The earth-shattering terrifying power instantly spread throughout the still world!

But Xu Linyuan's actions haven't stopped yet!

He stretched out his right hand again, and then streams of dark black water also gushed out from his hand.

One yuan heavy water!

The mighty water instantly submerged the divine bird that was colliding with the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil!

And under the suppression of the unitary heavy water and the nine-day breath soil, the divine bird transformed from the three-color divine fire also uttered a mournful cry.

The golden flame of the sun and these two innate objects were originally innate spiritual objects of the same level.

If they are facing each other alone, then naturally they are indistinguishable.

But now with two enemies and one, even the strange golden flame of the sun, Donghuang Taiyi, is naturally helpless.

After a while, the huge Golden Crow was crushed by the mountains and submerged by the flowing water!

But Xu Linyuan continued to control the soil and water, and cooperated with the Yugu Zilei Hammer to besiege Donghuang Taiyi!

Even himself, with the help of Zhou Tianxing's Dharma Body, stepped forward to attack the opponent with a burst of crazy output!

Then I saw that between the heaven and the earth, the star-gathered giant manipulated the heavenly water and the spiritual land.

Surrounded by thunder that covers the sky and the sun and fishing drums.

This is exactly...

The dharma body of the stars shakes the heaven and the earth, and the heavy water breaths the earth to town the four directions.

If it continues the previous events of the Lich Formation, who is fighting the Demon Emperor today?

If this kind of battle is placed in the Three Realms, there will be countless crowds watching it.

Especially those who have seen Xu Linyuan make a move, they will definitely sigh.

In just a short time, the master of Yuanquan Mountain's cultivation base and supernatural powers have grown to such an exaggerated level.

At least under the current state of Xu Linyuan's full firepower, he can definitely break his wrist with the idle quasi-sage!


"Are you a clock or a turtle shell!?"

Xu Linyuan, who showed great power, felt more disgusted the more he hit him.

Without him - because it is really not difficult to fight against the remnants of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

The remnant thoughts of this demon supreme being are obviously trapped by obsession, but he is almost devoid of spirituality when fighting.

Not to mention supernatural powers and mana, compared to the peak period, it is probably not even a fur.

Normally speaking, Xu Linyuan was afraid that he would have been beheaded in this Sun Yao Palace long ago.

But the chaotic clock hanging above his head was too outrageous!

Xu Linyuan Zhou Tianxing's Dharma body was blessed enough to resist Fan Tianyin's physical body, but there was no response when he hit the chaotic clock.

As for the Nine Heavens Resting Soil, one yuan of heavy water can't break the defense at all.

Even with Yugu and Zilei Hammer, the two top-grade innate spirit treasures, all they can do to stimulate them can only make waves from the protective shield dropped by the Chaos Clock!

But no matter what, it is hard to break through the defense of this spirit treasure!

It's his mana, which is due to the simultaneous activation of two innate spirit treasures and the control of two top innate things!

Consumed, but extremely fast!

"Is this the innate treasure?"

Xu Linyuan once again felt how terrifying this innate treasure with only five pieces since the beginning of the world is!


But at this moment, the Chaos Clock rang again.

In Xu Linyuan's ear, the voice of the chaotic clock spirit came again.

"The way of heaven... adding body... can be broken... I..."

Such words were still intermittent, but Xu Linyuan was taken aback when he heard the words.

Although this feeling of 'I'm beating you, and you are teaching me how to beating you' is extremely strange.

But Xu Linyuan still didn't hesitate.

"Trust me again!"

Then, he decisively activated the Chaos Orb.

To be precise, it is in the Chaos Orb——the origin of the way of heaven!

There were only about three strands of Dao origin that day.

According to Xu Linyuan, it's not even enough to use one of the fighting skills!

But even so, he still regards it as the most precious hole card.

Because he knows—even if the power he can gain after using this thing is only for a moment.

・・・ Flowers・・・

But that moment is enough to change everything!

Just like this time.


That ray of heaven originally came from the chaotic orb.

Then, it merged into Xu Linyuan's body!

It was also at that moment when the ray of heaven originating from the Chaos Orb merged into his body!


Xu Linyuan clearly felt that this entire static world... began to shatter at this moment!

That is not an illusion!

The crimson sky was torn into huge gaps at this moment!

The blood-stained land began to be engulfed by a pitch-black nothingness!

It seems that the existence of Xu Linyuan at this time is a burden that this world cannot bear!

And it is true...

Even if there is only one wisp, even if it is only an insignificant small part.

But the origin of the way of heaven is the 'way of heaven' after all!

This is the essence of immutability!

This incomplete static world simply cannot accommodate its existence!

"Using the origin of the Dao of Heaven in the Three Realms, this is how it feels..."

Xu Linyuan sighed in his heart.

"My current state should be equivalent to a saint in the Three Realms, right?"

"No... If the saints really shared part of the origin of the way of heaven as I guessed, then what they have mastered should be the origin of the way of heaven in the Three Realms."


He could feel that the ray of heaven in his body was being consumed at an unimaginable speed.

This power is only for a moment.

But he didn't panic at all.

Even keep thinking about it.

"The Three Realms are the Great Thousand Worlds, and the origin of the Dao of Heaven is definitely much stronger than that of the Linyuan Realm."

"So I'm supposed to be—a weakened version of a saint now?"

With this in mind, he raised his hand slightly just now.

He swung his fist again, hitting the light curtain cast by the Chaos Clock!

And this time...


Just like the information given by the Chaos Clock.

Xu Linyuan, who accommodated the origin of the Dao of Heaven, shattered the light curtain with one punch easily.

The weakened version of the saint is also a saint.

If Donghuang Taiyi in his heyday controlled the Chaos Clock, he might be able to withstand more than one blow from the saint.

After all, it was the time when the gods were granted in the past.

Kong Xuan, the current 'Peacock Daming King Bodhisattva', once fought with Zhunti Buddha's mother.

It even made the saint lose face once.

But at the end of the day...

"A chaotic clock controlled by Cannian."

"Even if it's just a moment of mighty power, it's enough to break through."

Thinking of this, the origin of the Dao in Xu Linyuan's body has already dissipated.

Xu Linyuan broke away from that strange, seemingly omnipotent state.

For a moment, I felt a little lost.

But it hasn't waited for him to recover from the loss.

"It's actually a human race? How many years have passed in the Three Realms... Even a weak race like the human race has produced a character like you?"

A haughty and majestic voice came.

Xu Linyuan heard it clearly—it was the voice of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi just now.

So he raised his head immediately.

Then it was seen that Donghuang Taiyi's Cannian was standing in front of him as expected.

It's just that at this time, it is different from the dull and crazy appearance before.

The Dong Huangtai in front of her had majestic eyes.

What's more, the body of the former monster clan becoming loose and transparent at this moment!

"You don't want words!"

Seeing that Xu Linyuan was about to speak, the former Supreme also interrupted him directly.

He directly raised his hand, and a golden light fell on Xu Linyuan's eyebrows.

Xu Linyuan's heart tightened, but there was no time to dodge at this moment.

The next moment, a memory came to his mind.

In the ear, the voice of Donghuang Taiyi came.

"The 'Remnant World' transformed by the Chaos Clock with my remnant thoughts is about to collapse."

"I don't have much time...Boy, just listen carefully!" Qian.

80. The Chaos Clock is my reward!

Donghuang Taiyi is the most proud and domineering person in the Three Realms!

This overbearing is not on the surface, but from the soul.

Innate god, the essence of the sun, accompanied by the chaotic clock, he is indeed qualified to be proud!

"Big brother—you and I, brothers, should be the overlord of this world!"

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