Its body is winding, changeable, its structure is spirit and essence, and its nine-pointed mysterious body is an ancestral dragon!

That's right - this real dragon was born in the eyes of the sea in the beginning of the Linyuan Realm.

It is the ancestor of the dragon clan who has long fallen in the Three Realms... the ancestor dragon!

"Now it seems...before Zulong fell in the past, he should have made preparations."

"Leave a ray of life origin in the depths of the sea eye in the beginning, turning into a fetal egg to leave vitality."

When Xu Linyuan thought about it, he could roughly guess what happened in the early days of the Long Han Dynasty.

But obviously, Zulong didn't expect it.

When he fell, even the slightest bit of true spirit could not be preserved.

Not only the ancestral dragons, but even almost all the ancient true dragons fell during the first robbery of the Dragon Han!

Even the inheritance of the entire dragon clan is almost broken, and the location of the sea eye in the beginning is no longer known.

Moreover, the Sea Eye of Absolute Beginning seems to have been damaged by the great battle during the Long Han Tribulation.

So much so that the ancestral dragon embryo finally fell into Zhao Gongming's hands by chance.

Now, with the help of Xu Linyuan, this brand new ancestor dragon was hatched in this Linyuan world!

"Time is fate."

Xu Linyuan shook his head.

Then, he also looked at the huge monster in front of him.

"Don't change quickly?"

Seeing that the ancestor dragon that entered the sea drove the surrounding one-yuan heavy water to flow continuously, Xu Linyuan also said helplessly.

He could feel that this newborn ancestor dragon was not hostile.

It's just a simple dragon swimming in the sea, just excited.

But when he said these words, it seemed that he had Tianxian in his mouth.

The extremely huge figure of the ancestor dragon suddenly began to shrink.

After only a moment, it turned into a human form.

But it is a black dragon pattern, black hair and golden eyes.

As soon as he took shape, he raised his head with his arms around him.

"Hmph! You...are...who!?"

(dbec) His face was stern, and he looked at the three of them without saying a word.

Simply put - cool, fierce.

It seems to have just been born, so the speech is intermittent.



At this time, the three of Xu Linyuan all had strange expressions.


Especially Tai Xi couldn't help laughing out loud.

Nothing else, it's really funny that the ancestor dragon turned into a human form at this time.

It has to be said that if his black-haired, golden-eyed, cold-faced Longyi is normal, it should be extremely intimidating, even daunting.

But unluckily...

"Why are you a child!?"

Tai Xi looked at Zu Long in front of him, and asked with a smile.

That's right - she looks different from Taixi's girl.

This Zulong, who had just transformed into a form, turned out to be a child carved in powder and jade.

It looked even younger than the Nezha Xu Linyuan had seen before, at most four or five years old.

One can imagine...

A four or five-year-old boy, Huan Huan, looked at other people with a look of 'cool and cold, what can I do'.

It would be a strange thing to have the slightest deterrent effect.

"Taixi, you are transformed from the ancestral spirit of Tianhuang Guanglu and Xuanji, and you have existed in Linyuan Realm for a period of time... The transformation is naturally the appearance of a girl."

Xu Linyuan also suppressed a smile.

"As for him..."

The rest of the words are naturally needless to say.

This day, Huanghai itself was born not long ago, and as for the ancestral dragon, it had just hatched from an egg.

After transforming, he will naturally look like a child.

But while talking, he also raised his hand to pass the relevant knowledge to this little Zulong like Taixi before.

And with this appearance, there is no need to say more about what to do.

"Are you willing to be my disciple?"

In all fairness, Xu Linyuan himself did not expect it.

After Taixi, he would accept a second disciple so soon.

But there is no way.

This little ancestral dragon was also conceived in his Linyuan Realm, but it happened to be hatched by the egg Zhao Gongming gave him.

Regardless of emotion or reason, he should be accepted as a disciple.

Not to mention... this is Zulong!

This kind of disciple, even the sage, would never hesitate to put it away.

Those Western Buddhist sects who like to rob talents are most likely willing to pay a huge price to forcibly plunder them.


After hearing Xu Linyuan's question, Xiao Zulong still pondered coolly.

But on that face that was too young, there was no majesty.

On the contrary, it seemed inexplicably happy.

"You are very good at fighting, and you are qualified to be the master of this dragon."

He said childishly.

But after finishing speaking, he looked at Wang Shu with some hesitation: " are also very good at fighting, but no master can fight—you are qualified to be Benlong's mistress."

Scoring twice belongs to yes.

After that, the little Zulong didn't look at Shu's instantly stiff face and embarrassment.

Turning to look at Taixi again, he waved his hand: "Hmph! You can't do it anymore, you can't be Benlong's master!"

"...Taixi is your senior sister!"

Xu Linyuan saw Wang Shu's face was embarrassed, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Oh, that's more than enough qualifications."

Xiaolong continued to nod childishly.

Obviously, this seems to be some kind of talent of Zulong.

As the darling of heaven and earth, it seems to have a natural intuition for crises.

After Xu Linyuan heard this, he no longer struggled.

"Since that's the case, you will be my second disciple in the future. As for the Taoist name..."

He thought for a while, then looked at Wang Shu tentatively.

At this time, the latter was still a little ashamed because of Xiao Zulong's words just now.

But after noticing Xu Linyuan's expression at this time, it can be regarded as borrowing the steps.

"The ancestral dragon, the king of Haizhen, is Hai Youzhen, who sits in it and is covered by the star energy, so he is named Xuanzhi."

She said so.


When Xu Linyuan heard it, he was extremely satisfied.

He turned his head and said to Xiao Zulong: "Your Dao name is called 'Xuan Chi'!"

And heard this name.

Little Zulong's eyes lit up too.

But his face is still cool: "Benlong keeps what he says - you are Benlong's teacher, you have the final say!"

And after confirming the Dao name of the second disciple Xuan Chi.

Xu Linyuan turned to be a little curious.

Because compared to Tai Xi.

As a majestic ancestral dragon, Xuan Chi does not have a companion spirit treasure like the 'Earth Mother Ling'.

This surprised Xu Linyuan a little.

But after Wang Shu heard his doubts, he looked at him helplessly.

"Fellow Daoist Xu, Xuan Chi is an ancestral dragon...why do you need to be accompanied by a spirit treasure?"

As soon as these words came out, Xu Linyuan also reacted immediately.

Isn't that so?

Zulong itself is already the darling of the world.

According to what the Taoist ancestor said - even if it grew wildly in the prehistoric years, it is purely based on physical strength, blood and talent.

It is enough to be called invincible under a saint.

The existence of such creatures is a kind of chance in itself.

Naturally, it is impossible to be accompanied by Lingbao.


"It doesn't matter if you don't have a spirit treasure...I'll take some Xiantian qi later and refine two pieces for them, wouldn't it be enough?"

Thinking about the future, his disciple is likely to be an ancestral dragon armed to the teeth like never before.

In addition, Tai Xi, who was transformed from an innate earth spirit, was no less talented than Zulong.

For a moment, Xu Linyuan felt a little sad for explaining the teaching.

69. Linyuan Preaching, Four Little Demons! (seeking subscription)

Yuanquan Mountain, Linyuan Pavilion.

Xu Linyuan's figure reappeared in the quiet room.

It's just compared to before entering the Abyss Realm.

Xu Linyuan has not only cultivated already~ he has stepped into Daluo Jinxian.

The key point is that there are two more disciples beside him.

"Is this the teacher's dojo?"

At this moment, Tai Xi, who was dressed in a goose-yellow gauze dress, slightly closed her eyes.

When its jade feet step on the ground, it seems to be connected with the whole earth.

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