Even if he was humiliated, he dared not say a word.

It wasn't until the reign of the Three Emperors that he finally took advantage of Dayu's flood control to obtain the status of the human race's totem, and was tainted with the luck of the human race.

The Dragon Clan barely survived the race.

Even now.

The Dragon Clan is also acting as a dog for the Heavenly Court again, suppressing the world.

Many dragons even entered Buddhism and became the guardian dragons.

No matter how you think about it, it's a bit too strange.

It's impossible to just pull it to the end just because of the fall of the ancestral dragon, right?

Xu Linyuan thought up to this point, and naturally a thought exploded in his heart: "Fairy Wang Shu will never say, is it because of Taichu Haiyan?"

he said in disbelief.

And Wang Shu nodded: "Exactly!"

She looked at Xu Linyuan seriously with a pretty face: "You Daoist Xu doesn't know something."

"This primordial sea eye can not only produce one-yuan heavy water, but the most important thing is..."

"As the source of the vast ocean of heaven and earth, this thing has the miraculous effect of 'promoting the bloodline and casting the immortal foundation'!".

67. The Lich is hard to disobey the destiny, and the stone eggs and sea eyes are metamorphosed! (seeking subscription)

Promote the bloodline and create the immortal foundation.

As soon as these four words came out, Xu Linyuan was naturally aware of what Wang Shu wanted to express.

"You mean, Dragon Clan..."


Wang Shu took the words tacitly.

"In the beginning, the sea eye was the place where the ancestor dragon was born, and it is mysterious and inexhaustible."

"All the primordial dragons after the Zulong originally needed to be sent to the Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning."

"After promoting bloodlines, they are the ancient true dragons that overwhelm the rivers and seas!"

Having said that, she also sighed.

Of course Xu Linyuan understood.

To put it simply, the meaning of the Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning to the Dragon Clan can no longer be described as a spiritual treasure or a blessed place.

This is the real lifeblood, the most fundamental thing of a family.

All the dragon races during the early robbery period of the Dragon Han Dynasty need to go to the sea eyes of the beginning of time to promote their blood after they are born.

Only in this way, the Dragon Clan is the real leader of the three congenital clans that roamed the prehistoric times in the ancient times—the real ancient dragon!

No wonder Xu Linyuan always felt strange.

The number of legendary ancient true dragons is very small, but each one is extremely powerful.

But today's dragon clan not only has a wide variety of dragons, but also their average strength is not strong.

Now it seems

"Could it be that the Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning in the Three Realms..."

Xu Linyuan asked tentatively.

"Well—as the ancestor dragon and all the ancient true dragons fell in the calamity, the location of the sea eye in the beginning is unknown even to the dragon clan."

Wang Shu sighed.

"But...even if someone knows, it's probably useless."

"In the early days of the Dragon and Han Dynasty, the entire sea was divided into the current four seas by the war between the three clans."

"The Primordial Sea Eye was probably destroyed in the war long ago."

Hearing this, Xu Linyuan's heart suddenly moved.

He seemed to think of something suddenly, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

So I just thought about it, and asked curiously: "Why does Fairy Wangshu know so many secrets of Long Han?"

He was really curious.

When the three congenital clans were in conflict, Wang Shu must have not yet transformed.

With her personality, she doesn't seem like someone who would be interested in these things.

But Wang Shu heard the words, but took a look at him.

"Although I don't like to participate in the struggle for power and profit within the clan, I am a demon god after all."

"In the past, Yaozu used the power of the whole clan to secretly search for the Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning—so I naturally know about it!"

she said so.

"The monster race is looking for the Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning... Hiss!"

Xu Linyuan originally wanted to ask, but in the middle of speaking, he suddenly realized something.

I couldn't help taking a breath in my mouth!

Why did the Yaozu look for the Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning?

Needless to say! ?

"Aboriginal Sea Eye's ability to promote bloodlines is also useful for groups other than the Dragon Clan~¨?"

he exclaimed.

"of course."

Wang Shu nodded: "In the early days, Haiyan was born of heaven and earth. Although it gave birth to the ancestor dragon, it is naturally not the favorite of the dragon clan."

Speaking of this, she also looked at Xu Linyuan with a half-smile: "Now fellow daoist Xu, do you know why the monster clan is looking for this thing?"


Xu Linyuan still doesn't understand.

What was the biggest advantage of the demon clan and the witch clan in the old Lich War?

The answer is simple.

There are many monsters, but the witches are strong!

After all, everything in this world, no matter the vegetation, the monsters, the rocks or the creatures.

As long as one is born with spiritual wisdom and cultivated mana, it is considered a 'monster'!

Therefore, the strength of the Yaozu can be said to be the most uneven.

The most powerful ones are the ancient demon gods, who are invincible at the same level!

The weak monster clan is simply nothing to say.

It's a pity that the latter is the normal state of the Yaozu.

This is also the biggest gap between them and the Wu Clan.

If you really want to average strength.

An ordinary sorcerer of the sorcerer clan can probably beat more than a thousand goblins.

But if the Monster Race finds the Eye of Absolute Beginning...

All weak monster races can promote bloodlines and create immortal foundations.

"That's okay?"

When Xu Linyuan thought of this possibility, he felt terrible.

If all the bloodlines of the monster clan can be promoted to the level of the ancient true dragon.

The battle of the Lich didn't need so many calculations at all, the Yaozu just pushed it over!

"It's not that exaggerated."

But seeing Xu Linyuan's expression like this, Wang Shu laughed in a rare way.

For a while, it was like the snow melting in spring, it was really beautiful.

"Although the power of the sea eye in the early days is unparalleled, according to the research of the monster clan... every time it promotes the blood of the soul, it will consume its original source."

"Although this source will slowly recover, it is impossible for all the monster races to be promoted once."

"In the past, there were not many ancient dragons. Naturally, every newborn true dragon can be promoted to bloodline."

"But of course it won't work if you change to the Yaozu - the original plan of the Yaozu is to let some newborn Yaozu with good talents promote their bloodlines."

When Wang Shu said this, he also shook his head.

Planning is naturally beautiful.

But in fact, in the end, Yaozu didn't even have time to find the location of the Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning.

Only a few fragments of information from Long Han Shi were found.

Then the conflict between the liches had already broken out.

As for after that, Wang Shu had already fallen, so naturally he didn't know the situation.

However, judging from the outcome of the Lich War, most of the Yaozu could not find the Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning in the end.

And hearing these ancient secrets again, Xu Linyuan could only sigh again.

It has to be said, whether it is the matter about Jiutian Xiyang and Nuwa before.

This time again, the matter of Taichu Haiyan.

It made him clearly feel that it was caused by some secret.

Just like the two clans of liches in the past.

Yaozu secretly prepared so many plans.

The success of any plan will directly lead to changes in the outcome of the Lich War.

And in the same way, it is expected that there should be many similar things on the Wu Clan.

But in the end, neither of the two plans succeeded.

In the end, both sides suffered losses, and Qiqi withdrew from the stage of the Three Realms.

If this is not God's will, then what is God's will?


"If the Jiejiao declines, it is also God's will."

"Then I came to this world... Maybe I was destined to change my life against the sky."

Xu Linyuan murmured to himself, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But immediately, he dispelled the presumptuous words in his mind.

Instead, he asked with a little excitement: "What does Fairy Wangshu mean, that I can also use this Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning to improve my bloodline?"

Speaking of this, he is not sleepy!

As for Wang Shu Wenyan, he looked at him helplessly: "...Of course not."

"々. The Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning is only effective for those who have not yet reached the Dao Foundation, that is, those who have not stepped into the immortal way."

"Those who have already achieved the Immortal Foundation will naturally be invalid."

The meaning is very simple.

The three people present, even Tai Xi, who was born not long ago, is at the level of Taiyi True Immortal.

None of them can use the Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning.


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