She only stretched out her hand lightly, stroking the trunk of the sacred tree.


And the hibiscus sacred tree kept swaying its body, as if communicating with it.

Exactly what I said before.

This monster saint is in charge of the luck of the monster clan.

Therefore, although it is not the master of the spiritual root, it can also communicate with the Fusang sacred tree, which is the tree of luck of the monster clan.

After a while, Empress Nuwa just said: "Xu Linyuan, the sacred tree has promised to give you a spiritual seed—come here."

If it is the master of other spiritual roots, it is naturally easy to obtain the original tree species of the spiritual roots.

But Nu Wa is not the owner of the Fusang Sacred Tree, at most it can only be regarded as a cooperative relationship.

Therefore, she naturally respects this tree of luck of the monster clan.


Xu Linyuan had no choice but to go forward as he said.

But it was also at the moment when he approached the Fusang sacred tree


The familiar feeling emerged in an instant, and Xu Linyuan only felt the Chaos Orb in his mind jump suddenly.

That is the Sun Star in the Linyuan Boundary, which is in contact with the Fusang Sacred Tree.


And with the laurel god tree pearl and jade in front, Xu Linyuan, who was already in the palace for the second time, naturally wouldn't be so surprised.

According to previous experience, the next step is to communicate with him for a while with the consciousness of Fusang Sacred Tree.

Then, the original tree species is available.

But what Xu Linyuan didn't expect at all was...




Accompanied by the Fusang sacred tree and the sun star in Linyuan boundary.

The entire tree body began to tremble suddenly!

At this time, the boundless spirit permeated the entire Sunstar, causing the flames on the entire Sunstar 747 to almost completely illuminate the sky of the Three Realms into scarlet red!

The sky is red, and the sacred tree shakes!

Then, Xu Linyuan heard a voice.


It was a distant, desolate, dull sound, as if it came from an eternal unknown place.

That's...a chime!

From within the ringing of the bell, Xu Linyuan seemed to be able to hear the indistinct prayer.

"Help...get off!"

The ambiguous words made Xu Linyuan question marks.

But the next moment, he felt that his body was instantly sucked into an unknown place.

Nuwa and Wangshu, as well as the Fusang sacred tree and the sun star disappeared in an instant.

Instead, it was a battlefield.

Even the sky seemed to be stained red with blood.

The cracked earth seemed to be broken at any moment.

Broken banners can be seen in the distance, and among the corpses everywhere, there are various monsters in armor, as well as giants as huge as mountains.

They are all witches of the witch clan.

Even further away, Xu Linyuan could even see a mountain that was collapsing and breaking.

In fact, Xu Linyuan has seen countless majestic famous mountains and rivers so far.

Still, none can match that collapsing mountain.

That mountain seems to be a pillar supporting the world, its height, width and stalwart cannot be described in words.

With just one glance, Xu Linyuan can be sure.

That is the 'Tianzhu'.

That is...

"Buzhou Mountain!"

Then, an unimaginable idea welled up in his heart.

"This is... the battleground of the War of the Lich?".

77. All things stand still, the ancestor witch falls, and the chaotic clock appears in the Sun Palace!

The almost iconic feature of the sudden change of surroundings is undoubtedly the 'War of Liches' of yesteryear!

For a moment, Xu Linyuan even wondered if he had traveled through time again.

But just for a moment, Xu Linyuan realized something was wrong.

Because after the initial horror has passed.

He has already noticed.

The entire 'Lich Battlefield' around him was still.

Unable to feel the breeze, the blood dripping from the countless corpses stagnated on the ground.

Of course, the most intuitive one is the Buzhou Mountain that collapsed not far away.

The mountain body that was broken into two pieces is maintaining the appearance of falling from the sky, stagnating in the air.

This is a static world.


Therefore, Xu Linyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

No way - if what he was crossing was really the battlefield of the Lich War.

Then he asked himself, he was in a very dangerous situation.

After all, the Lich War is recognized as the most terrifying battle in the Three Realms.

The two powerful clans of Liches are fully participating in the battle, and even the quasi-sages have to depend on luck to survive in this battle.

But the current static world, on the contrary, shows that he is not in the real Lich battlefield.

"...Let's find a way out first."

So Xu Linyuan pondered for a while, and decided decisively to look for an opportunity to go out on this battlefield.

Although theoretically, if he disappears.

Master Tongtian, Empress Nuwa, and even Wang Shu will definitely try to find him.

But in the final analysis, it is not Xu Linyuan's style to pin his hopes on others.

Therefore, Xu Linyuan also quietly drove Jietian Taoist robe.

I saw starlight shining on the Taoist robe, and he himself turned into a stream of light and flew across the entire Lich battlefield.

"...It really is cruel."

And flying all the way, looking at the devastated scene of the whole land.

Xu Linyuan could only sigh.

Even if it is just to see some of the wreckage of the old battle from this still time.

However, he could also imagine how cruel the battle that shook the world in the past was.

Xu Linyuan tried to find clues from various scattered weapons and corpses below.

But he discovered that the whole world seemed like an eternally static 'specimen'.

He couldn't move anything in it, and he couldn't remove a single drop of blood to examine.

And Xu Linyuan flew all the way, and soon came to the bottom of the collapsed Buzhou Mountain.

Looking at the shattered sky pillar above the head, falling from infinite heights.

Xu Linyuan didn't say a word, just flew up!

All the way through the 33 heavy days.

Then, Xu Linyuan saw a figure.

That figure seems to be able to cover the sky and block out the sun, and its size even seems to be able to directly penetrate most of the entire 33 layers of sky.

His figure was hidden in the clouds and mist, but Xu Linyuan was still startled by the evil spirit and coercion that covered the sky and the sun.

There was a huge wound on the top of the figure's head, which seemed to be caused by hitting something with his head.

He was apparently dead and was falling downwards.

It has a python-headed human body, covered with black scales, feet on a black dragon, and wrapped in a green python, and its body is full of moisture!

"Water ancestor witch...Gonggong~¨."

And Xu Linyuan naturally recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

Even if the opponent has lost countless yuanhui, his name will never fade with time.

One of the Twelve Patriarchal Witches, Gonggong, the Patriarch of Water who knocked down Buzhou Mountain.

But at this time, this ancestor witch also seemed to be static together with the world.

"This is the scene where Gonggong knocked down Mount Buzhou, and then himself fell because of it?"

Xu Linyuan observed the whole body of this ancestor witch curiously.

The body of the ancestral witch is a research proposition that countless people in the Three Realms yearn for.

At this time, he had a rare opportunity to fully observe an ancestral witch—although due to the special nature of this world, he couldn't take off the blood of the ancestral witch to study it.

But observation, also can discover a lot of things.

In fact, Xu Linyuan soon found out.

At this time, the true face of the ancestral witch was revealed, and Gonggong was full of majesty and majesty.

On the left and right sides of the chest where the heart is, there is a strange pattern.

That pattern is completely different from other witch patterns around him, like a drop of blood.

Deeper, grander, older, and more difficult to fathom.

"The body of the ancestral witch is very mysterious."

So Xu Linyuan also sighed.

But he didn't continue to look at it for too long.

After silently remembering the characteristics and aura pressure of Gong Gong, he continued to fly upwards.

Then, he was surprised to find out.

Along the way, there were more than one Gonggong Zuwu who was falling down from Buzhou Mountain.

"Human face, bird body, green snake feet, this is the ancestor of the rain witch 'Xuan Ming'!"

"As green as green bamboo, with a bird's body and a human face, this is the ancestor of wood, the witch 'Gumang'!"

"Holding a thunderbolt with a human head and a dragon body, this is Xizi, the ancestor of thunder!"

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