His thoughts began to recall what he had been looking for in the first place in the past.

"Dare to ask sir, what is the foundation of the world?"

When he asked such a question in the past, Bo Xia covered his face and walked away.

But now, he is reading [-] books in this Qiudao Pavilion.

But I already know what I want.

"Everything in the world has its law."

"Heaven and earth give birth, the sun and the moon move."

"Thunder, rain and dew, spring and autumn cycle."

"The vegetation is withered, the cicadas sing and the birds fly."

"Its name is unknown, its knowledge is unknown."

Having said this, Lao Dan got up from his seat.

Picking up the book that I just wrote, I walked out of Qiudao Pavilion slowly.

And this scene naturally attracted the attention of the mortals around outside the pavilion who were originally curious about the fighting skills of immortals and gods in the distance.

"It's Lao Dan!"

And after these years, the name of Lao Dan has long been recognized as the real great sage in the world.

Especially after he is not meeting guests and writing his classics behind closed doors.

It was more than a year that no one had seen him!

Seeing him walk out of Qiudao Pavilion at this time, countless people naturally turned their attention to him.

This is the first time that Lao Dan has walked out of Qiudao Pavilion since he entered it!

"Old Dan, the monarch of our country wants to see you!"

"Old Dan, my teacher wants to debate with you!"

"Old Dan, have you realized your truth?"

They originally came with a purpose, so naturally they should say so.

But at this time, they found that they couldn't say a word.

And Lao Dan seemed to have never seen them.

He just held the booklet and walked away.

It wasn't until he reached the steps of Qiudao Pavilion that he subconsciously raised his eyes to look up.

Above the head are the three large characters of "Qudao Pavilion".

4.2 Many years ago, he entered the cabinet.

Today, he finally walked out.


"Yes, yes!"

He muttered to himself: "It is what I asked for, it is my destiny."

"Since I don't know the name of what I'm looking for...then I'll give it a strong name—Tao!"

He found that answer.

Heaven and earth have their own laws, but they have never had a name.

Therefore, people in the world only know the etiquette and law, but do not know the law of heaven.

However, he understands the principles of heaven.

And besides the etiquette and law, a new door was established.

That door is the 'Tao'!

It's not the way of practice, it's not the way of the emperor.

It is the way of heaven and earth, the way of all things.

From now on, the human world is by no means limited to rituals, music and teachings.

Instead there is... 'Taoism'!

As Lao Dan's words fell.

On the book in his hand, three large characters appeared silently.

"Tao Te Ching".

Or... - "Tao De Jing"!

So, the sage who had been thinking hard all his life finally laughed heartily!

"My way...is done!"

So this moment...

The world has changed!


Everyone can see that there are golden flowers blooming out of nothing between the heaven and the earth.

The boundless golden light turns into colorful clouds, forming a scene of flying birds, animals and dragons.

In the extreme west that day, there was even more majestic purple air spreading.

Dye the surrounding [-]-mile sky in purple

Flowers are falling from the sky, golden lotuses are gushing from the ground, rays of light are transformed, and purple air is coming from the east!

That is not transformed by magic power, but the vision of the natural way of heaven.

The sages come out, so heaven and earth congratulate them! .

57. One peck and one drink, is it destiny? (seeking subscription)

And as the vision of heaven and earth appeared, it was still not over!

Accompanied by the vision of the purple air traveling ninety thousand miles from the east, it appeared.

What followed were golden lights falling from the sky!

The golden light appeared in the boundless high sky like a cloud, and everyone below who was illuminated by this light found it.

No matter what old diseases and hidden worries they had before.

At this time, everything is instantly cured!

And any people with insight in the Three Realms will naturally recognize the golden light when they see it.

That is 'merit'!

Huge amount of merit!

In addition to merit, there are also faint and invisible things that appear together from that day.

As for this intangible thing, Xu Linyuan naturally couldn't be more familiar with it after seeing it - this is luck!

Naturally, there is no need to say much.

Lao Dan is a sage in the world, with the virtue of educating the human race.

At the same time, the Taoist thought he founded is destined to be another kind of human race thought besides etiquette!

Therefore, this is the grace of enlightening the human race, and the virtue of changing humanity!

A person's luck will naturally partly fall on him.

The merits of heaven and earth are also bestowed because of this.

And these merits and luck gathered in the sky, and then fell.

[-]% of them turned into countless bits and pieces and headed for everywhere in the world!

Those were the people who had helped Lao Dan on his path to enlightenment.

For example, the author of a certain book he read, for example, Lao Dan’s family members in this life, or Bo Xia, the teacher who enlightened Lao Dan.

31 Heaven and earth reward meritorious deeds, so they are naturally indispensable.

And of the remaining [-]% of luck merits, [-]% directly fell into the 'Qiaodao Pavilion' below.

This place is the place where Lao Dan attained enlightenment, so the significance is naturally extraordinary.

So in silence, I saw the already magnificent Qiudao Pavilion.

For a moment, it seemed as if there was a temple of sages and celestial beings!

As for the remaining more than [-]% of luck merits, it naturally fell directly on Lao Dan himself.

It made him shine with golden light, like a god-man!


As for Lao Dan himself, he seemed to be in a daze at this moment.

And the changes in the world caused by Lao Dan, and such an exaggerated vision.

Naturally, the mortals around him were dumbfounded.

But after seeing this scene, they naturally knew the meaning of it!

"Sage! My human sage!"

There are sages and sages in the human race, which will change the fate of people.

Heaven and earth will congratulate him.

And as someone shouted so loudly, they all bowed down to Lao Dan!

Without exception, they all worship in accordance with the teacher's etiquette!

Human etiquette, if you meet the venerable, the superior, the sage.

You can't call it by its name, but you need to call it 'son'!

Although Lao Dan's name is Li Dan, everyone in the various countries has almost called him "Lao Dan" for so many years!

So at this time, there was such a coincidence.

"We, pay homage to Lao Tzu!"

Everyone opened their mouths together, but what they said happened to be these two words!

It can only be said - one peck and one drink, is it destiny?

And with the worship of the people.

Lao Dan's whole body seemed to be struck by thunder.

His eyes were in a trance for a while, and then they turned into calm and clarity as deep as the sea.

"As it should be."

The mystery in the womb was completely solved, Lao Dan spoke softly.

It is also at this moment


I saw a green scorpion coming from outside the sky stepping on the clouds.

It fell straight in front of Lao Dan.

"You bastard, you know how to do it!"

Lao Dan smiled, and then he also slowly sat on the back of the bull.

And as he sat on Qingsi's back, his appearance and clothes also changed rapidly.

His face, which was like that of an old man, became more and more immortal, and the clothes on his body gradually changed into a gossip robe.

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