Congenital Qi.

It is the initial aura conceived from the chaos when the world was opened up.

It is the source of all spiritual energy in the world, containing boundless good fortune.

And most importantly, this thing shouldn't exist in today's Three Realms at all.

Because with the opening up of heaven and earth.

Most of the innate qi will disintegrate automatically, blending into the heaven and earth and turning into various acquired auras.

And a very small part of the innate qi will be integrated into various spiritual treasures by chance and coincidence.

In this way, the most precious "innate spiritual material" of the Three Realms will be formed.

But no matter what—in today's Three Realms, it is simply impossible for the original 'Xian Tian Qi' to exist.

Even to put it bluntly, the sage, the leader of Tongtian, has never seen the most primitive innate energy.

The reason why he knew the information about this thing was because of the Pangu inheritance he obtained as Sanqing.

This is why there is no content about innate qi in the inheritance given to Xu Linyuan by Master Tongtian.

After all, this thing has long since disappeared, and there is no point in passing it on.

"Innate Qi?"

After Xu Linyuan heard the words of the Tongtian leader, he was also taken aback for a moment.

It sounds like a bit of a cow.

"Teacher? What is the magical effect of the innate qi?"

So he also hurriedly asked.

The Master Tongtian shook his head slightly.

"One qi is born with infinite power of good fortune."

"There is no way to use it magically, but if you want to say its greatest function spread by the Three Realms, it is..."

He glanced at his disciple with a slightly complicated expression: "Because the innate spiritual material born from it is a necessary condition for refining the innate spiritual treasure."

After the words fell, he also unreservedly told Xu Linyuan the information of Xiantian Yiqi.

So Xu Linyuan knew immediately.

He got rich.

He naturally knows what the innate spirit treasure is.

Cultivators of the Three Realms, the weapons they use are divided into acquired spiritual treasures and innate spiritual treasures.

Among them, there are many categories of Houtian Lingbao.

From spirit implements, magic implements, to magic weapons, there are so many.

But one thing is acknowledged.

That is, no matter how powerful the Houtian Lingbao is, it is in no way comparable to the Xiantian Lingbao.

Even if it is the most rubbish innate spiritual treasure, it is the most precious treasure in the Three Realms.

It's not just because every piece of Xiantian Lingbao has inherent laws and infinite power.

It is also because of the innate Lingbao, which has a most special place.

That is - it is a must for the strongmen of the three realms to step into the realm of "quasi-sage".

Today, all quasi-sages in the Three Realms follow the "law of cutting three corpses" passed down by the Taoist ancestors to practice.

The core requirement of the method of beheading three corpses.

That is, every time a corpse is beheaded, an innate spirit treasure is needed to entrust the beheaded true spirit.

To cut off the three corpses, three innate spirit treasures are needed.

Therefore, the Xiantian Lingbao in the Three Realms can be said to be the most precious treasure in the true sense.

Every innate spiritual treasure will attract countless Daluo Jinxian and quasi-sage powerhouses to compete for it.

Especially some top innate spirit treasures, even the saints will be moved.

Most importantly, the number of Xiantian Lingbao itself is limited.

Because it is just like what the Master Tongtian said.

For every Xiantian Lingbao, the raw materials for its refining must be innate spiritual materials that have been integrated with the 'Xiantian Yiqi'.

These innate spiritual materials were all born by coincidence when the world was created.

For example, a piece of Gengjin, when the world was opened up, a ray of innate qi happened to be incorporated into it.

Then this Gengjin becomes 'Xiantian Gengjin', which can be used to refine Xiantian Lingbao.

But it has been so many years since the world was opened up.

The innate spiritual material that should be discovered has long been searched and refined into a magic weapon by the big bosses of the three realms.

As for the current Three Realms, there is no innate spiritual material to be found.

But now, Xu Linyuan has the most original 'Innate Qi' in his hand.

"These innate qi, are you also obtained from your chance?"

After the Master Tongtian pondered for a while, he just asked.


And Xu Linyuan nodded decisively.

"You kid's luck is really extraordinary."

So Master Tongtian also sighed.

Afterwards, he also looked at the innate qi in Xu Linyuan's hand: "Well... I just happen to have an innate golden essence left in my hand."

"Combined with this innate spirit energy, it can barely refine a middle-grade innate spirit treasure for you."

Master Tongtian spoke softly.

After hearing this, Xu Linyuan naturally sighed again.

This Jiejiao sage is indeed a good teacher.

After learning of the existence of Xiantian Yiqi, his first reaction was not to take it for himself.

Instead, he gave Xu Linyuan his innate spiritual material and combined with this strand of innate qi to refine the innate spiritual treasure.

It is no wonder that such a saint stopped teaching all immortals to worship in the past.


"Only middle grade?"

Xu Linyuan would not be happy with the words of Master Tongtian!

Zhongpin Xiantian Lingbao.

That doesn't sound like much!

"You kid, are you still not satisfied?"

Master Tongtian laughed when he heard the words.

How precious are congenital spirit treasures?

Even within the Three Realms, there are very few Da Luo Jinxians who can possess a low-grade innate spirit treasure.

Xu Linyuan, who is just a celestial being, is not satisfied with possessing a mid-grade innate spirit treasure?

"You must be satisfied on the road of practice - it is a fluke that you can get this innate aura..."

So Master Tongtian also put on the airs of a master, and prepared to teach Xu Linyuan earnestly.

But before he finished speaking, the whole person was immediately stunned again.

Because it was between his words.

In Xu Linyuan's hands, the Six Paths of Innate One Qi appeared out of nowhere.



The master and apprentice looked at each other in blank dismay.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

" much of this stuff do you have?"

Master Tongtian asked a question.

"Gone...for now."

Xu Linyuan smiled shyly.

What he said is naturally the truth.

In the entire Linyuan world, there are only seven innate one qi, all of which have been taken out by him.

But at the same time, Xu Linyuan was also very clear.

He is a disciple of Jiejiao, and the luck he got is not a one-off.

As long as the interception is still there.

He will obtain luck inexhaustibly and invest in the boundary of the abyss.

With the continuous development and evolution of Linyuan Boundary.

Congenital Qi should continue to be produced.

That's why he said it was only 'temporarily' gone.

As for the figure of the leader of Tongtian, he can naturally hear the implication of Xu Linyuan's words.

Naturally, he also understood that the chances in Xu Linyuan's body actually produced a continuous stream of innate qi.

"...What kind of chance did this kid meet?"

Master Tongtian murmured to himself, feeling complicated.

After half a sound, he just calmed down his mind.

Silently put away the seven innate qi in Xu Linyuan's hand.

"Go, go, go and practice yourself."

He waved his hand, his words were a little weak.

"On the day the spirit treasure is refined, the teacher will call you.".

9. Cutting the Taoist Robe, Zhou Tianxing Dharma Body! (for collection)

After being driven out of Biyou Palace by the Master Tongtian.

Xu Linyuan returned to Jianyun Hall, but did not choose to practice.

The existence of Xiantian Yiqi was a huge surprise to him, and at the same time, it made him convinced of the huge benefits that Linyuan Boundary could bring him.

And it wasn't until this moment that he finally had time to think carefully about how he should act next.

The safest choice now is obviously to just stay in Biyou Palace honestly.

Under the protection of Master Tongtian, he can practice with peace of mind and basically be free from illness and disaster.

But obviously, Xu Linyuan would not choose this way.

"It's not enough just to rely on the current luck of interception."

He knows this.

After becoming a god, Jiejiao's luck plummeted.

Although there is still a basic foundation now, it is still not enough for him.

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