Moreover, although the original tree species is miraculous, it can be used to assist in cultivation and even as spiritual material for spiritual treasures.

But if you really want to say practicality, it's not that strong.

Naturally, it is impossible for Nuwa to imagine that Xu Linyuan can use the original tree species

So she didn't understand why Xu Linyuan asked for this thing.

At the same time, Wang Shu on the side also looked at Nu Wa with a strange expression.

Naturally, she could guess what her former friend was thinking.

But obviously, it is absolutely impossible for Nu Wa to guess the truth.

After all, within the three realms, no one would have imagined that there would be someone who possessed the Chaos Orb.

Moreover, there is also a sun star in the Chaos Orb, which can plant a second Hibiscus Sacred Tree!


After a moment of thinking to no avail.

But Nuwa looked at Xu Linyuan: "This palace can allow you to do this!"

She didn't refuse: "But..."

Her beautiful eyes shone sharply, and she looked at Xu Linyuan: "The Fusang sacred tree is of great importance to our monster clan. If the original tree species is separated, it may affect the luck of the monster clan."

"If you want to take tree seeds, you have to pay a price.".

74. Nuwa wants to do something about Lu Ya, and there is Suhu in Fuxu Mountain!

Nuwa's words at this time were not polite.

In fact, if it wasn't for Xu Linyuan's reshaping of Wang Shu's true spirit, it would be a great favor to the Yaozu.

She wouldn't even consider Xu Linyuan's request at all.

After all, the Fusang sacred tree is the tree of luck for the monster clan.

It is closely connected with the luck of the Yaozu.

Although the separation of the original tree species will not hurt its roots, the luck of the monster clan will inevitably be damaged to some extent.

"Of course it should!"

But Xu Linyuan felt relieved when he heard this.

He was afraid that Nuwa would not agree—if a sage insisted on not agreeing, then no matter how many means he had, he would still be unable to recover.

But now it seems that Wang Shu's face is obviously - big enough.

As for the so-called price, Xu Linyuan didn't care at all.

"What price is required, the empress will just say it."

Xu Linyuan expressed his wealth and wealth - you can say whatever you want!

It's not that he is ignorant.

In fact, he put his hands in his pockets and couldn't find his opponent.

What are the treasures in his hand?

The emperor oozes, the sun is golden, and the nine days rest in the soil.

If it really doesn't work, he reluctantly took out a wisp of Xiantian and Qi.

Don't say these things are big Luo Jinxian quasi-sages.

Even a saint would definitely be tempted!

To make an exchange, he really wasn't afraid that he didn't have enough cards.

However, Xu Linyuan didn't expect it.

After thinking for a while, Empress Nuwa made an unexpected request.

"I can plant the original tree of the Fusang sacred tree to you."

"But as a price...the karma between you and Lu Ya is canceled in one stroke-so, you may accept it?"

she said softly.

After hearing her words, Xu Linyuan was taken aback.


"Sorry, Empress Nuwa."

He spoke softly.

"Other things may be discussed."

"But this matter... is absolutely impossible!"

His words are like cutting gold and jade, resolute and decisive!

at the same time...

Fuxu Mountain, where the Fox Demon Clan resides.

As the lair of the fox demon clan that rose in Fuxu Mountain after the fall of Fuxu Mountain God.

Naturally, everywhere here, the fox caves are big or small, and foxes of different colors are practicing meditation.


At this time, I saw a cute little fox with fiery red fur jumping into this area.


And the old fox demon who was basking in the sun on a piece of bluestone turned his head to look at the little fox at this time.

"Girl Liuli, why are you so noisy!"

"Old ancestor! Give me the crown of Empress Yuanzu!"

The little fox demon Liuli said loudly.

"What nonsense!"

When the old fox demon heard the words, he blew his beard and stared.

"How can I give you such a township thing—that is the only hope for our clan's future rejuvenation!"

"But ancestor, didn't you say that I am the most talented fox demon in our clan, and I am likely to inherit the crown in the future?"

Liuli, the little fox, argued with reason: "The owner of Yuanquan Mountain has promised me that as long as my talent and cultivation level catch up with his two disciples, he will accept me as a disciple!"

She looked very anxious.

"Is there such a thing?"

The old fox demon was stunned when he heard the words: "The master of the mountain has accepted his disciples? What are his two disciples? What kind of cultivation?"

He is naturally aware of his descendant's admiration for Yuanquan Mountain Lord.

But I didn't expect that the mountain master seemed to mean that he really accepted his disciples.

This is undoubtedly very important - after all, the old fox demon with an extraordinary background is very clear about the origin of the owner of Yuanquan Mountain.

Disciples of saints, disciples of Jiejiao.

If the little fox can really worship under the master of Yuanquan Mountain...


But the little fox Liuli was stunned when he heard the words.

Then, he said with some coyness, "No... I don't know."

After she got Xu Linyuan's 'promise', she ran back to the clan in a hurry, where did she ask about Tai Xi and Xuan Chi's cultivation base and footsteps.

"...Talk about the development of the matter one by one!"

So the old fox demon naturally gritted his teeth and gritted his teeth at his natural descendant, who was full of black lines.


Liuli naturally didn't hide anything, and immediately told about her going to listen to the sermon with the other three little demons and what happened afterwards.

"The owner of the mountain was called by the Qingluan fairy to a place called Wahuang Palace. After I said goodbye to Fengfeng and the others, I came back quickly!"

She said.

But in front of her, the old fox demon's eyes widened.

"Are you sure that the mountain master was invited to Wa Palace? Then it was Fairy Qingluan who came to invite him!?"

He was shaking with excitement!

He naturally knew where Wahuang Palace came from—or rather, except for little monsters like Liuli.

But for any demon clan with a little climate, who wouldn't know Wa Palace?


After seeing the little fox nodding for confirmation, the old fox demon's eyes also began to struggle.

He naturally knew how precious the two things his ethnic group kept were.

・・・ Flowers・・・

Just as he said - that is the only hope for their lineage to revive!

That was their only hope to get rid of the current incognito situation and return to Qingqiu.

Today, all these years.

He has been selecting suitable clansmen as the entrustment for the rise of the clan in the future.

And to be honest-although Liuli, the little fox demon, has good talent, she was originally only one of the candidates in his selection process.

But today...

"The sage of Jiejiao personally passed on his disciples, and it may also have something to do with Empress Nuwa...Fight it!"

He gritted his teeth and made up his mind!

Then he raised his eyes to the little fox Liuli.

"Girl, you come with me!"

He jumped off the bluestone.

With the little fox Liuli, he walked towards the depths of Fuxu Mountain.

Soon, two foxes, one old and one young, came to a secret place.


This seems to be an underground palace.

Around the underground palace, there is a set of ancient and exquisite formations engraved.

If there are people who know how to do it here, they will naturally see it.

The formation here seems to be built to suppress luck and cover up secrets.

At the same time, there are various ancient and magnificent bronze utensils placed in the underground palace.

If you look closely, you will find it.

These ancient bronze utensils, without exception, are objects from the Yin and Shang Dynasties.

Even on some of the bronze utensils, there is a faint remnant of youthful luck.

At this time, after the old fox demon came here with Liuli.

He even bit the tip of his tongue directly.


Opening the mouth is to spit out a mouthful of precious original essence and blood.

Fall before that underground palace.

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