But no matter what she thought in her heart, Chang'e could only watch the power of the lunar eclipse accumulated by the sacred laurel tree slowly melt into Xu Linyuan's body.

"Little master... Fellow Daoist Xu, you are..."

At this time, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was even more overjoyed.

For a moment, he even almost blurted out 'Little Junior Brother'.

"It's no wonder the younger brother would take the initiative to mention coming to the Moon Star. He really came here with preparation."

She didn't know what Xu Linyuan did to trigger such a change in an innate spiritual root.

But this did not affect her joy at this moment.

Regardless of his reasons, as long as the junior brother can benefit!

Jiejiao disciples think things are so pure.

But compared to Our Lady of the Golden Spirit.

Xu Linyuan's expression was much more subtle.

He didn't even expect the reaction of the laurel tree.

And as the person involved, only he knows one thing clearly.

These yin powers are naturally not fake.

It is indeed the accumulation of the sacred laurel tree over the years.

But the most important thing is the other two things wrapped in these yin forces.

That's right - these solar powers are just 'express boxes'.

It's just that its concentration is too high and its power is too strong.

So much so that quasi-sages like the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit are completely unable to see through the hidden things inside these yin forces.

And those two things are...

One is a tree species that is crystal clear like jade.

The second is a broken silver flower.

As a result, Xu Linyuan murmured in his heart.

If he didn't guess wrong.

This tree species should be the original tree species of the laurel tree.

The vitality of the Godly Laurel Tree was greatly damaged, most likely because of the birth of this tree species.

As for this flower.

"This is...after the fall of the true spirit..."

After careful induction, Xu Linyuan just noticed something.

This flower seems to be the body of a certain former creature after the fall.

Its true spirit has disappeared, and its soul has fallen, leaving only such an unconscious flower.

"This flower...isn't it Luna Wangshu?"

Xu Linyuan seemed to have vaguely understood the meaning of the three words "Sacred Laurel Tree".

Rescue - refers to fear is to save the "Moon God" Wang Shu.

As for the next two words...

"The power of the sun and this tree species are the rewards given to me in exchange?"

Realizing the meaning, Xu Linyuan didn't know what to say for a while.

"Isn't this strong buying and strong selling?".

36. Return to Yuanquan to plant spiritual roots, and the moonlight is all over the sky, and the sky is full of hope! (for collection)

After obtaining the power of the sun and the two hot potatoes given by the laurel tree "Buy and Sell" out of thin air.

Xu Linyuan, who was full of thoughts, naturally had no leisure time to visit the Taiyin Star.

After all, the purpose he came here for has been achieved.

Therefore, after meeting Chang'e directly, he left Lunar Star together with the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

Afterwards, he bid farewell to the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

"Senior Sister, please go back - I will probably need to trouble Senior Sister to do something about it in a few days."

Xu Linyuan smiled at the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

"Junior brother, don't worry."

And after hearing Xu Linyuan's words, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, who had roughly known the next plan from him, also had a sharp flash of sharpness in her eyes.

"If it's true what my junior brother said - we will take action when the time comes."


After the two of them said this, Xu Linyuan set up Yunxia and left the Heavenly Court, heading towards Yuanquan Mountain in the human world.

not long after

"For some reason, the Yuegui Sacred Tree had a reaction to Xu Linyuan, and gave him more than half of the power of the sun?"

As the lord of the Heavenly Court, the Jade Emperor naturally got the news from Chang'e not long after.

As a result, the Jade Emperor's complexion also became extremely exciting.

The sacred laurel tree has been accumulating the purest power of the yin since the Lich's calamity.

Half of them, that is definitely an exaggerated figure.

Since the Jade Emperor took charge of the Heavenly Court, he naturally wanted to use the power of the lunar osmanthus in the Sacred Laurel Tree.

But it's a pity that so many churches have come together.

Not to mention relying on the power of the sacred laurel tree - this spiritual root doesn't care about people in the heavens at all.

But what about now?

Again and again, half of the power of Taiyin that the Jade Emperor had coveted for so long was taken away by someone.

"After the master of the spiritual root has fallen, it should be impossible for the innate spiritual root to recognize the master again? The means of the saint...is it really so wonderful?"

For a while, the Jade Emperor was also a little dazed.

But after a while, he could only sigh again.

Xu Linyuan got such a big benefit out of thin air, which is the kind that Heavenly Court has been begging for for many years.

Of course he was unhappy.

But in the final analysis, there is no way out.

The other party is a disciple of a sage, and he has been recognized by the sage of Taiqing.

Not to mention the fact that the other party went to the Lunar Star, he nodded in approval.

In terms of emotion and reason, he couldn't say anything else.

"Anyway, the laurel tree, my Heavenly Court can't use it at all."

"Now it's used as a favor with Jiejiao, and it can be regarded as the best use of everything."

He comforted himself so much in his heart.

But the specific thoughts, but only he himself knows.

And just when the Jade Emperor was in a complicated state of mind.

On the other side, Xu Linyuan, who was driving the clouds, was Youzai Youzai, and soon returned to the Linyuan Pavilion in Yuanquan Mountain.

"Master is back!"

Seeing Xu Linyuan's return, Yuan Ling, who was a 'left-behind child', happily came over.

"Master went to Heaven, did you bring back anything delicious?"

Yuan Ling looked at Xu Linyuan expectantly, her eyes were about to sparkle.

"Well, not bad - I've been working hard lately."

Xu Linyuan glanced at her, and found that she had almost digested the medicinal power of the few elixir that Yun Xiao had given her before.

Dang even took out the alchemy gourd from the Taishang Laojun from his arms, and poured out a treasure pill: "This is refined by an elder..."

"Ah?! Another pill!"

Seeing that precious pill that is enough to drive most monks in the Three Realms crazy, the Supreme Old Monarch personally refined it.

Yuan Ling cried out bitterly.

In the little girl's cognition, pills = hard work = no fun.

So her eyes also rolled treacherously.

"Yuan Ling doesn't want to eat it!"

The next moment, it turned into a white light and slipped away!

Seeing this scene, Xu Linyuan also burst out laughing.

"It's not up to you."

He tapped the treasure pill lightly, and then saw the pill flying towards the outside of Linyuan Pavilion.

Not long after, there was a 'Wow!How did you come after me! ''Go away!I don't want to eat you! '.

And Xu Linyuan, who was fighting with the boy, only felt that the pressure of talking with the Taiqing sage had been relieved a lot.

He shook his head, and then disappeared in place in a flash.

The next moment, he had already appeared on the Taiyin star in Linyuan Realm.

"If my expectations are not bad, compared with the Lunar Star in the Linyuan Realm and the one in the Three Realms...the difference lies in the Sacred Laurel Tree."

Xu Linyuan looked at the lunar star in front of him, and murmured in a low voice.

After witnessing the laurel tree.

The spiritual sense in his heart had faintly made him understand what the Lunar Star in Linyuan Realm lacked.

It is the spiritual root of heaven and earth.

But why?

"What is so special about the innate spiritual root? Why is it related to the perfection of the laws of heaven and earth in the Linyuan Realm?"

"Or maybe it's not a matter of innate spiritual roots, but something else that I haven't noticed?"

Clearly, the previous doubts have been resolved, but Xu Linyuan has more questions in his mind at this time.

But fortunately, although he was very puzzled in his heart.

But somehow he knew what he should do next.

"The sacred laurel tree obviously has a connection with the lunar star in Linyuan Boundary, so... it gave me this laurel tree."

When Xu Linyuan raised his hand, the jade-like laurel tree seed was already suspended in his hand.

He didn't need to guess, and he knew that this seed must have been gifted by the laurel tree and planted in Linyuan Boundary.

The sudden decline of the laurel tree's previous vitality probably has a huge relationship with the birth of this seed.

It can be said that although the innate spiritual root is not very intelligent.

But sincerity is really very sufficient.

It is also a gift of the power of the sun, and it is also a gift of spiritual roots.

But what it asked for made Xu Linyuan helpless.

"It's not that I'm unruly."

"Although you are so sincere, but the moon god Wangshu... I really can't help it!"

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