Whether it is the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit or Zhao Gongming.

In the past, they were all top figures in the three religions!

But they are all on the list of gods, and their magical powers will inevitably fail.

Not to mention the luck that he, Guang Chengzi, has had with the help of teaching and teaching over the years.

Cultivation has improved a lot!

Even with one against two, probably, maybe, should, maybe it's okay!

But Guang Chengzi still hasn't finished talking about the scene.

Then I heard another voice that was gentler than the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, but not at all inferior to the bitterness in it.


"Fellow Daoist Guangchengzi is so confident, so let me be one of them."

And as soon as the voice came out, Guang Chengzi couldn't hold back anymore.

Not only him - but also the real Taiyi and Yuding behind him, also almost subconsciously showed the look of seeing a ghost!

The three of them swept away their consciousness almost at the same time, and saw the woman in white.

"Cloud...cloud sky!?"

And Daoist Taiyi lost his voice.

Needless to say, the last one is naturally Yun Xiao.

So Guang Chengzi was included.

The three gathered together almost instantly, and at the same time began to sweep around with their spiritual consciousness.

I'm afraid that if you see inexplicable winds around you, the Yellow River will turn nine times!

This reaction can almost be called PTSD.

There is no other reason - the main reason is that the battle of the Conferred Gods in the past, the defeat of the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation is really too deep in the memory!

In that battle, Yun Xiao alone took down almost all the combat power of the entire Chanjiao.

Then use the Hunyuan Jindou to cut off all the three flowers and five qi of everyone, and knock them down to the mortal world.

I don't know how many years of hard work before I can make up for it.

It even forced the Taiqing sage and Yuanshi Tianzun to come to the world, and Yuanshi Tianzun even killed them by bullying the little one himself!

It is not an exaggeration to say that the most intimidating figure in the Conferred Gods!

"Wait...how dare you!?"

But at this time, Guang Chengzi had no confidence to speak at all!

Of course he couldn't think of it.

With a shake of Xu Linyuan's drum, he was able to shake these three people out directly!

The three of them gathered together, even though they were all on the list of gods, their mana was weak!

But looking at the Three Realms, how many people dare to say that they can be enemies?

At least it was his Guang Chengzi's arrogance, and he had no confidence at all at this moment!



・・・ Flowers・・・

Just when Guang Chengzi and others were at a loss, they only felt that the nightmare of the past had reappeared.

But it could be heard beyond the sky, but at this time there was a cold snort.

The next moment, I heard a voice from the heaven and the earth!

"You are entrusted with the heavenly court, and the decree of the gods."

"But in vain of the past agreement, meddling in the affairs of the world... You should fight!"

As the words fell, a golden whip also fell from the sky.

However, it is different from the Zhenhai whip in Zhao Gongming's hands.

On the smashed golden whip was engraved with 360 five-way Zhou Tianzheng God's decree, and it carried bursts of aura of law.

When it falls at this time, it is like the power of heaven and earth.

"Teacher Saint!?"

Naturally, they could hear the origin of the authentic voice that day.

If it's not Yuanshi Tianzun, the sage who explained and taught, who is it! ?

Especially the golden whip made them overjoyed.

Because they naturally recognized that the golden whip was the treasure of the past - the God Whip!

This whip was originally obtained by Yuanshi Tianzun.

When conferring the gods, he lent Jiang Ziya the decree of conferring the gods.

After conferring the gods, he naturally returned to the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun.


And this thing is also the thing that Yuanshi Tianzun restricts and cuts off teaching.

Beating the God Whip——As the name suggests, it is designed to beat the gods on the list of gods.

But all the true spirits who have been on the list of gods will have no resistance to this whip!



Following the falling of the magic whip from the sky, there is also a flash of fairy light in the eastern sky at this time!

The cyan fairy light appeared from outside the sky, piercing the sky.

Collided with that magic whip!


As a result, the color of the world changed, and the laws of the world trembled faintly.

The people below felt even more faintly that the world seemed to be dying and shattering!

No words needed, no confirmation needed.

All three worlds can know the meaning of it.

Zhunsheng made a move, perhaps the world changed.

Da Luo's move may also trigger the vision of heaven and earth.

However, it is necessary to truly achieve this sense of terror of 'shattering the world, repeating the earth, water, fire and wind, and recreating a world'.

Between heaven and earth, only the confrontation between saints can do it!

This is also the reason why saints are not allowed to fight with their bodies in the Three Realms.

If the saint fights with all his strength, he will really smash the entire Three Realms directly!

But at this time, the magic whip and the blue light on the sky also scattered at the touch of a touch.

Obviously, it was never a real fight, but just a tentative blow.

at the same time...

I saw the figure of Yuanshi Tianzun in purple robe and wide sleeves slowly appearing beside the magic whip.

"Tongtian!? How dare you stop me!"

He frowned and spoke, his voice was cold but with a little anger.

At the same time, the cyan fairy light naturally showed its true form.

It is actually a jade sword resembling a green lotus——the treasure of the Jiejiao sage's enlightenment, the Qingping sword!

At the same time, the black-haired Master Tongtian in a black robe.

It also appeared from beside Qingping's sword.

So... the Three Realms are silent at this moment!

Whether it is an ancient god, or an idle minor repair.

Whether they didn't care about this battle at all, or they just wanted to watch the excitement.

At this time, everyone is silent!


Unprecedented since proclaiming himself a god.

The two sages, Interpretation and Intervention, came to the Three Realms again at this time!thousand.

56. At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the old Dan enlightened the sages! (seeking subscription)

When this battle begins.

Naturally, no one could have imagined that the plot would develop like this.

That Yuanquan mountain master was actually a disciple of Jiejiao who hadn't appeared in the Three Realms for hundreds of years.

Afterwards, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, Zhao Gongming and Yun Xiao, the three well-known quasi-sages of Jiejiao at the time of conferring the gods, were introduced.

Now, even saints are appearing in the Three Realms.

Of course.

At this time, whether it is Yuanshi Tianzun or the leader of Tongtian.

Everything is not the arrival of the ontology.

After all, at the end of Conferred God in the past, the rules established by Taoist ancestors are naturally not a big secret.

Saints are not allowed to come to Nanzhan Buzhou where the human dynasty is located.

Therefore, at this time, the two saints just manifested a divine sense, which descended along with the Qingping sword and the divine whip.

This is also one of the supernatural powers of a saint.

There is a saying in Buddhism that "green and green bamboos are all Dharma bodies."Yuyu Huanghua is nothing more than Prajna. '

It refers to the supernatural powers of such saints.

As long as you have a thought in your mind, everything in the three realms can be the Dharma body of a saint.

It is mysterious and hard to say.

At this time, after hearing the question from Yuanshi Tianzun.

Master Tongtian looked at him with a sneer: "Yuanshi, what you said is ridiculous."

"On the contrary, I am the one who wants to ask you..."

He held the Qingping Sword in his hand, but the murderous intent in his eyes was almost chilling the Three Realms.

"What do you mean by attacking my disciple? Could it be that... you really think my Qingping sword is bad?"

After the words fell, he flicked the Qingping sword.


The clear sword sound resounded through the Three Realms!

Guang Chengzi below, Master Yuding and Master Taiyi only felt that their spirit orifices were about to collapse.

When a saint wants to kill, it is equivalent to the sky wanting to kill you "six seven seven"!

When the sky sends out a murderous intent, the sky and the earth will be turned upside down!

They have no doubt that the leader of Tongtian really wants to wipe them out with a sword at this time!

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