light and no darkness in the world.

There are no continents, no stars, no oceans, not even the concept of matter.

All he has is a pitch-black world and the boundless magic energy left in it.

That is...

"Heavenly Devil Realm... Da Zi Zai Tian!"

A trace of horror flashed across Xu Linyuan's expression.

Big free day.

According to legend, it is the residence of the Phaseless Heavenly Demon.

It is said that this realm is not within the Three Realms, but another small world born along with the Three Realms in the chaos.

In this world, there is no physical body, no matter, no primordial spirit, only the phaseless demon conceived by demonic energy!

They are in charge of the six desires, and their power is hard to guard against.

It is said that every phaseless demon is the enemy of monks.

Whenever the demons take advantage of it, they can swallow people's true spirit, eat people's energy, and eat people's flesh and blood.

And at the time of the early robbery of the Dragon Han Dynasty, the strongest of these formless demons led countless demons to descend to the Three Realms and transform into living beings.

That is the 'Demon Ancestor' Luohu, and all the demon generals under his command!

Of course, this is just a legend.

Because since the first robbery of the Longhan Dynasty, countless people have tried to find traces of the Great Freedom.

But no one found it.

As for the Phaseless Heavenly Demon, it only exists in legends—although today's monks practice to overcome the catastrophe, they must kill the demons in their hearts.

But the ones who were beheaded were all inner demons, not phaseless heavenly demons.

The only thing that can prove its existence is what Hongjun, the ancestor of Taoism, mentioned in his sermons in Zixiao Palace in the past.

It is rumored in the Three Realms that the Phaseless Heavenly Demon Clan has all been expelled from the Three Realms along with the Demon Ancestor in the past.

And Da Zi Zai Tian may have already collapsed.

But at this time, Xu Linyuan clearly saw this 'Heavenly Demon Realm' Da Zi Zai Tian with his own eyes.

Not only does it exist, but Xu Linyuan can even feel it at this moment - as long as he wants, he can even enter it at this moment.

But in fact, the Chaos Orb in his sea of ​​consciousness is also guiding him into it.

But Xu Linyuan didn't have to think too much about it.

The next moment, he discovered an even weirder thing.

That is...

"Da Zi Zai Tian...there are living creatures?"

That's right.

Through this time, the Chaos Orb is connected with the underworld of the 'Heavenly Demon Realm' Great Freedom.

Xu Linyuan could clearly sense that it was in the realm of the Heavenly Demon that should have been dead and dark.

Surprisingly, there is a living being.

It almost gave him instant creeps.

After all, combined with the demon ancestor Fashui in front of him, he had an idea almost subconsciously.

That creature, could it be the Demon Ancestor Luohu who has not yet fallen?

But after only a moment, he realized something was wrong.

"The aura of the creature... is slightly weaker."

Xu Linyuan frowned.

He could sense that the aura and magic power of the creature in the Great Freedom was about the same as that of the Three Corpse Quasi-Saints.

For reference, it should be similar to Antarctica.

But it seems to be weaker than Wang Shu.

This strength can't be said to be weak-the three corpse quasi-sages look at the three realms, and they are definitely first-class top powerhouses.

But if you want to say that that person is the Demon Ancestor Luohu... then of course it will be a thousand miles away.

"Da Zi Zai Tian, ​​a quasi-sage with three corpses..."

And Xu Linyuan frowned.

After that, his expression became serious.

The quasi-sage of the three corpses is strong.

But in all fairness, the current him does not say that he can win the battle [-]%.

But after the re-evolution of Linyuan Realm, his cultivation base has reached the limit of Da Luo Jinxian, and he can cooperate with various spirit treasures and dharma bodies.

He thought to himself, absolutely undefeated.

What's more, at this time, the huge response from the Chaos Orb was enough to prompt him to make this slightly reckless choice.

"I've come this far, it would be too cowardly to retreat."

"I am a disciple of Jiejiao, how can I retreat like this?"

Therefore, Xu Linyuan also hung the Chaos Clock on his head.

After making up his mind, he stepped into the "Da Zi Zai Tian" of that day's demon world.


So the boundless devilish energy suddenly added to him, violently wanting to tear him, the only living creature of flesh and blood in Dazizaitian.

But the Chaos Clock casts boundless divine light, and the 830 Robe of Jietian Dao also emits infinite starlight.

But abruptly, a path of brilliance has been opened up in this ancient Great Freedom!

And it was at this time...


There came a hoarse and unpleasant voice that even made people feel uneasy and disgusting.

Afterwards, a figure flew out from the depths of the boundless devil energy.

"Impossible... Luo Hu has given up the position of Dazizai Heavenly Demon Ancestor."

"It's a free place, and it's even more impossible for anyone else to come in!"

There was disbelief in his voice.

And his appearance is even more bizarre.

At first glance, it seems that it has turned into a human form, and it is even wearing a Taoist robe that looks like a human being.

However, its face is so ugly that it is not human-like at all, especially where the mouth and eyes are originally located, it has a mouthpart and a pair of compound eyes.

Behind it, a pair of mosquito-like transparent thin wings flapped continuously, making a strange 'buzzing' sound.

Just by looking at it, one can feel that this beast is extremely ominous.

It can even be said that most of the creatures in the three realms will feel a sense of uneasiness in their hearts when they see him.

But when Xu Linyuan saw him, a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

Then, what appeared in Xu Linyuan's eyes... was an unprecedented murderous intent.

"It's a coincidence."

The coldness in his voice was unprecedented—even when facing Guang Chengzi and others, his murderous intent seemed never so serious.

"I just mentioned Senior Sister Guiling with the teacher before."

"But I didn't expect it, I actually saw you here... Daoist Mosquito!".

147. Mosquito Dao True Body, Blood Demon Bo Xun!


Mosquito Taoist is also a well-known existence in the Three Realms.

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