Except that Empress Nuwa didn't like to get involved in the affairs of the world, so she opened up the realm of Emperor Wa.

None of the other saints chose to do this because of the rivalry between the great religions.

So Xu Linyuan was naturally extremely curious about the Wahuang Realm.

As the master of the Chaos Orb, the person in charge of Linyuan Realm.

He really wanted to know what level of world the Wahuang Realm opened up by the saint belonged to.

Is it the prototype of the unpopular world, or the small world, or is it more advanced?

But after coming here in person, he discovered something extremely strange.

That is the Wahuang Realm itself, which clearly should not have reached the level of the Xiaoqian World.

At least Linyuan has never seen the sun, moon and stars in this world—the only thing hanging on the sky is the light of Taoism and immortality.

And the size of this world is also very small, not even one-thousandth of the Linyuan world.

However, in this world, there are countless new births and countless spiritual materials.

Just where Xu Linyuan's spiritual consciousness swept over at this time, there are many immortal grasses and elixir.

In other words

"This world as a whole is reasonable, it doesn't look like a complete small thousand world."

"But in some places, it is far beyond the Linyuan Realm by many times... It may be at the level of the Zhongqian World."

Such a weird situation naturally made Xu Linyuan extremely curious.

"Yuanquan Mountain Lord, seems to be a little curious about Wahuang Realm?"

But at this time, Qingluan who was on the side suddenly spoke.

She obviously also noticed Xu Linyuan's performance.

"...it does."

Xu Linyuan naturally nodded.

But to his surprise, Qingluan started to introduce him after hearing the words.

"The Wahuang Realm is the realm opened up by the empress herself after the collapse of Buzhou Mountain in the past."

Xu Linyuan naturally knew what she said.

In fact, the old demon clan's Heavenly Court was located at Buzhou Mountain, the legendary "Pillar of Heaven" supporting the heaven and earth.

As a sage of the monster clan, Empress Nuwa's dojo during the Lich Years was naturally Buzhou Mountain.

It's just that Bu Zhoushan was broken by Zuwu Gonggong during the Lich War.

So later, Empress Nuwa opened up the realm of Emperor Wa.


"Niangniang once used good fortune to integrate half of Buzhou Mountain and countless spiritual materials into this world."

"This opened up the foundation of the Wahuang Realm."

"The spiritual grasses of the fairy beasts in this world are all derived from this."

And this is undoubtedly an ancient secret that Xu Linyuan didn't know about!

He only knew that the Fantian seal in Guangchengzi's hand was made by Yuanshi Tianzun with half of Buzhou Mountain.

But this is the first time he knows the whereabouts of the other half of Buzhou Mountain.

"The Emperor Wa's Realm was actually opened up by Empress Nuwa with half of the surrounding mountains and countless spiritual materials."

"No...no, the point is not about Buzhou Mountain and spiritual materials, but about...'running good fortune'?"

Xu Linyuan keenly grasped these four words.

He who owns the Abyss Boundary naturally knows.

Pure spiritual material or aura is almost meaningless to open up the world.

For example, even now, he has integrated the aura-rich Yuanquan Mountain into the Linyuan Realm, or planted a huge amount of spiritual grass in the Linyuan Realm.

That's meaningless, at most it just makes the aura of Linyuan Realm more abundant.

But for the evolution of the world itself, it is meaningless.

Because Linyuanjie itself already has the concept of 'mountain'.

But Empress Nuwa can use half of Buzhou Mountain and spiritual materials to open up a world, and reach the current level.

The crux of the problem must lie in the four words of 'operation and creation'.

However, Xu Linyuan did not continue to ask Fairy Qingluan.

He knew that even if he asked this question, Fairy Qingluan would definitely not be able to answer it.

"This matter must be related to the fundamental method of the saint... When I return to the Three Realms this time, I will go to ask Master Tongtian!"

Xu Linyuan had a premonition in his heart.

The answer to this question is likely to be very important to him!

And then, he talked with Fairy Qingluan for a while.

Among them, some other questions about the Emperor Wa's Realm were also asked.

Unexpectedly, Fairy Qingluan actually told him every detail.

The attitude is surprisingly good.

Not long after, Xu Linyuan saw a majestic palace hanging far away at the highest place in the Wahuang Realm not far away.

I saw the palace, but it was cold and gray, and the haze shone like fine waves.

Majestic and simple, but with three points of elegance in the majesty.

On the golden plaque at the main entrance of the palace, there are three characters engraved on it—[Wahuang Palace].

So Xu Linyuan naturally lowered 740 clouds and followed Fairy Qingluan into Wa Palace on foot.

Fairy Qingluan quickly brought him to an attic in the palace.

"This pavilion is the pavilion of ten directions, the empress is in the pavilion, and the mountain owner is inside."

Fairy Qingluan said to him.

After that, they turned around and left.

But before leaving, Xu Linyuan heard a faint voice: "As for the matter of the Lingzhu, thank you Mountain Lord for keeping your hand."

That's why Xu Linyuan finally knew why this Fairy Qingluan was so polite to him along the way.

It was the good relationship formed by him letting Nezha go in the past.

Otherwise, he might not be able to hear the theory of the operation of good fortune.


Shaking his head, he dispelled the thoughts in his mind.

Xu Linyuan stepped lightly into the Shifang Pavilion.

But just stepped into the cabinet for the first time.

Xu Linyuan could see that there was a palace couch ahead.

And a woman is reclining on the couch.

A golden umbrella hangs above the head, and a dark golden gourd is placed beside the body.

The willow waist is slightly stretched and the gold is worn, and the majestic appearance of the jade face sees Lingxia.

Guanghan Chang'e is so difficult, how can Fairy Nine Heavens be like this.

The appearance of this woman is not inferior to that of Taixi, Wangshu is the first-class appearance in the Three Realms.

But the most important thing is the temperament of this woman.

Majestic, elegant, lazy, but expensive.

In fact, she is indeed priceless.

Because she is the sage of the monster race and the saint of the human race—Nuwa Empress! .

72. Nu Wa questioned, Wang Shu appeared!

Seeing the monster saint in front of him, Xu Linyuan naturally calmed down after being amazed for a short time.

"Xu Linyuan, a disciple of the Jiejiao, see Saint Nuwa!"

He only bowed lightly to Empress Nuwa.

"Brother Tongtian has taken in a good disciple."

Empress Nuwa said gracefully.

"Your Majesty is absurd."

Xu Linyuan smiled lightly.

And I have to say—no matter which saint, in fact, he is not a character who likes to go around in circles.

At this time, Nu Wa only had a few words of politeness, and then went straight to the point: "I guess you should know the reason why I called you to Wa Palace."

she said softly.

"The Nine Heavens Breath Soil has a great cause and effect with me, but it is not a property of this palace... If the opportunity comes in the future, someone else should come to ask you."

She opened her mouth first, and put aside the matter of Jiutianxiyang.

It's just like what she said - Nine Heavens Breathing Land is the key to her enlightenment, but it's not hers.

So she didn't intend to delve into the origin of the Nine Heavens Breath Soil in Xu Linyuan's hands.

What she cares about is the other two key points.

"One of the things I want to ask you is the method of refining the shape of the Taiyin—this method is the secret of the monster race in the past. How did you learn it?"

she asked.

Just like Kunpeng.

As a sage of the demon clan, Nu Wa has inherited almost all the legacy of the former demon clan's Heavenly Court.

She naturally knows the method of Taiyin refining shape.

Of course, compared to the method of Taiyin refining shape.

She was more concerned about the second question.

"Secondly, the golden flame of the sun... Where did you get it?"

When this question was asked, Empress Nuwa's eyes were undoubtedly a bit cold.

It's okay to talk about Taiyin's method of refining shape - after all, it's just a practice method.

Among the ancient demon gods, there are always a few people who know it.

She would not be in a difficult situation with Jiejiao for a practice method.

But Sun Jinyan is different.

As a supernatural power with great symbolic significance for the monster race, the golden sun flame is the symbol of the monster race's orthodoxy.

Now in the Three Realms, Nu Wa is sure that only the Golden Crow, Lu Ya, is still alive!

Then the possibility of Xu Linyuan being in charge of Sun Golden Flame is not much.

And the most likely one is that he refined the true soul of one of the former nine Golden Crow princes.

That's right - Empress Nuwa herself knows it very well.

Although the world said that the nine golden crow princes who were shot down by Hou Yi in the past were all dead.

But Empress Nuwa knew that this was not the case.

It's not just a matter of spirit.

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