"Second brother!"

He could only exclaim.

Then, he saw Xu Linyuan smiling at him as well: "There is still the third prince... why don't we go together too."

After the words fell, Nezha also felt Yang Jian's feelings.

He only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then he also felt a sharp pain in his abdomen.

Looking down, he saw that Xu Linyuan's kick had already landed on his abdomen.

Then came a huge force, making him follow Yang Jian's footsteps and fly towards the distance! .

47. Linyuan's supernatural powers startled the three realms, and the sun's golden flame suppressed the Yanlong! (Please subscribe!)

To the west of Zouyi City, [-] miles away.

There is a barren mountain called "White Bird Mountain", which is named after the many white birds in the mountains.

But at this time, all the white sparrows in the mountain were startled and flew away.

If you are less lucky, you may not even have a chance to fly.

Because just now, two things from afar fell on the mountain one after the other.

In this mountain, two huge rift valleys were directly smashed out.

And of course there is no need to say much.

The two things that fell were naturally Yang Jian and Nezha who were blown away one after the other.

With one palm and one leg, Xu Linyuan sent the two of them flying [-] miles away.

"Cough cough..."

At this time, Yang Jian was struggling to push away a boulder on his body.

Get up from within the rift.

On his chest, the hideous scar caused by Xu Linyuan's palm is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This is also where the Nine Turns Yuan Kungfu is so powerful - it is common to be reborn after turning nine turns.

"Nezha, how are you doing?"

Yang Jian asked softly.

"Second brother, who do you look down on?"

And in another rift valley not far away, Nezha, who was carved in powder and jade, also stood up grinning: "I can't die."

His body is also recovering rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Nezha, who died once in the past, was reborn as a lotus flower.

And that lotus flower was bestowed by Empress Nuwa, a fairy lotus in Wa Palace.

The "Lotus Immortal Dharma Body" possessed by Nezha is even better than Yang Jian in terms of recovery ability and immortality.


"Second brother, the body of the mountain lord Yuanquan..."

Nezha also had a slightly subtle voice at this time.

I thought that person was a rookie in the middle stage of Taiyi True Immortal.

But now it seems that what kind of chicken is this?

It is clearly a beast that swallows the sky.


And Yang Jian naturally understood what Nezha meant at this time.

Since he has practiced the Nine Turns Yuan Gong, his physical body and mana have always been his strongest point.

But just now in the competition of pure physical strength, he was almost powerless to fight back.

"Is that person from the Wu clan?"

Nezha had a whimsical idea.

 31 "Impossible - the Witch Clan has long been hidden in Beiju Luzhou, and has never appeared again!"

Yang Jian shook his head and said: "What's more, the Wu Clan has no mana and primordial spirit - but that person just now is clearly the way of the Taiyi True Immortal..."

The two were talking to themselves, and then they heard the voice from the sky at the same time.

"How long are you two going to chat? Aren't you going to take the poor way back and ask the crime?"

Accompanied by the clear voice as always, the two also saw Xu Linyuan coming from afar.


Seeing this scene, the two of them naturally didn't bother to continue the analysis.


"Well, second brother——I know."

The two of them used to go through the Conferred God Battlefield together, so they naturally had a perfect understanding.

At this time, between the words, it was obvious that he had made up his mind.

The person in front of him had a mysterious origin, especially with a body so strong that it was simply outrageous.

The two of them naturally lost their contempt long ago.

At this time, it is naturally decided that we will meet the enemy together!


The first is Yang Jian, who raises his hand to point at the eyebrows and celestial eyes.

Then, accompanied by a surge of mana.

His figure grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, but after a while, he was almost as big as a mountain.

And his attire also changed accordingly.

The original goose-yellow single clothes turned into a silver cloud-swallowing armor, and there were fairy shoes under his feet.

The cloak is fluttering, just like the heavenly court god will dress up.

This is a great supernatural power, the law of heaven and earth!

Especially Yang Jian, who practiced the Nine-turn Yuan Kung Fu, the magic, heaven and earth that he used was even more ridiculously strong.

At the same time, Nezha also tried his best.

I don't see how it moves.

His stature also grew bigger, and soon became as huge as Fatianxiangdi.

And his divine body instantly showed three heads and six arms, and each arm held a 'huntian ling', 'cosmic circle' and 'fire pointed gun'.

This is the great supernatural power, the Dharma body with three heads and six arms.

"Good come!"

Seeing the two of them using the supernatural power at the bottom of the box together, Xu Linyuan grinned.

"Just let me try my supernatural powers!"

He has newly acquired the Dharma Body of Taiyin Good Fortune, so he wanted to try his hand at first.

Wang Shu stopped him on Taiyin Star before, but at this time, Nezha and Yang Jian were just in time.

So he also smiled lightly.

"The lunar aspect!"

Then, a bright moon rose slowly from behind his head.

Daoyin moonlight continued to fall, and his body also continued to grow.

And his body seemed to be poured by the flowing moonlight.

Standing between heaven and earth, it is like a giant spirit incarnated by the lunar star!

"What kind of magic is this?"

And there is no need to say much.

Neither Nezha nor Yang Jian could recognize this supernatural power.

But they didn't have time to think about it.

Because the next moment, Xu Linyuan had already stepped forward!


Accompanied by a roar that shook the earth.

The three giants, who were comparable to mountains, began to fight!

The three-pointed, two-edged knife in Yang Jian's hand danced straight to the afterimage.

Especially under the effect of Fatian Xiangdi, every knife is to split the earth and cut off the mountains.

It can only be said that he is worthy of the name of the God of War in the Heavenly Court!

And Nezha didn't give up too much.

Its six arms are dancing, and the three magic weapons are touching the hot wheel under its feet to show its powerful power.

There were streaks of flames on the fire-pointed gun, burning the sky red.

The Huntian Ribbon and the Qiankun Circle even flew around it, smashing or entwining it from time to time, all of which had great power.

Such a big battle naturally attracted a lot of attention.

After all, Nezha and Yang Jian are well-known.

But after so many years since proclaiming himself a god, the four religions died down.

Fighting techniques of this level are rare.

At least within the Three Realms, many people with supernatural powers have noticed this place at this time.

And after looking at it, people naturally sighed even more.

They didn't sigh, Yang Jian, the god of war in the heavenly court, was indeed unparalleled in combat power.

There is no sigh, the third prince Nezha who caught Long Huilang in the past is indeed invincible.

They just sigh and wonder...

"Then Yuanquan Mountain Lord, what is the background?"

That's right.

Although Nezha and Yang Jian's performance is already impressive enough.

It can even be said that even many great Luo Jinxians in the Three Realms doubt whether they can take them down.

But compared to Xu Linyuan, their performance can only be said to be mediocre.

Because even Nezha and Yang Jian teamed up.

At this time, Xu Linyuan was one against two.

Facing them, he still had the absolute upper hand.

Even a blind person can see this.

It's not about the level of martial arts and fighting skills, but pure physique and mana.

When the three-pointed and two-edged knife stabbed at him, he did not dodge or dodge.

Huntian Ling entangled her body and directly shattered Huntian Ling.

The Qiankun circle hit him, and there was no reaction at all.

Instead, it was Nezha and Yang Jian.

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