Ascend to the heavens, enjoy the luck of the Lu Kingdom, and enjoy the incense in the world.

But so far, he has practiced hard so far, but he is no more than a golden immortal.

From this we can see that the difficulty of the Golden Immortal.

This time, he went straight to the peak of Jinxian.

It's faster than riding a rocket.

Of course, the breakthrough in cultivation is still secondary.

What excited Xu Linyuan the most was because...

After witnessing the birth of the Luna and Sun stars.

He already understood the next advancement direction of Linyuanjie.

"Perfect the laws of heaven and earth..."

Xu Linyuan whispered to himself.

"In terms of size alone, Linyuan Realm is already the size of Xiaoqian World."

"But in terms of essence, it's still too far away."

He is well aware of this.

Although the size is large enough, the entire world is still only a prototype.

In the world, there are no creatures from the land and sea, and there are no clouds, rains, winds and thunders.

To put it bluntly, there are only the newly evolved Lunar and Sun stars.

That's what he's going to do next.

Perfect the laws of heaven and earth, and then let the corresponding things be born in the world!

Like now...

Congenital Qi evolves Yin and Yang Qi, so the sun star and the lunar star are born.

Day and night, morning and evening are also determined accordingly, and the concept of day and night naturally exists in Linyuan Boundary.

This is the nature of world evolution.

In other words...

"I need to continue to collect luck and merit, and invest in Linyuan Realm."

"In Linyuan Boundary, a congenital qi will be generated, and all things will be created in accordance with the corresponding laws of heaven and earth."

This time it is Luna and Sun.

Then next time, it may be the earth, ocean, thunder, clouds, and stars.

"Until the creation of all things is perfect enough, the Linyuan Realm can be regarded as truly crossing the threshold of the Xiaoqian World."

Thinking of this, Xu Linyuan also sighed a little.

"It's a long way to go."

But the smile on the corner of his mouth showed his actual mood at the moment.

How good it is to perfect the laws of heaven and earth!

Every time the laws of heaven and earth are perfected, it is equivalent to an opportunity to enlighten him!

This time, with the help of the birth of the Lunar Star and the Sun Star, he directly broke through the peak of the Golden Immortal.

Once again, he must not directly direct Taiyi True Immortal?

After a few more times, he might not be able to directly set foot on Lingshan or Yuxu Palace.

"That's all, it's true to go to the sun star and the lunar star first!"

Quickly throwing away the thoughts in his mind, Xu Linyuan disappeared in place as soon as he thought about it.

In Linyuan Realm, he who is almost omnipotent can naturally achieve the true "mind to body".

So after a while, he came to the sun star.

The aura of Zhigang Zhiyang was surging, and the flames all over the sky burned everything around.

Of course, Xu Linyuan was not affected at all.

He just came to the sun star silently, and then noticed something deep in the sun star at a glance.

It was at the very heart of the burning flame.

There, there was a strange red-gold flame.

It seems to be the king of all fires, burning quietly in the spreading flames.

"Hiss, what the hell..."

So, even Xu Linyuan frowned a little at this time.

He tentatively stretched out his hand to grab it lightly.

Thus, the red-golden flame fell into his hands.

The flames seemed harmless, even jumping in Xu Linyuan's hands like a jumping child.

But with its appearance, the instantly distorted space around it is enough to explain its horror.

So at this time, Xu Linyuan's mind also had a flash of inspiration.

He thought of the legacy of the Jiejiao inheritance, the name that had long since disappeared in the Three Realms.

"This is... the golden flame of the sun?"

Although it was a question sentence, Xu Linyuan had already confirmed his guess when he said it.

Because the golden flame in his hand is almost exactly the same as the legendary golden flame of the sun.

And the reason why he was puzzled was because the origin of the fire was too great.

Like Zixiao Shenlei, it is one of the five innate divine fires in the world.

Its essence is the essence of the sun contained in the law of heaven and earth in the sun star.

Its power is enough to burn the sky and boil the sea, and make everything go silent.

Of course, this is not the most critical.

Most importantly, the owner of the golden flame of the sun.

Since the creation of the world, there is only one kind of creature that can control the golden flame of the sun.

That is the creature transformed from the essence of the sun star - the three-legged Golden Crow.

That is to say, the royal family of the demon clan in the past, the master of the ancient heaven.

And since the Lich War, the heavenly court of the ancient demon clan was shattered.

The Demon Emperor fell, the Eastern Emperor died in battle, and the Jinwu clan was almost extinct.

As far as Xu Linyuan knew, there was only one Golden Crow that was truly alive in the entire Three Realms.

And the golden flame of the sun naturally disappeared in the Three Realms from then on.

So far, there have been countless yuanhuis that have not reappeared in the Three Realms.

But at this time, the situation has obviously changed.

Since the creation of heaven and earth, this is the first time that someone other than the three-legged Golden Crow has mastered this terrifying divine fire.

22. Emperor oozes, what is lacking? (for collection)

"The golden flame of the sun... If the Great Sun Tathagata Buddha in the west knows about this, I'm afraid he will come to trouble me."

Xu Linyuan looked at the mysterious golden flame of the sun that was constantly circulating in his hand.

Although he complained so much, the corners of his mouth couldn't help grinning.

Even for a quasi-sage, this is a great supernatural power at the hole card level, so he is naturally happy to get it.

More importantly, the appearance of the golden flame of the sun can be said to have once again confirmed Xu Linyuan's endless potential that Linyuan Boundary can bring to him.

He could sense that this golden sun flame was originally known as the 'dominant number one' among the five innate divine fires.

In his hands, it was extremely docile.

Since this object was produced in Linyuan Realm, Xu Linyuan has the ability to control it.

"I'm afraid that even the Jinwu clan can't compare to me."

He shook his head.

"I have the Daoist Robe with me, and the purple thunder hammer and the sun's golden flames protect me...not to mention the Golden Immortal—I can kill even the idle Taiyi True Immortal!"

Jinxian killing Taiyi, such things are not common in ancient times when innate creatures are everywhere.

But at this time, Xu Linyuan was very confident that he could do it.

Even in his heart, he couldn't help thinking about it for a while.

"In the future of Linyuan Realm, most of the remaining four kinds of innate fires will be gradually bred."

"If that's the case, then I might be able to... gather the five great fires!"

This is undoubtedly a horrible conjecture.

Although the five congenital divine fires belong to the same group, their properties are completely different from each other.

Not to mention being gathered together - no one has even gotten two at the same time.

But here with Xu Linyuan, he has this opportunity without a doubt!

But obviously, the idea of ​​gathering the five great fires is still a bit far away for Xu Linyuan.

So at this time, he also enjoyed playing with the golden flame of the sun for a while.

After that, he swallowed the divine fire in one gulp.

But instead, he frowned slightly and looked at the huge sun star below.


He was a little puzzled.

very strange.

Although Sun Golden Flame had already been born on the sun star, he had gained a big sweetness.

But Xu Linyuan always had a strange feeling.

That is, he always felt that the sun star seemed to lack something.

"Is it an illusion?"

With a low murmur, Xu Linyuan didn't think much about it.

He just looked expectantly at the lunar star on the other side of the sky.


Then, there was a slightly inappropriate laugh.

The golden flame of the sun bred on the sun star, what about on the lunar star?

With a flash of thought, his figure appeared on the lunar star.

It is different from the sun star whose flame burns everything and kills everything.

The scenery on the lunar planet is obviously much more beautiful.

Rows of moonlight floated in the sky like tassels, and even the ground of Lunar Star showed a crystal clear silvery white color.

These are the most primitive moonlight essences, which are of great benefit to some monster races and true cultivators who harvest the moon.

But Xu Linyuan didn't care.

With the lessons learned from the sun star, he hardly expended much effort.

At the very core of the Lunar Star, he found his target.

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