Seeing the Qinglin Eagle descending, Shi Linhu and the others were overjoyed and excited.

With Lin Yang around and Qing Linying, they naturally don't have to be afraid of any embarrassing villages.

"Uncle Ahu, what's going on, why are all the uncles injured?" Lin Yang jumped off Qing Linying's back, glanced at the scene, and his face was a little ugly.

"Who is so cruel to hurt Uncle Shoushan like this." The little guy had a sad face, looking at the big man who was pierced by the iron arrow, he said angrily.

"It's Embarrassed Village. While we were hunting ferocious beasts, he sneaked up on us and even robbed our prey." Shi Linhu roared angrily, with a very unwilling expression on his face.

"The embarrassing village!"

Hearing this, Lin Yang frowned. He had seen the perfect world, so he naturally had an impression of this embarrassing village.

"Heal everyone first." Lin Yang first came to Shi Shoushan, who was pierced by the iron arrow, and slapped out the iron arrow on his chest. Injury repair.

A moment later, under Lin Yang's treatment, all the injured members of the hunting team became alive and well.

Afterwards, Lin Yang carefully asked about the situation just now.

"The embarrassing village suddenly attacked us, everything came too suddenly, we were defenseless, and suffered a big loss!"

"Embarrassed Village, that fourteen-year-old brat is really vicious. He shot those arrows. If an old man in their village hadn't shook his head, he would have killed many of us in a row." Ermeng's father Said angrily.

"That bastard is very powerful. He looks fair and handsome, but his thoughts are vicious. Don't be careless. The chests of the brothers are all covered with three layers of thick steel armor. He shot through them all. I am the only one in the village. Brother Hu can do it," Shi Feijiao added.

"They haven't finished walking yet, let's catch up and snatch the prey back."

A cold expression appeared on Lin Yang's face. Those prey were basically hunted by him and Xiao Budian, but now they were snatched away by others, how could he bear it.

"Yes! To snatch back the prey that belongs to us, we must not hold back!" Every villager's heart boiled with anger, their internal organs were like cooking with oil, and they were very angry.

Afterwards, a group of people chased after the people in the embarrassing village. This time, the people in the embarrassing village went too far, beyond the bottom line of what they could tolerate.

Xiao Budian also clenched her fists and followed behind.


They didn't stop, and headed towards the embarrassing village along the way. They expected that those people would not be able to get far with the heavy beast.There are obvious traces in the mountains. The fur, blood, scales, etc. of ferocious beasts guide the way for the villagers to leave.

"You still dare to chase after me, do you mean you want to die?" The people from the embarrassing village found that the people from the stone village were chasing them, and immediately sneered.

Lin Yang was the fastest, rushing to the front, and said coldly to the villagers of the embarrassing village: "Do you want to leave after hurting me, a member of the Shicun village?"

"You bad guys, why did you hurt my uncle and rob our prey?"

Xiaobudian followed closely behind Lin Yang, his little face was flushed with excitement, his little hands were clenched tightly, and his eyes were full of anger. He grew up in Stone Village since he was a child, and what he experienced was warmth and warmth. He had never met such a person. brute.

Everyone in the embarrassing village was surprised, and then laughed. They didn't expect that besides some half-grown children, there would be two young children from Shicun following them. Wouldn't this add confusion to his clan?

"court death!"

"call out!"

The iron arrow pierced through the air, and the fourteen or fifteen-year-old genius Langfeng in the village, with a cold face, opened that terrifying big bow, and directly wanted to shoot Xiaobudian and Lin Yang.

The eyes of everyone in Shicun burst into flames, and they were extremely angry. They were still two children, who were cute and cute on weekdays, but the other party actually wanted to kill even young children, which was outrageous.

Shi Linhu bent his bow and nocked an arrow, wanting to rescue him, smashing the boy's iron arrow, but his face changed instantly.

Because this time the boy fired five arrows with one bow, five cold lights flew like lightning, but Shi Linhu only had time to shoot three arrows, the opponent was amazingly strong.

"when", "when"...

Among them, three pairs of arrows collided together and fell to the ground, and two thick iron arrows more than one meter long rushed to Xiao Budian and Lin Yang's throats respectively, cold and frightening!

Seeing this scene, everyone in Shicun was shocked and shouted: "Hurry up and hide!"

They know that the two little guys are very talented, but they are not yet four years old after all, but the other party is older and has even more amazing divine power. He can lift five or six tripods, which can compete with Shi Linhu.

"You even killed children?!" The people in Shicun's eyes were tearing apart.


However, what was surprising was that Xiao Budian didn't rush, and directly stretched out his small hand to chop on the shaft of the arrow, and sent it flying obliquely, making a group of people speechless and speechless.

Only a few people saw it, and a symbol flashed in his palm, which quickly went out.

And Lin Yang stretched out his tender little hand, and instantly grabbed the iron arrow in his hand.

Seeing this scene, the young Haofeng showed shock, this is just a young child, it is unbelievable that he can push away his iron arrow with one hand!

You know, with a shake of his arms, it is enough to lift five or six bronze tripods, and a thick iron arrow can pierce stone and crack gold. That kind of huge force is not something ordinary people can bear, and it is enough to shoot and kill dragon-horned elephants.

The people in the embarrassing village were very surprised. No one knew how terrifying the embarrassing wind was better than them. They were very talented and amazingly powerful, which was very rare.

But now facing these two young children from the stone village, one knocked the iron arrow away with a single blow, and the other grabbed the iron arrow directly!

This is unbelievable!

"I think it's you who is looking for death!"

Holding the iron arrow in his hand, Lin Yang glanced at Hanfeng coldly, then with a sudden force, he threw the iron arrow in his hand directly.

The iron arrow pierced the sky, whining like a ghostly voice, and the thick and long shaft exuded a palpitating metal cold light, flying towards it at an extremely fast speed, extremely frightening.


The iron arrow pierced through the void, hunting and hunting, like a broken bamboo, directly passed through Haofeng's chest, and then stopped after piercing through two giant trees.


The iron arrow pierced through the chest, leaving an astonishing blood clot on Han Feng's chest, and the blood gushed out wildly.

Embarrassed Feng raised his head with difficulty, and glanced at Lin Yang unwillingly. He, the number one genius in Embarrassed Village, actually died like this?


The next moment, Haofeng completely lost his vitality and fell to the ground.

"Ah, the wind!"

Seeing this scene, an old man in the embarrassing village immediately yelled, covered his chest with his hands, and coughed up a mouthful of blood in pain.

That was his own grandson, and he was killed in front of him like this.

"I want you all to die!"

The old man's hair was disheveled, his face turned blood red, and then turned livid, his expression was terrifying, and he no longer had the calmness he had before.

Then he rubbed the string of crystal white animal teeth on his wrist with his hand, the runes flickered, and he scolded softly.

"Whoa", "Whoa"...

The string of animal teeth suddenly shone brightly, each of which was covered with beautiful lines, brilliant and dazzling, fell off from the string, spread out, and flew towards Lin Yang.

The old man looked at Lin Yang with resentment in his eyes. He could see clearly that it was the boy from the stone village who killed his grandson.

"Be careful, this is the ancestor of the embarrassing village!"

Seeing this scene, Shi Linhu and the others were astonished and furious. The people in the embarrassing village were so despicable that they used a treasure to deal with a child.

The snow-white and crystal-clear animal teeth turned into spots of light, and divine brilliance poured down, rushing forward, like a meteor passing across the sky, brilliant and beautiful, but exuding a terrifying aura.

Lin Yang watched the beast teeth flying towards him without any fear, his palms shone brightly, and then a huge phantom of a stone tortoise appeared, blocking all the flying beast teeth.

Lin Yang used the Stone Turtle Technique with his left hand, and the Qinglin Eagle Technique with his right hand, one for body protection and the other for resistance, attacking forward, clanging and colliding violently with that spot of light.

This is like a duel of gods, beautiful and bright, whether it is the silver moon or these light rains, they all sprinkled pieces of divine brilliance, making the surrounding area gorgeous, the sun is overflowing, and the auspicious energy is gushing out one after another.

After dozens of impacts, Yinyue shattered for one round, and Lin Yang reunited, maintaining two rounds, fighting against the light and rain, up and down, and the divine brilliance splashed everywhere.


With a slight tremor, the spot of light flew back and turned into a string of animal teeth again, appearing on the old man's wrist, all of which were translucent white and dazzlingly beautiful.

This kind of treasure is shocking, it kills the enemy invisible, and it is impossible to guard against, but it is so exquisite and transparent, it does not look like a big killer at first glance.

"You are not using a treasure, you are... the power of bone inscriptions?!" The old man was in shock, and his face changed for the first time. It was really scary for such a young child to master this mysterious power.

"What?" In the distance, all the people in the embarrassing village were dumbfounded, and they all stared at Lin Yang as if they were looking at a monster, both shocked and frightened.

"So what about geniuses, they are still going to die!" the old man shouted.

"Little Yangzi, be careful. It's a treasure given by Ji Ling. Because it's still alive, it can be used without turning the bone inscriptions. Whoever gives it to it can grasp it." Hearing this, Shi Linhu reminded, with an anxious look on his face.

Lin Yang nodded, and replied, "Uncle Ahu, I understand."

"Such a young boy knows how to operate the mysterious power of bone inscriptions, and his attainments are so deep, he should be regarded as a great genius even among those big tribes." The old man was very calm, with cold eyes and a cruel smile , said: "Unfortunately, you won't live long!"

With a sound of "buzz", the animal tooth string flew up again, and then spread out, turning into specks of light, rushing towards Lin Yang roaring.

This time, the array of light spots turned into a monster shaped like a wolf. It rushed forward, opened its huge, bright and ferocious mouth, and bit Lin Yang.


Lin Yang cast the green lin eagle treasure technique, the silver moon spun around, and slashed at the beast. There were patches of moonlight in the whistling, peaceful and sacred, and when the two collided, sparks flew everywhere.

"It's such a powerful treasure, it can be compared to treasures. It's really amazing. This child is so powerful at such a young age. He really is a genius with the ability to overwhelm those big clans. It's amazing!" To get rid of Lin Yang, the hatred has already been formed, and there is no way to be kind. Only by killing this child thoroughly can we feel at ease.


The flames soared into the sky, and the ferocious beast took shape and dispersed into several parts. The sharp claws, bloody mouth, copper head, iron back, etc. were scattered, also composed of light spots, and headed towards Linyang town.

This treasure is composed of 42 animal teeth, which can be gathered and dispersed, and have various attack methods, making it hard to defend against.

"I'll see how you fight!" The old man scolded lightly, and chanted the secret spell taught to him by Ji Ling, turning the animal teeth into several weapons, and the sharp claws and animal heads came to life.


Lin Yang performed the Qinglin Eagle Treasure Art, a round of silver and moon strikes, slashed the sharp claws, bloody mouth, etc., and collided fiercely, and then a round of silver moon suddenly exploded, and pieces of silver sputtered, immediately Those lights click and fly.

In the distance, the old man was startled and backed away, because Lin Yang took advantage of this rare opportunity to use the skylark skill and rushed towards him, wanting to kill him first.

"This child actually masters other treasures!" The old man was extremely horrified!

The light rained into pieces, and flew back quickly, protecting the old man. He looked calm and said, "No matter how fast you are, can you still be faster than the treasure?"

Lin Yang ignored him lazily, and attacked directly, using the Qinglin Eagle treasure technique, two rounds of silver moons rose and slashed at his body.

At this moment, 42 animal teeth were suspended together, all emitting bright light, connected to each other, as if turning into a battle suit, and draped it on the old man's body.

Yinyue kept chopping and chopping, and it was difficult to break through for a while. The 42 animal teeth were connected to each other, forming a bright light clothing, which was extremely strong.

At the same time, some animal teeth became even more dazzling, and turned into daggers, spirit arrows and other weapons, all of which were made of light, and shot at Lin Yang.

"when", "when"...

Lin Yang used the stone turtle treasure technique to protect his body, and the animal teeth hit Lin Yang's body, making a golden and iron sound.

"In this wilderness, you are such a genius that even the big tribes don't show up. It's a pity that you are going to die today. I will send you on your way, little boy, and end this short and sad life." The old man looked a little scary , step forward.

He relied on the treasure to protect his body, not afraid of the two rounds of silver moons, the animal teeth glowed and turned into light arrows, daggers, etc., and flew towards Lin Yang's body.


Lin Yang scolded softly, his face was indifferent, and there was no trace of fear on his face, because he hadn't exerted his full strength yet.

With a sound of "boom", two rounds of silver moons collided with each other, erupting with dazzling silver lights, and there were faint sounds of howling monster birds, like turbulent waves crashing on the shore, like rocks collapsing into clouds, it was thrilling.

The silver moon shattered, and the blurry shadows at both ends flew out. Together, they became a little more real, and turned into a terrifying devil bird, spreading its wings and hitting the sky, rushing towards the old man.


As if a treasured pestle had been smashed down, the old man spurted blood on the spot, and the treasures on his body suddenly dimmed a lot, and 42 animal teeth scattered and fell from his body.

The old man turned pale with shock, while the others were shocked. It was a treasure, given by the spirit of worship, but it was forced to be blown away by a child.

There was a sneer at the corner of Lin Yang's mouth. He suddenly used the Qingtian Peng treasure technique just now, which was several times more powerful than the Qinglinying treasure technique, and caught the opponent by surprise.

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Lin Yang leaped high and stepped on the old man's face with his little feet.


Although he was small, he was terrifyingly strong, leaping more than ten meters high, falling like this, and stepping heavily on the old man's face was a terrifying thing.

With a soft "click", the old man's left cheek was deformed immediately, his bones were broken, his face was distorted in pain, tears rolled down uncontrollably, and he howled like a wolf.


Lin Yang didn't show mercy, and stepped on his face with one foot, and his chest with the other, with equally astonishing force, the sternum creaked, and then several of them broke with a few clicks.

Just like that, Lin Yang stepped on his face with one foot, and stepped on his chest with the other, and then flew out, and then fell to the ground together.

The old man screamed in pain, which was not human-like, because Lin Yang stepped on him and fell down.

At this moment, half of his face was completely sunken, and the right sternum was completely broken, and the corner of his mouth kept bleeding.

All this happened so fast, no one thought that Lin Yang would be so sharp. At the critical moment, a powerful treasure technique was sacrificed, which broke through the treasure given by the spirit of sacrifice. It was really against the sky.

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