In other words, the Wanhuo in the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover itself has 'instinctive intelligence'!

This also makes its power surpass that of ordinary low-grade innate spirit treasures.


"Unfortunately, you met me."

Xu Linyuan smiled.

The golden flame surrounding him is naturally the golden flame of the sun.

It is also the existence of this fire that caused the abnormality of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover.

To know.

The five innate divine fires between heaven and earth each have their own special features.

The red lotus industry fire controlled by the ancestor of Xuehai Styx is the most treacherous.

The Liuding Shenhuo controlled by the Taiqing sage is the most mysterious.

The Nine Concealed Real Fire controlled by Zu Wu Zhurong is the fiercest one.

The golden fire of merit and virtue controlled by the Buddhist sage Amitabha is the first in good fortune.

And the golden flame of the sun that Xu Linyuan is displaying now is just like what he said before - it is the overbearing number one!

It is like the status of the Jinwu clan in the Yaozu in the past.

Sun Jinyan is the true emperor of fire, the king of all fires!

Therefore, they will appear in the current situation.

It was like a rebel army facing Wang Shi Tianwei.

Ten thousand fires within the cover of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire met the golden flame of the sun.

Then you can't just "return the army and remove the armor, surrender with courtesy, eat the pot of pulp, and welcome the king's teacher"?

Xu Linyuan could even feel that the golden sun flame on his body had already merged into the Nine Heavens Flame Dragon at this moment.

And he can completely control the nine flame dragons.

To put it simply, the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield...rebelled!

"Two, look at my new magic weapon."

So at this time, Xu Linyuan also smiled and looked at the two of them.

Then, stretched out his hand and pointed lightly: "Go!"

After the words fell, the golden flames of the sun circulating around him suddenly moved.

The Nine Dragons Divine Flame Cover also went directly towards Nezha and Yang Jian!

And that Yang Jian had punched Xu Linyuan hard in order to buy time for Nezha.

Although the nine-turn primordial skill is mysterious, it has not yet fully recovered at this time.

Therefore, the movement at this time was a beat slower.

Although he swung the three-pointed and two-edged saber to repel the two flame dragons and avoid the jade cover.

But his left arm was accidentally stained a little by the golden flame of the sun.

Originally, what he was contaminated with were just dots of idle flames.

But as the flame touched Yang Jian, it rose against the wind in an instant!

In just a moment, the flame directly burned Yang Jian's entire left arm!

Seeing this, Yang Jian naturally tried to use his magical powers to resist.



But after a while, Yang Jian showed a look of horror.

Because regardless of mana, supernatural powers, qi, blood and spirit.

In front of that golden flame, it was actually useless.

Everything was directly burned to the ground in an instant - the degree of its domineering can be seen.

As the former Conferred God Warrior, Yang Jian was naturally extremely decisive.


At this time, he didn't hesitate, and cut off his left arm decisively with a wave of the three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand!

"Nezha, hurry up!"

Then he even shouted at Nezha.

He naturally knows that things cannot be done.

Previously, they were at an absolute disadvantage with one against two.

The only innate spirit treasure now has been snatched away by the enemy by some means.

Not to mention that terrifying golden flame.

So after Yang Jian finished speaking, his figure only flashed.

The next moment, it was the great supernatural power that had displayed 72 transformations.

Turning into a goshawk, it flew towards the sky.

But compared to Yang Jian's decisiveness.

Nezha hesitated for a moment.

The 'Kowloon Divine Fire Cover' was taken away by others, so he was naturally reluctant!

Even after hesitating for a moment, he also chose to turn into a light and leave.

But it was this moment of hesitation.

In this level of fighting skills, it is obviously enough to be fatal!


So Xu Linyuan also raised his hand slightly, just to let the sun golden flame go towards Nezha!

But right now...


Xu Linyuan seemed to hear something suddenly, and his movements were also slightly stagnant.

Then, he frowned.

In the end, he did not choose to drive the golden flame of the sun, but stopped raising his hand.

Silently letting Nezha turn into a light, he also flew towards the sky.

But in an instant, Nezha disappeared.

But Xu Linyuan's expression became more subtle.

In his eyes, there was a thoughtful look.

He let Nezha escape.

Naturally, it wasn't any pity in my heart.

Although before crossing, he naturally had a good impression of Yang Jian and Nezha.

But in the final analysis, the camps are different now after all.

Yang Jian and Nezha are one of the most outstanding disciples of the three generations of Chanjiao.

If he wants to revive the Jujiao in the future, these two must be enemies.

So for Xu Linyuan, making a move naturally means not keeping his hand.

And the reason why he let Nezha leave just now is also very simple.

Because just now, just when he was planning to make a move with Sun Jinyan.

But there was a sound transmission in the ear.

"々. I'm Qingluan——please respectfully spare Lingzhu once."

That voice was a female voice.

That's why Xu Linyuan chose to let Nezha leave.

The reason is also very simple - the owner of this voice, he knows the origin.

Qingluan is a divine bird, and there are not many in the Three Realms.

And in the entire Three Realms, there are very few people named "Qingluan" and Nezha as "Lingzhu".

Because the Lingzhuzi is the real name of Nezha Qianchen.

It was originally an innate spirit bead in Buzhou Mountain, a creature born after conceiving spiritual wisdom.

Adopted as a boy by Empress Nuwa, she was given the name Lingzhuzi.

But the spirit beads are extremely strange, and they are born with the "killing appearance of thousands of seven hundred kalpas".

It must survive [-] times of death before it can become enlightened, otherwise the true spirit will be completely destroyed and die.

This murderous appearance is determined by heaven, and the saints cannot erase it.

Therefore, Empress Nuwa had no choice but to do so.

He had to order the Lingzhu to completely cut off the antecedents and reincarnated.

In this way, although it is to get rid of the 'thousand seven hundred kalpas killing phase'.

But since then, there are no spirit beads in the Three Realms, only Nezha.

Only the people of Wa Palace still commemorate the past friendship.

Therefore, within the Three Realms, the only ones who would call Nezha a "spiritual bead" could only be people from Wa Palace. (Wang Zhao)

Therefore, there is no need to say much about his identity.

The maidservant of Empress Nuwa, a sage of the monster race, is Qingluan Fairy.

When she opened her mouth at this time, there was naturally the instruction from the Empress Nuwa behind her.

This is the key reason why Xu Linyuan stopped.

For the saint who has sat upright in the Imperial Palace since the Lich and rarely interfered with the affairs of the Three Realms.

Xu Linyuan naturally didn't want to offend.

After all, Empress Nuwa is actually very similar to today's Master Tongtian in essence.

With her merits in creating the human race, she is not short of luck.

The only Yaozu she cares about has long since declined.

Nothing to worry about, detached from anything.

So no other saints are willing to provoke her.

Especially the most important thing is...

If it goes according to plan, wait until the Taiqing sage's plan ends.

It is very likely that he will go to Wa Palace and visit the saint.

Many of his doubts and urgent problems are related to this saint.

It is a good thing to form a good relationship at this time.

"Take Nezha's life in exchange for a saint's favor...don't make too much money!".

49. The famous biography of the Three Realms, Laohusi, and Kunpeng's suspicion in Beiminghai!

After figuring out the reason of the matter, Xu Linyuan didn't bother about Nezha any more.

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