Then the saints can only share part of the origin of the way of heaven at most.

But he completely grasped the way of heaven in Linyuan Realm.

In other words

"If the saints are executives of the multinational corporation 'Three Realms', Daozu Hongjun is a shareholder of 'Three Realms'."

"Then I will be the sole boss of the new small business 'Linyuanjie'."

In the essence of identity, this is undoubtedly a huge difference.

And Xu Linyuan has never been so sure about one thing.

He's on a -- unprecedented path.

That is the path that all living beings in the Three Realms, including Daozu Hongjun, have never traveled.

And no one can imagine what the end of this road will be like.

For a while, Xu Linyuan naturally yearned for it.

But after a while, he also temporarily turned off these enjoyments.

However, at this time, he found another unexpected surprise.

"Huh? When did I break through to Daluo Jinxian?"

He murmured to himself in disbelief.

That's right.

Without him even realizing it.

His cultivation has actually broken through from the original Taiyi True Immortal in the middle stage to Daluo Jinxian.

In its ancestral orifice, the true spirit has already appeared and turned into a faint golden color.

This is exactly—"Gold refines the top to return alchemy, fetal immortals self-transform into dragons and tigers, Da Luoxuan is invincible, and three corpses are beheaded on the true spirit platform"

The true spirit appears like gold and jade, and turns into a Taoist platform.

This is the direct expression of Da Luo Jinxian.

The next step is to condense mana, adjust lead and smelt mercury to create a perfect platform.

After that, you can start trying to find the three corpses hidden in the true spirit.

Cut it off, and you can be promoted to quasi-sage.

Of course, that's easy to say.

In fact, it is extremely difficult.

And Xu Linyuan didn't just step into Daluo Jinxian.

The key lies in the solidity of the platform and the surge of mana.

"The middle stage of the Great Luo Jinxian..."

Xu Linyuan muttered to himself.

It's vaguely clear in my heart.

Although he didn't enter meditation practice this time.

However, due to the transformation of the Linyuan Realm, his thoughts were truly in harmony with the Linyuan Realm's heaven and earth.

This is equivalent to comprehending the evolution of the world in the most direct way.

So he didn't even feel it himself, but he was promoted smoothly.

" a bit sudden."

Xu Linyuan muttered to himself.

And at the same time...


Wang Shu, who heard Xu Linyuan talking to himself, didn't know what to say for a while.

She just felt that her fist was hard.

Is what this guy is talking about human?

It was the supreme supernatural being who cut through the void with a single word and a wave of his hand.

Is he really the same person as this tired lazy bastard in front of him who is cheap and good-looking, and whose words can piss off countless people in the Three Realms?

"Cough cough..."

On the other side, Xu Linyuan naturally noticed Wang Shu's eyes very quickly.

He naturally knew that he was a little ordinary.

So immediately he coughed twice and returned to normal.

"Fairy Wangshu, do you have any insights in this evolution of the world?"

he cared.


Seeing Xu Linyuan acting as if nothing had happened.

Although Wang Shu was speechless.

But with her temperament, she naturally wouldn't get entangled in this matter.

He just nodded his head subtly: "Indeed, I have gained a little."

In fact, she is not as simple as getting a little income.

After this transformation from Linyuan Boundary to Xiaoqian World.

Not only did she use this to comprehend the world, so that the true spirit returned to a nearly perfect state.

The point is, she even faintly sensed the location of her third corpse.

This is already a very huge harvest!

You must know such a real ancient demon god as Wang Shu, who was born with the lunar star.

His supernatural powers are naturally much stronger than normal monks of the same level.

After all, such as Wangshu, with just one movement of mana, it can pull the power of the Godly Laurel Tree.

Together with the idea, it can even mobilize the power of the lunar star.

When the moonlight falls, the magic power is endless.

So don't think that she, like Guang Chengzi, is a quasi-sage who beheaded two corpses.

But if you really want to fight, Wang Shu in his heyday can probably beat two Guang Chengzi without panting.

Of course, Wang Shu is now reborn in Linyuan Realm.

The congenital spirit treasures that he carried with him in the past have long been lost.

The actual combat power has naturally declined sharply.

But even so, it shouldn't be a problem to deal with Guang Chengzi.

This is also the reason why Xu Linyuan used her as his last line of insurance before.

But now, Wang Shu even faintly found an opportunity to behead the third corpse.

If she succeeds, she will become the top powerhouse in the Three Realms.

After all, quasi-sage peaks who cut off the three corpses exist, and the number of them in the Three Realms is extremely small.

And Wang Shu himself is a congenital great god, with mana and supernatural powers far superior to those of the same rank.

In this way, if she is matched with one or two suitable innate spirit treasures.

Then it must be compared with existences such as Zhen Yuanzi, Demon Master Kunpeng, and Patriarch Minghe.

It can be called one of the strongest existences under the saint.

In fact, Wang Shu himself originally felt that the harvest was extremely huge.

After all, before she fell in the past, she had no chance of finding out the third corpse for tens of thousands of years.


Witnessed the scene of Xu Linyuan cutting through the void with his own eyes.

Then I saw his completely unreasonable cultivation base that directly stepped from the middle stage of Taiyi True Immortal to the middle stage of Daluo Golden Immortal.

Especially Xu Linyuan's subconscious Versailles just now.

Naturally, Wang Shu couldn't say the words of "huge harvest".

After Xu Linyuan heard Wang Shu's words, he didn't go into details.

"It doesn't matter if the harvest is not big this time, continue to work hard next time..."

He was about to speak, to appease him a little bit.

But then, the action was stagnant.

He lowered his head, and suddenly looked at the vast land in the distance.

"Is it out yet?"

In the words, the figures of him and Wang Shu seem to have crossed endless time and space.

The next moment, it appeared on Tianhuang Guanglu.

There is no fluctuation of mana, as if they have been here from the beginning.

And this miraculous method also made Wang Shu a little more convinced of his guess just now.

・・・ Flowers・・・

Compared with Xu Linyuan's is indeed too small.

But at the same time, she found that Xu Linyuan was looking down expectantly.

Therefore, Wang Shu's bright eyes glowing with moonlight naturally also turned to look down at Tianhuang Guanglu.

Then, she saw it.


On the vast expanse of land below, there was a 'giant cocoon' that had been emitting endless vitality before.

At this moment, a small hole was finally slowly opened!

And with the opening of this hole!


The mighty vitality spreads between the heaven and the earth.

With the giant cocoon as the center, countless plants and plants were born from nothing.

The last piece of the jigsaw puzzle in the small thousand world - life.

At this time, it was finally conceived.

The fairy light shone, and the emerald green life turned into tassels.

The rainbow appears, and the newborn creatures open their eyes.

Walking out of that huge cocoon, she looked up at this strange yet familiar world!

It was a girl.

Its appearance is as good as heaven and earth, even if it is not inferior to Wang Shu, the number one beauty in the Three Realms in the past.


She was wearing a goose-yellow gauze dress, and her bare feet were white.

Her whole body is surrounded by a golden train that seems to be illusory and solid.

The skirt swayed, as if connected to the whole earth.

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