54. Fishing drums ring!Master Master Tongtian! (Please subscribe!)

In the past, the "Zhoutian Xingchen Dharma Body" that once shocked the Three Realms reappeared in the world.

But for the three elucidating golden immortals, Master Yuding, Master Taiyi and Master Huanglong.

They didn't bother to be shocked at this time.

Because they already felt that their primordial spirit was beating wildly!

The mana in his body was almost uncontrollable, and even the true spirit seemed to be trembling.

They are not unfamiliar with this.

In the old days when they were enshrining the gods, they faced the Fairy Yunxiao who held the golden bucket of Hunyuan directly in the formation of the Yellow River.

I have felt this way before!

That was the spiritual sense reminding them... Xu Linyuan at this time is already invincible!


So needless to say, the three of them turned into light and headed back almost at the same time!


"Go? Where are the three going?"

Xu Linyuan, whose body had turned into billions of stars, laughed loudly.

Then, he stretched out his hand and slapped the place where the three escaped!

With one palm, the stars are scattered all over the sky!

And while the stars were falling, the three golden immortals immediately tried their best to use their means!


The Taiyi precious file hangs above the head of Daoist Taiyi, condensing into a mask!

Daoist Yuding turned the Immortal Slashing Sword into a sword light, and also protected himself!



The boundless galaxy falling from the sky hardly stops at all.

In just a moment, the two golden immortals were smashed into the dust together with the magic weapon on their heads!


And the two also let out a cry of pain.

Then they opened their mouths one after another, spewing out mouthfuls of blood!

Regardless of whether it is the precious file on the head of Daoist Taiyi.

It's also the Immortal Slashing Sword of Immortal Yuding.

At this time, the divine light on it was dim for a while.

Apparently, the source of its magic weapon spirit accumulation was damaged by this blow!

But at this time, the importance of the innate spirit treasure is reflected!

Although Immortal Yuding and Immortal Taiyi were directly thrown into the dust by this blow.

Even the origin of the precious innate spirit treasure was damaged as a result.

But anyway, although its aura is chaotic, its mana fluctuates faintly.

But still life is safe.

But on the other hand, the real Huanglong is different!

"Ah! 670"

But he didn't have any innate spiritual treasures to defend himself at all, so he could only use the real dragon's body to fight against the sprinkling galaxy.

So at this time, I saw that this golden fairy who explained teachings was not just knocked down.

Its real dragon body was directly pierced by countless stars, and fell heavily to the ground.

One of the dragon's horns was directly broken, and one of the dragon's claws was missing. Seeing that he was about to die on the spot!

And see such a scene.

Almost all those who paid attention to this warrior in the entire Three Realms were stunned.

Everything has gone beyond expectations.

Not to mention the previous Three Jewels Ruyi, Wuji Xinghuang Banner and Nine Heavens Breathing Soil are all things that can shake the Three Realms.

Just this blow by Xu Linyuan at this time is enough to say that it is destined to be recorded in the history of the Three Realms!

Anyone with insight will naturally recognize Zhou Tian Xingchen's dharma body - this is the true supernatural power of the monster race!

Even though it has not appeared since the Lich, its legend has naturally been handed down to this day.

And its power is indeed worthy of its name.

The three great Luo Jinxians tried their best.

And you have to know that before this, although the three of them fought with Xu Linyuan, it seemed that Xu Linyuan had the upper hand on the scene.

But in fact, apart from the real Huanglong, the three golden immortals of Chanjiao.

The remaining two were hardly injured at all!

But even so, this blow still broke the two innate spirit treasures first.

After that, not only the two were injured, but by the way, real Huanglong was seriously injured to the point of dying!

The power of one blow is so powerful!

But it hasn't waited for the people of the Three Realms to come back to their senses.

They heard a roar from above the battlefield!

"Junior Brother Huanglong... you dare to be a thief!"

The roar almost shook the world, and then everyone saw a big seal that covered the sky crashing down from the sky!

The great seal is like the heaven and earth itself, just by pressing down, there is a huge coercion that pierces the sky and the earth.

The coercion is so strong that it is even difficult for Da Luo Jinxian to move!

(dbec) This is a completely different level from the three golden immortals who taught before!

"Fan Tianyin!"

"It's Guang Chengzi—he's actually here!"

So some great supernatural beings hiding in the dark immediately recognized the origin of this great seal!

Fantianyin——The treasure of fame for the quasi-sage of elucidation and teaching, the first disciple of Yuanshi Tianzun, Guangchengzi!

It was made by Yuanshi Tianzun from the half of Buzhou Mountain after the collapse of Buzhou Mountain, the "Pillar of Heaven" that supported the heaven and earth in the past.

It is undoubtedly the best innate spirit treasure!

In the Battle of the Conferred Gods, this seal made great achievements.

The quasi-sage alone knocked down the "Duobao Taoist" and "Mother of the Turtle Spirit" personally handed down by the former sage of Jiejiao.

And the most important thing is - the one who drives this seal is Guang Chengzi himself!

That is Xuanyuan Huangdi's teacher, Yuanshi Tianzun's favorite disciple, and the earliest person who became a quasi-sage among the disciples of the three religions!

The quasi-sage of heaven and earth who visited Biyou Palace three times in the past and personally caused the god-confessed calamity!

This seal alone is enough to directly crush [-]% of the so-called masters in the Three Realms to death!


"Good come!"

At this time, Xu Linyuan is not afraid of the Great Seal of Heaven and Earth at all!

I saw him raise his hand, and Zhou Tianxingchen's dharma body urged it with all his strength.

In just a moment, his figure turned into a size that can block the sky and block out the sun like Fan Tianyin!

Afterwards, he raised his hand and punched towards that sky seal!

With one punch, the stars follow!

I saw boundless starlight blasting out with this punch, and then...

The half of Buzhou Mountain was transformed, as if it could suppress everything.

The momentum of its falling stopped abruptly, and then... was blown away by a punch!

And the big seal kept getting smaller in the air, and then turned into the size of a normal seal.

fell in front of a Taoist.

That's right - on the battlefield at this time, Guang Chengzi has already appeared!

At this time, he was looking at the real Huanglong who was on the ground who was exhaling more air than inhaling.

Then he looked at the real Taiyi and Yuding.

Its complexion can be said to be extremely difficult to see.

It's not that he really cares about these three senior brothers.

Especially Daoist Huanglong—with Guang Chengzi's cultivation and arrogance, he has never really liked him.

But the key point is that the situation of these three people is almost slapping Guang Chengzi in the face!

Yuanshi Tianzun asked him to hold the line.

But how could he have imagined that the situation could develop like this?

The main reason is that even if Xu Linyuan took out the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil, Guang Chengzi felt that everything was still under control.

It wasn't until Xu Linyuan showed off the Jietian Taoist robe that Guang Chengzi began to hesitate whether to make a move.

But during this moment of hesitation, Xu Linyuan inexplicably took out a Zhou Tianxing Dharma Body.

Afterwards, the three of them were seriously injured in one blow!

As a result, it was already a moment too late for Guang Chengzi to make a move at this time!

In this way, only Yuanshi Tianzun's side... Guang Chengzi's face sank just thinking about it!

After taking out the elixir that he carried with him and feeding it to the real Huanglong.

Guangchengzi raised his hand to pick up the Fantian seal hanging beside him, and looked at Xu Linyuan.

The divine light flickered in his eyes, and then he said in a cold voice: "It turns out that it is the formation on your spiritual treasure robe, which can reproduce the power of Zhou Tianxing's dharma body."

It can also be seen at this time.

As Yuanshi Tianzun's most beloved disciple, Guangchengzi is naturally a worthless person.

Except for his arrogant and self-respecting temperament, he is [-]% similar to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Just talking about magical powers and extensive knowledge, he is indeed worthy of the title of the strongest golden fairy in teaching!

At this time, with just one glance, Xu Linyuan's Zhou Tian Xingchen dharma body at this time came from the formation on the 'Jie Tian Dao Robe'!

"Such spiritual treasures are definitely not something you can refine yourself... Who appointed you? Why do you want to ruin my luck in explaining the teachings!"

Guangchengzi asked coldly.

"Friend Guangchengzi is the quasi-sage of heaven and earth, do you need to tell you such trivial matters?"

Xu Linyuan just looked at Guang Chengzi with a smile.

"Brother Guangchengzi!"

"This person is treacherous, don't talk to him any more—and kill him, the most important thing is to bring Senior Brother Huang Long back to heal his wounds!"

At this time, the real Taiyi and the real Yuding, who had stabilized their mana and flew to Guang Chengzi's side, also spoke together.

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