"Uncle's waist hurts a little, give me a little too."

"Uncle's legs are a little weak, give me a little too."

The members of the hunting team found all kinds of old injuries on their bodies one by one, just to let Lin Yang give them a "green" look.

"Uncle's finger is cut, please treat it for me." At this time, a big man came up and stretched out his finger.

Seeing this, Shi Linhu kicked him on the buttocks: "Go away, the big fart wound has stopped bleeding, so you don't have to be ashamed to come over."

The big man suddenly screamed, and then he covered his buttocks and said, "Xiao Yangzi, Uncle's butt hurts so much, please give it to me."

Lin Yang: "..."

"It's amazing, with Xiao Yangzi here, won't we never be afraid of getting hurt in the future?"

"Our village really found a treasure!"

A group of members of the hunting team looked at Lin Yang, as if seeing a rare treasure, their eyes were a little hot.

As a hunting team, they often fight wild beasts and wild beasts. Injuries are commonplace. Sometimes they even have to lie down for ten days and a half months. In more serious cases, they are even directly paralyzed or die.

Therefore, the ability that Lin Yang demonstrated just now is of great significance to the hunting team.

In an instant, Lin Yang became the treasure in the eyes of the hunting team.

Soon, Lin Yang's "healing" ability was spread throughout the village by the hunting team.

Afterwards, Lin Yang gradually gained the title of "little genius doctor" in the stone village.

In the evening, the villagers sacrificed the animal carcasses in front of the willow tree. After the ceremony, several spiritual prey were moved into the patriarch's courtyard.

Not long after, the smell of blood dissipated in the stone courtyard, and several ferocious beasts lay there, bleeding all over their bodies, and their bodies gradually shriveled, with runes shining one after another, mysterious and strange.

Those are bone inscriptions, which are intertwined with the blood at this time, like tiny lightning flashes.Shi Yunfeng was casting a spell, he was refining and decocting the essence of animal blood with mysterious power, picking "blood medicine".

After continuous tempering, the animal blood became less and less, and every ferocious beast just rolled down a drop and fell into the jade pot. The blood beads were crystal clear, shining like blood diamonds.

"According to the records in the bone book, if there are enough holy medicines, true blood, etc. during the baptism at the age of five, the foundation laid will have a far-reaching impact and be related to future achievements." Patriarch Shi Yunfeng whispered.

He didn't want to waste Xiaobudian and Lin Yang's talents, and he didn't want him to lag behind the geniuses of the super rich. He had been thinking about how to accumulate the treasures needed for the two of them to be "baptized".

"Better lack than excess, only high-quality true blood is useful to them. It's a pity that alien species are too rare and too powerful to deal with." He whispered to himself.

Chapter 34 Sign in to Qinglin Eagle's Nest!Reward Huntian Ling!

Time flies, and another half a month has passed.

On this day, Lin Yang was basking in the sun in the yard, with black runes flickering in his hands, performing the Great Devouring Technique to absorb the spiritual energy in the void.

"Lin Yang!"

At this time, Xiao Budian ran in from the yard with his short legs, then leaned into Lin Yang's ear, and whispered, "Er Meng and the others said they were going to steal bird eggs, and asked if we would go?"

"Stealing bird eggs?"

Hearing this, Lin Yang lazily opened his eyes.

"Yes, it's fun to steal bird eggs!" Xiao BuDian blinked her big eyes, her face was flushed, and there was a trace of expectation in her eyes.

Unexpectedly, Lin Yang just shook his head in disdain and said: "What's so interesting about this, don't go, it's a game only played by children, childish!"

The little one was a little disappointed, and persuaded persuasively: "This time is different, we are going to steal the egg of a powerful beast!"

"A powerful beast?"

"What beast? How strong is it?"

Lin Yang didn't care much. With his current strength, even a beast of the overlord level could only be rubbed against the ground by him. He wasn't interested in ordinary beasts at all.

"It's the Qinglin Eagle!"

Seeing Lin Yang's interest, Xiao Budian immediately said loudly: "Uncle Ahu often mentioned that its lair is on a cliff not far from our village."

"Green Lin Eagle?"

Hearing this, Lin Yang cheered up, it seems that this time the plot of the original novel was triggered.

In the original book, the little group of brats went to steal the eggs of the Qinglin Eagle, and were finally chased and killed by the overlord of the air all the way to Shicun. If the adults hadn't sacrificed two ancestor artifacts, these brats might have threatened .

"You guys are so bold that you even dare to provoke Qing Linying." Lin Yang glanced at the excited little boy, and in his heart a bear child is a bear child, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

The Qinglin Eagle can be regarded as an overlord-level beast in the surroundings, and it is also the overlord of the air. Ordinary fierce beasts dare not provoke it, but these brats dare to steal its eggs.

"Lin Yang, why don't you come with us, it's fun to steal bird eggs." Xiao BuDian took Lin Yang's arm, trying to pull him away.

"Okay, I'll just play with you brats once." Lin Yang climbed off the reclining chair with his petite body, and said old-fashionedly.

Lin Yang remembered that Qinglinying was quite strong, and also had a good treasure technique. If he could subdue it, it would add a lot of strength.

The little one glanced at him, thinking that we are both unweaned milk babies, what are you pretending here?

"Ding, the host triggers the check-in task, and checks in at the Qinglin Eagle's nest for one day!"

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Lin Yang's mind.

Hearing the voice, Lin Yang's eyes lit up immediately.

Finally a new mission.

Signing in at the Qinglin Eagle's Nest is simply a welcome gift.

Afterwards, Lin Yang and Xiao Budian went out of the yard and joined a group of older children.


The primitive mountain forest is dense, the forest is very cloudy, poisonous insects are infested, the roar of beasts is dull like thunder, and there are bursts of fishy smell left by fierce beasts, snakes, etc., which make people feel chills.


There was a thunderous roar from the depths of the mountains, causing the rocks to roll down, the echoes to rumble, the trees swayed violently, the leaves flew wildly, and there were large ferocious beasts in the distance.

When a group of children saw this scene, their faces turned pale.

These children were naturally a group of brats who had just sneaked out from Shicun, and Lin Yang and Xiao BuDian were also among them.

At this moment, they had left the stone village some distance away and entered an old forest. Fortunately, there were no real ferocious beasts living in this forest.

"Brother Zhuang, the mountains and forests are too dangerous. We are still young, so we can't go any further." A child in the crowd trembled with fear.

They grew up guarding the primeval forest, so they naturally knew the dangers in it, there were all kinds of ominous creatures, even their parents had to be careful when entering the forest, otherwise they would die.

This group of children is not very old, there are a dozen of them in total, and the leader is Shi Dazhuang, who once held a thousand-jin bronze tripod. Another person said: "Pi Hou, how far is it?"

The leather monkey's name is Shi Zhonghou, and it looks dry, but it has great strength and is also very clever. It said, "I heard from Uncle Lin Hu and the others that the cliff is not very far from the village, it is in this direction, and we should be there soon."

"Little Yangzi, little one, do you think we should go?" Shi Dazhuang asked.

Since the last "lifting the tripod" incident, everyone has seen the strength of Xiaobudian and Lin Yang, and unknowingly, the children in Shicun gradually center on them.

"Going any further will be very dangerous." The little boy said truthfully with a crisp voice and big black eyes.

"But it's really not far from there." Shi Dazhuang said.

"Then shall we go or not? We've already arrived here."

"That's the Qinglin Eagle's egg. If you steal it, the adults will be very happy."

More than half of the children were a little moved and wanted to continue walking.

"You guys go, I'll go too!" Little Dot's eyes were also shining with excitement, the eggs of the Qinglin Eagle, which are the eggs of a powerful beast, should taste good when roasted.

"Go, it's just a bird. There's nothing to be afraid of." Lin Yang looked indifferent. Although the air overlord was more difficult to deal with than ordinary overlords, Lin Yang was confident that it would be no problem to protect everyone.

Seeing Lin Yang's confident face, everyone was relieved immediately.

After all, the strength that Lin Yang showed at the beginning convinced all the brats.

In this way, after Lin Yang uttered his voice, a group of children started on the road again, and walked for a mile or so. The trees gradually became thinner, the vegetation became less and less, and the boulders gradually increased, and there was a burst of fierceness.

The rocks are rugged, this is a large stone forest, silent, and the bones of some giant beasts are scattered on the ground, white and amazing.

The monkey looked around and whispered, "This is the place. I heard from Uncle Lin Hu and the others that its lair is built on the cliff deep in the stone forest."

Shi Dazhuang also lowered his voice and reminded all the children, saying: "These animal bones may be left by it when it ate the beast. Although it should not be in the nest during this period of time, we still have to be careful not to be discovered. , or you may die!"

These dozen or so children all grew up in the wilderness, they were very vigilant, like small mountain beasts, quickly and nimbly hid in the gaps in the stone forest to cover themselves.

After observing for a while, they sniffed against the wind again, and then nodded to each other. Like apes, they rushed to the deepest part of the stone forest vigorously.

Along the way, they saw a lot of skeletons, snow-white and huge, with five or six-meter-long poultry bones, and animal skulls as big as millstones, all of which were caused by the fierce beasts and birds in the mountains and forests being torn alive, and the place was lifeless.

"It really wants to live here. After a long time, if it reproduces some offspring, the people of our stone village will be fatally threatened when they enter and leave the mountains!"

"Uncle Lin Hu and the others have been discussing for a few days, and have already observed its habits."

While whispering, these children galloped at an extremely fast speed, rushing into the depths of the stone forest like a dozen small whirlwinds.

A stone cliff stretches across the front, and it is even more silent here, no grass grows. There is a huge nest on the top of the cliff, built with black sycamore trees, giving people a very depressing feeling.

The children were far away from each other, hiding in the crevices of the rocks and watching carefully. The black nest was ten meters in diameter and was huge. You didn't need to think about it.

"It really is here!"

"This green-scaled eagle has been wandering here for a long time, and now it has built a giant nest. Is it true that it has laid eggs as Uncle Lin Hu said?"

The eyes of a group of children are shining, this is the main purpose of their coming here!

This is a very ferocious and powerful exotic bird. It has the blood inherited from the ancient magic bird in its body. It is very difficult to deal with. Ordinary beasts and fierce animals will die if they are stared at by it, and they cannot escape their lives.

"According to Uncle Lin Hu and his team's observations, the male green-scaled eagle has not appeared for several days, and may have died in an accident deep in the mountains. Every day at noon, the female bird will go out to hunt food by itself, trying to get close to it. , the opportunity is in front of us." Pihou said.

A group of children clenched their fists, obviously very nervous, but at the same time there was a kind of anticipation and excitement in their eyes. The children who grew up in the mountains and forests were all very bold, otherwise they would not have come to such a dangerous place on their own initiative.

"Everyone hide in the crevice of the stone, I'll throw a stone and try!"

A dark-skinned child spoke, his name was Shi Meng, and the villagers called him Er Meng.

When performing martial arts in Shicun, he once directly knocked down a big mang ox, and almost lifted a bronze tripod weighing a thousand catties, second only to Shi Hao and Shi Dazhuang among this group of children.

With a sound of "huh", a big rock flew up and rushed to the distance, and finally landed on the pile of rocks in front of the cliff with a thud, making a loud noise.

Everyone was shocked, but fortunately there was no movement on the cliff.

"Er Meng, don't be so reckless, be careful."

"I'll try to see if it's in the nest, it seems to be fine now, let's hurry up!" Er Meng said, and was about to rush over.

"Brother Ermeng, wait a moment first." Xiaobudian said, grabbed a big stone, and threw it vigorously, the stone flew up the cliff with a whoosh, and landed in front of Wuchao, making a loud noise.

After a while, the cliff was very quiet, and the Green Scaled Eagle did not appear.


A group of children were like a herd of beasts, howling and rushing towards the cliff.

They had an orderly division of labor before and after they arrived. Some of them stood on the boulder, staring at the sky, and stood guard in case the fierce bird suddenly appeared, while a few others were preparing to climb the cliff.

"Brother Zhuang, you all wait, I'll go up and take a look first." Xiao BuDian said.

Lin Yang couldn't wait to go up to sign in, so he said, "Let me go up first."

"Forget it, you two unbroken babies, just watch from the sidelines, let's go."

Shi Dazhuang said, a group of children laughed, the little one is still eating animal milk, and they are often teased by them.

"I've been eating meat for a long time, but I only drink it as water occasionally!" The little boy defended angrily, wrinkled his nose, and stared at his big black jewel-like eyes.

Of course, the little guy is very smart, knowing that the older kids are not really laughing at him at this time, but are taking care of and protecting him, and don't want him to be the first to go up and take risks.

"I'm faster than all of you, and I can run away quickly if I'm in danger." The little boy didn't wait for them to speak, like a little monkey, with a whoosh, he quickly climbed towards the rocky cliff, nimble and sensitive.

Lin Yang, on the other hand, stepped on his feet, and his figure was like a nimble macaque. He had already set foot on the stone cliff and was far ahead.

"Don't let the two of them get in danger, we will go too!" Seeing this scene, Shi Dazhuang, Er Meng and Pi Hou all followed closely behind, also chasing after them like apes.

There are many gaps in the cliff wall, allowing several children to use their strength to climb up quickly.

Growing up in the mountains and guarding the primeval dense forest, their climbing ability is naturally very strong, not much inferior to the devil apes in the mountains.

"Phew... it's finally here!"

The stone cliff is 300 meters high. After the little boy came up, he waited for the other three people for a while, until they all popped their heads, and then walked towards the giant nest together.

"What a big bird's nest!" Pi Hou exclaimed.

Standing in front of it and watching it, it is particularly shocking. The lair is ten meters long and is made of black sycamore wood. It occupies more than half of the cliff top, and it is bigger than the houses in Shicun.

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