Of course, he couldn't blame Yuanling Boy's temperament.

But after thinking about it, he also felt that what Yuan Ling said made sense.

Although I don't know the background of the other party, but judging from the attitude of the other party, it seems that he is not a villain.

After all, the other party has been waiting with peace of mind since he entered the mountain, and those panaceas given to Yuan Ling are also extremely precious.

What's more, Xu Linyuan was only a fairy when he set up the formation.

But now, he is already at the peak of Jinxian.

"Anyway, I have confidence, and nothing should happen..."

Talking to himself like this, Xu Linyuan waved his hands at Yuan Ling who was a little confused.

While the other party was exclaiming, he snatched the pill from the little girl's hand, and then Xu Linyuan stepped into the welcoming house.

And it was just as Yuan Ling said.

At this time, there is a fairy sitting in the guest seat in the welcoming house, drinking tea by herself.

As soon as he saw him, Xu Linyuan was also deeply amazed.

The two pans in the cloud bun are morally clear, and the red robe and the white crane are crowned with red tassels.

The silk sash binds the heaven and earth knots, and the embroidered shoes under one step are born in auspicious colors.

His temples are rolled up, his eyes are misty, but he is like a fairy coming to the world.

And after seeing Xu Linyuan, she also put down the tea bowl in her hand.

His beautiful eyes turned around, and he took a few glances at Xu Linyuan.

"Little Junior Brother?"

This title alone basically allowed Xu Linyuan to confirm the identity of the other party.

Most of the other party is a person who intercepted the teaching, otherwise he should not have such a title.

"Senior Sister is..."

So Xu Linyuan also asked tentatively.

But the woman smiled and pointed to herself: "My name is Yunxiao."

As soon as these two words came out, Xu Linyuan was naturally shocked.

It was this one!

The head of the three skys, Fairy Yunxiao is famous.

In the Three Realms, it can be said that everyone knows everyone.

Although this person is not directly taught by the head of the Tongtian sect, he is an outside disciple with an art investment teacher.

But it has always been one of the most proud disciples of Master Tongtian.

It can even be said that he was one of the people with the strongest mana and power in the Battle of Conferred Gods in the past.

Even the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit may not be able to compare with her.

In particular, her name is resounding, and she is the most prosperous among all the disciples of Jiejiao.

The reason is simple, because her record is really too fierce.

When she was conferred the gods in the past, she was truly invincible.

The nine-curved Yellow River formation she set up is matched with her spiritual treasure 'Hunyuan Jindou'.

That really wiped out all the Twelve Golden Immortals of Interpretation and Teaching, plus a deputy leader, Taoist Ran Deng.

These so-called True Immortals of Fortune were all cut off from the top three flowers and the five spirits in their chests, and they fell directly to the mortal world.

In the end, it forced the two saints Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi to disregard their dignity.

The big bullied the small, and finally killed Yun Xiao.

According to the legend of the Three Realms, up to now, those Buddhist and evangelical immortals still have psychological shadows about the name Yunxiao.

Knowing that it was this senior sister who came, Xu Linyuan was naturally surprised.

So he quickly bowed to Yunxiao: "Xu Linyuan has met Senior Sister Yunxiao."

"A few days ago, I just broke through the pass and practiced in seclusion—so I didn't know that it was Senior Sister Yunxiao who came to visit, and I was far away to welcome you."

"Senior brother, you're welcome!"

This ceremony is considered to be the official confirmation of each other's identities.

Especially Yunxiao.

After Xu Linyuan directly admitted his identity.

In her beautiful eyes, there is even more splendor.

For a quasi-sage-level supernatural powersman, this change in demeanor is undoubtedly an undisguised manifestation of the change in Dao Xin.

But Yun Xiao didn't hide the slightest bit.

His thoughts seemed to return to countless years ago.

On Jin'ao Island, countless Jiejiao disciples laughed and talked about the years of feasting.

Especially when I recalled that teacher sage in Biyou Palace.

"Teacher... are you okay?"

Yun Xiao asked softly.

She naturally has no doubts about Xu Linyuan - there are everyone in this world, but no one dares to pretend to be a saint's disciple.

To be precise, you opened your mouth to pretend a moment ago.

The next moment, the sage must know.

It's no different from courting death.

Xu Linyuan was also speechless when he heard the words.

Tongtian sect is a dignified saint, even if Jiejiao loses.

Is there anyone else who can make him 'uneasy'?

But on the bright side, he naturally said: "Teacher Tongtian is naturally well."

After all, it is also telling the situation of Master Tongtian in Biyou Palace.

"That's fine, that's fine."

When Yunxiao heard the words, he also murmured.

Seeing this, Xu Linyuan was also a little curious: "Since Senior Sister Yunxiao misses Teacher, why doesn't she pay a visit to Biyou Palace?"

In fact, he has never understood this.

A strong player of Yunxiao's level, even if he is on the list of gods.

Logically speaking, no one should be able to restrict her.

If he wanted to go to Biyou Palace to pay homage to the leader of Tongtian, Xu Linyuan didn't believe that anyone would dare to stop him.

The Jujiao has fallen, and the disciples are still restricted from visiting—is it really a disadvantage for the leader of Tongtian Cult, Qingpingjian?

But the fact is, since the Conferred God.

None of these Fengshen Jiejiao disciples had ever been to Biyou Palace.

But after hearing these words, he saw Yun Xiao shake his head slightly.

"We have fallen into the family and caused the collapse of the great teaching—how can we have the face to meet the teacher of the saint?".

24. The question of the sky, the meeting ceremony of the teacher! (for collection)

That's right, what Yun Xiao said was actually the thoughts of all the Jiejiao disciples.

In fact, the vast majority of Jiejiao disciples have knots in their hearts.

The knot in his heart lies in the defeat of the past Fengshenquanjie.

You must know that before conferring the gods, the leader of Tongtian had reminded them that if they practiced quietly in the dojo and did not touch karma, they could avoid being robbed.

But they are confident in their magical powers, ignoring the warnings of the saints.

What makes them feel guilty most is that they didn't just kill themselves.

Just like Wen Zhong, Zhao Gongming called friends to participate in the Battle of Conferred Gods.

It also directly led to the fall of a large number of fellow practitioners.

Of course, the most difficult thing for them to accept.

In the end, they even implicated Teacher Sage, who was originally invincible, into the robbery himself.

One against four against four saints.

In the end, the Jiejiao fell, and the leader of Tongtian was also punished by Taoist ancestors, and he was trapped in Biyou Palace.

In their opinion, this is almost more uncomfortable than their death.

So these years, they didn't dare to go to Biyou Palace to pay homage to the saint.

"The teacher never blamed you."

When Xu Linyuan heard the words, he also spoke in the same way.

But Yun Xiao just shook his head lightly and didn't reply.

Of course she knew that Master Tongtian didn't blame them at all.

All the intercepted disciples are just unwilling to forgive themselves.


Seeing Yunxiao's expression, Xu Linyuan understood.

In this case, persuasion is useless.

This kind of heart barrier is the most difficult to solve.

Unless the sect teaching is revived in the future, they will regain their freedom from the list of gods.

Otherwise, this knot cannot be untied by words alone.

So he didn't mention it anymore, and changed the subject directly: "Senior sister came to me this time, but because of the matter of celebrating father?"

"Of course."

Yun Xiao also calmed down after hearing the words.

She nodded, but she looked at Xu Linyuan with a subtle look: "I heard about this from Senior Nephew Wen Zhong, but with your cultivation level..."

According to the news she got from the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, this little junior brother's cultivation should be at the peak of a fairy.

But looking at it now, it's clearly missing a big realm.

And in Yunxiao's Dharma Eye, Xu Linyuan's three flowers condensed and his five auras manifested.

Not only the peak of Jinxian, but also the kind of Jinxian whose Taoism is extremely stable and may break through to the realm of Taiyi at any time.

Hearing this, Xu Linyuan smiled shyly: "Not long ago, there was a small breakthrough."


Little breakthrough?

Refers to breaking through from a fairy to the peak of a golden fairy in three months?

With Yunxiao's knowledge, Rao didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Junior brother is an interesting person."

She shook her head helplessly, and then said sternly: "To tell the truth, junior brother, I have two purposes for coming to your Yuanquan Mountain."

"Dare to ask my junior brother to come to this world, is it at the teacher's behest?"

This is undoubtedly the key question.

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