He seems to have a very good understanding of the dispositions of the disciples of the Jiejiao.

And so is it.

Because this Buddha is none other than the personal disciple of the former sage of Jiejiao.

The real Master Jiejiao, Taoist Duobao.

In the past, the master Jiejiao defected from the sect and joined Buddhism.

The two Buddhist saints even directly granted him the Buddha position of 'Duobao Tathagata'.

This Buddha seat is the master of one of the five great Buddhist realms of Buddhism, the "Oriental Treasures and Pure Buddha Realm".

It is the first Buddha under the two saints of the Buddhist sect, the Sakyamuni Buddha who is in charge of the central whirling world.

On the Buddha seat, there should also be a half seat and many treasures.

It can be called the position of Buddha at the level of the deputy head of Buddhism, which is not inferior to the position of the chief disciple of Jiejiao.

It can also be seen from this that the two saints of Buddhism attach great importance to him.

Therefore, at this time, Venerable Hui An also made a special trip to report the news to the Buddha.

"That's what the poor monk thinks, so let's go, my lord."

After guessing the truth, Duobao Rulai also said softly.

So Venerable Hui An also proclaimed the Buddha's name, and then left the Dongfang Baojing Buddha Realm.

Only Duobao Tathagata was left in place, with thousands of thoughts in his eyes.

"The master of Yuanquan mountain has extraordinary supernatural powers, and he is in charge of the 'sun golden flame' and 'nine heavens' breath soil' that he does not know where he got it."

"In addition to the Taoist robe of the top-grade innate spiritual treasure, Master Tongtian... the saint even bestowed on him the fishing drum and the purple thunder hammer."

Thinking of this, Duobao Tathagata's expression also flashed a trace of complexity.

There is no other - Yugu is a symbol of Jiejiao.

And among the disciples of the master of Tongtian sect in the past.

He has the most prestige, and is also the most recognized by the disciples of Jiejiao.

Therefore, at the critical moment, he is responsible for holding the fishing drum and summoning the disciples.

It was him, Taoist Daobao.

But now things are different and people are different, he is naturally feeling emotional.

"Namo Amitabha."

But after a while, Duobao Tathagata's eyes returned to calm.

He is not one to hesitate.

Now that the choice has been made, regret is meaningless.

Now the Three Realms have long since lost the Jiejiao Daoist Taoist, only the Buddhist Daoist Tathagata.

"Prove the wondrous method, from the Lotus Sutra..."

So after a while, only the sound of Sanskrit singing remained in Dongfang Baojing Buddha Realm.

And things like Buddhism happen almost everywhere in the Three Realms.

Countless people were investigating Xu Linyuan's identity.

Some of them may have found clues, while others have no clue at all.

But in any case, one thing is always certain.

That is...

If it is said that after the previous battle against Nezha and Yang Jian, Xu Linyuan's reputation can only be said to be known under the great Luo of the Three Realms.

After the identity was exposed this time and the supernatural powers appeared.

The situation is naturally completely different.

As the only disciple who walks in the Three Realms of Jiejiao.

The owner of Yuanquan Mountain, the saint's personal disciple.

Although he is a true immortal of Taiyi, he can defeat three ancient golden immortals who explain teachings with one enemy and three alone!

Holding three top-grade innate spirit treasures, he is also in charge of the golden flame of the sun and the breath of the nine heavens.

With the help of the spirit treasure, it is even possible to use the Zhoutian Xingchen Dharma Body, which has disappeared from the monster race, to compete with the quasi-sage and be evenly matched!

With these countless deeds and supernatural powers, even quasi-sages should treat Xu Linyuan seriously.

After this incident...

Xu Linyuan's name is truly known to everyone in the Three Realms.

I don't even know how many people have been included in the list of 'must be treated with courtesy and must not be provoked'.

After all, Xu Linyuan has already proved it.

It's not just him who provoked him.

He shook the fishing drum in his hand.

Those Jiejiao disciples who were trapped on the list of gods but remained loyal to Jiejiao.

But I really worked hard for this little junior brother.

Even if you are not careful, you may even have to provoke the leader of the Heavenly Cult.

After all, Xu Linyuan is now the 'only' disciple of the Master Tongtian!

And it was at the time when Xu Linyuan's name was spreading like a raging fire in the Three Realms.

Kunlun Mountain, the Taoist temple of teaching.

The Golden Immortals who served as Xu Linyuan's background board were obviously not having a good time at this time.

After being brought back to Kunlun Mountain by Yuanshi Tianzun.

Master Huanglong managed to save his life after being rescued by immortal materials.

Now he is retreating to heal his injuries and stabilize his injuries.

As for Taiyi real person and Yuding real person.

After roughly repairing their spirit treasures, they have already left the level.

At this time, he was guarding with Guang Chengzi in the side hall outside Yuxu Palace... .

"Brother Guangchengzi, Master Sage..."

Daoist Taiyi was a little uneasy at this moment.

Because since the four of them were brought back, Yuanshi Tianzun had never summoned them once.

It's just that after recovering Sanbao Yuruyi and Wuji Xinghuangqi, they went back to Yuxu Palace and never came out again.

This is undoubtedly very abnormal.


On the other hand, Guang Chengzi shook his head silently, with an equally ugly look on his face.

"Then should we take the initiative..."

And the real Yuding is talking about whether he should take the initiative to plead guilty.

Although he actually felt that there was nothing wrong with what they did this time.

Who knew that Xu Linyuan's identity would be a disciple of Jiejiao?Who knew that his hole cards could be so many?

But as a disciple who pays attention to etiquette and rules.

Even if they don't know where they are wrong.

But it is also necessary to plead guilty and ask for punishment.

But at this time...


An unspeakable coercion descended on the entire Kunlun Mountain in an instant!


The color of the sky and the earth changed at this time, and the boundless dark clouds billowed to cover the sky, the earth, the sun and the moon.

Thunderstorms rolled in the dark clouds, and the terrifying anger almost made everything go silent!

Even Guang Chengzi, the quasi-sage, felt that his mana was uncontrollable and violent.

"It's Teacher Sage!"

At this time, the three of Guang Chengzi naturally knew what it was.

This is the coercion of the saint's mana, and it is the mana of Yuanshi Tianzun who they are most familiar with!

Moreover, even Guang Chengzi, the disciple who followed Yuanshi Tianzun the longest, had never seen the anger in it.

This saint is in an unprecedented rage!

This rage even caused his holy mana to be released, causing the heaven and earth to react to it.


At the same time, the three of them heard a scream coming from another side hall not far away.

They naturally know what's going on.

The saint is as oppressive as the sky, and the anger of the saint is the anger of the sky.

Even the mana of Guang Chengzi, a quasi-sage, was almost out of control under the saint's anger.

That was the real Huanglong who was recuperating to heal his wounds and was running Zhoutian.

Under the sage's anger, it seemed that something might have happened again.

And you have to know...

Daoist Huang Long hadn't fully recovered from his injuries, if his circulation was interrupted like this.

It is not impossible to suffer backlash and even affect Dao Ji.

But even if the three present knew this, who would dare to go to Yuxu Palace to persuade that saint at this time?

Just kidding, these saints are furious.

If they go up, isn't that courting death?

So the three of them just pretended they didn't hear Huanglong's screams, and looked at Yuxu Palace anxiously.

At this time, in Yuxu Palace...

"The thief dares to do this!? How dare you destroy the foundation of my teaching!?"

At this time, Yuanshi Tianzun was indeed in a rage.

And it was nothing else that aroused his anger.

It was the 'Wuji Xinghuang Banner' placed in front of him at this time.

At this time, the spirit on the banner is still extraordinary, and the breath is still the breath of the best innate spirit treasure.

But Yuanshi Tianzun couldn't feel it.

The most important thing in the Wuji Xinghuang Banner - that wisp of Heaven and Earth Mother Qi 'Xuan Min Di Mother Ancestral Qi' has disappeared!

This also means that although Wuji Xinghuangqi is still the best innate spirit treasure.

But it lost the most precious ability of 'suppressing luck'.

It also means that the part of Chanjiao's luck originally suppressed by this Lingbao...is also stolen along with the 'Xuanmu Earth Mother's Ancestral Qi'!

And most importantly...

On the Wuji Xinghuang flag, people have set up restrictions to cover it up.

This led to the discovery of the abnormality until Yuanshi Tianzun returned to Yuxu Palace and re-refined the Wuji Xinghuang Banner.

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