Xiao Budian has a high level of comprehension. Under Lin Yang's careful explanation, he concentrated on understanding the True Phoenix Rune condensed in Lin Yang's palm, and soon he initially mastered the True Phoenix Seal.

I saw that his white and tender palm suddenly emitted a bright light, which was extremely dazzling, and then a phantom of a real phoenix appeared behind him.

"Lin Yang, I've learned it!" Xiao BuDian said excitedly.

Lin Yang nodded, sighing in his heart, this little guy's understanding is really against the sky, no wonder he can become the Huangtian Emperor in the future.

In the past two months, Lin Yang had nothing to do, so he taught Xiao BuDian how to learn treasures.

In just two months, Xiaobudian has learned many treasures.

Ziyang treasure technique, Flying flood treasure technique, Lihuo treasure technique, Thunder treasure technique...

Lin Yang taught Xiao BuDian all the treasures he had snatched from the four major clans.

The little boy learned very quickly, and now he can barely use these treasures one by one, and it only takes some time to master them proficiently.

"Lin Yang, when can we go out?" Xiao BuDian looked at the gray sky and asked curiously.


Lin Yang responded, and asked again: "Do you want to drink animal milk?"

Hearing this, Xiao Budian blushed immediately, but did not refute.

He has no milk and is unhappy. He hasn't had milk for two months, so he is naturally a little greedy.


At this moment, the sky suddenly split open, and a ray of sunlight shone in, dispelling the gray mist, and the whole space suddenly became much brighter.

"Ah, we finally see the light of day again!" A group of children shouted, all showing surprise expressions.

The adults were also alarmed. They all stood up and looked up at the sky. They were all very excited. They were trapped here for more than two months, and their bodies were almost rusted.


Like a broken jade bottle, the space shook violently for a while, then flickered, and finally hummed, the gray mist disappeared completely, the chaos disappeared, and the sky fell.

The sun was very big, hanging high in the sky. Although it was very dazzling, the crowd was very excited. They kept looking up and cheering loudly. They got out of trouble and reappeared on the earth.

A group of children were impatient, shouting loudly, rushed out of the village, greedily breathing the fresh air with the smell of grass and trees, jumping and jumping.

"Eh, that's not right, this is not the forest outside our village." Ermeng was dumbfounded, what he saw was completely different from the mountain he had seen since he was a child.

A river flows in front of the village, and from time to time a big fish jumps up, the golden scales on its body glisten, stirring up waves.

There is also a lake not far away, which is blue and clear, and a group of big birds with bright wings are pacing leisurely, each of which is more than two meters long, flowing with sunlight.There is also a group of unicorns, shining silver, drinking water by the lake.

"What a beautiful view!" After a group of children were surprised, they were all surprised again.

The adults were also dumbfounded, escaped from the strange space, what they saw was completely different from the mountains and forests outside the village they had been familiar with for decades, and came to such a beautiful place.

"Liu Shen moved us to another place!"

Outside the entire stone village, the aura is very rich.

It is very suitable for practice here.


Ziyun, Dapeng, and Xiaoqing rushed over, very excited, drooling at the big fish in the water, and now they are about [-] meters long. After the first two or three months, their growth rate began to slow down.

The green-scaled eagle appeared, flapping its huge silver wings, and the waves rushed to the shore. Seven or eight large fish with golden scales jumped on the shore. Each fish could weigh more than ten kilograms. The most amazing thing was their Around the mouth, there are actually two dragon whiskers, which are crystal clear and exude fragrance.

The three young birds happily rushed up to enjoy a delicious meal.

Shi Yunfeng was surprised, and quickly followed him, picked up a big fish, turned it over to look at it, and said in surprise: "This is actually a dragon beard fish, and it is also a golden scale species with excellent quality. This is a good thing. There are spirits, long-term consumption can increase strength, strengthen muscles and bones, which is of great benefit to children."

Upon hearing this, a group of children immediately yelled and rushed to the water's edge.

This kind of fish is very rare, rich in elves, and expensive in the outside world, but there are many in this lake, enough for a village to hunt for a long time.

"Patriarch, look, the group of big birds by the lake are five-color chickens, also known as little luan birds!"

Ermeng's father was a little excited and pointed forward. He had seen one from a distance in the mountains before, but he couldn't catch it.

"It seems to be true!" Shi Yunfeng opened his eyes wide when he heard the words, and after careful identification, his expression was instantly moved.

The five-color chicken, covered with gorgeous feathers, is very beautiful. It looks like a luan bird. Each head is more than two meters long. It is a rare bone medicine.

If you break a bone and injure a tendon, boil a pot of five-color chicken, eat it with the meat and the bone, and then drink some soup, which has a magical effect and can quickly connect the broken bone.

On the other side, there is still a group of unicorns living. Unicorns are produced by the mutation of scaled horses. There are very few unicorns, but there is a large group here, no less than fifty or sixty heads, which naturally makes the eyes of a group of big men red, but They know that this is also a fierce beast, and it is difficult to provoke.

The scene outside the village has changed drastically. After the initial surprise, the villagers are no longer lost, because this place is so good, there are so many rare spiritual creatures around, it is a beautiful treasure land.

Xiao Budian was dazed, looking at the golden-scaled dragon fish jumping out of the blue lake, as well as the dozens of unicorns on the shore. Where have I seen a big lake, the birds are even more beautiful and huge than these little ostriches, princes hunt..."

Seeing him like this, the wrinkles on the face of the patriarch Shi Yunfeng trembled, and even Shi Linhu and Shi Feijiao's expressions changed, and they stopped staring at the unicorn.

"Father, mother, I miss you." Xiao Budian said in a low voice, sitting alone by the lake, hugging his knees, lost in bursts.

Shi Linhu, Shi Feijiao and the others glanced at each other, but didn't dare to say anything more.

"Grandpa Patriarch, are they still alive or not? I miss them." Xiao Budian raised his head suddenly, with mist in his big eyes, and asked earnestly. This was the first time he was so direct.

Shi Yunfeng thought about all kinds of things in the past, and his mood was complicated, he didn't know how to start.

Lin Yang walked over and touched the little boy's head, comforting him: "Little boy, your parents are still alive and doing well. When you grow up, I will take you to find them."

After reading the original book, Lin Yang naturally knew that the Shi Ziling and his wife were living in Bulao Mountain at the moment.

Moreover, counting the time, the little brother Qin Hao should also be born.

I don't know, after Xiao Budian knows this, he will face it like this.

"Really?" Xiao BuDian said with surprise when he heard the words.

"Well, when have I lied to you?" Lin Yang smiled and nodded.

"Come on, let's go see if there are any beasts, and get some animal milk to drink." Lin Yang changed the subject.

"Beast milk! Okay, okay!" Hearing the word "beast milk", the little one's attention shifted instantly, and he followed behind Lin Yang.

In the evening, Shicun held a bonfire party to celebrate the new life of Shicun.

Every family took out the leftover meat and drinks, and had a carnival.

Everyone gathered together, chatted and spanked each other, it was very warm, without the slightest restraint.

A few days later, a streak of red electricity suddenly pierced the sky. It was so gorgeous that it immediately dyed the entire sky red, like a large sunset glow.

A fiery red bird, the whole body is crystal clear and bright red, only the size of a slap, fell from the sky, and one end was planted in front of the big willow tree at the head of the village.

"Ah, it's Xiaohong!"

Xiao BuDian, who was learning the treasure technique with Lin Yang at the entrance of the village, stood up all of a sudden and rushed over quickly.

The whole body of this sparrow was red, and after it fell, all Shen Xi restrained itself, and the red feathers became somewhat dim. A terrible wound penetrated its chest and abdomen, almost cutting it off. In addition, there were several claw holes on its head. Almost penetrated into the skull.

This crimson sparrow was very miserable, and its injuries were extremely serious. There were frightening symbols flickering in the wounds, which were still destroying its vitality.

Little did not dare to act rashly, because as soon as the little red bird fell, it scorched the ground. It was like a stove, and the temperature was terrifyingly high.

"What's wrong with you, Xiaohong?" Xiaobudian asked softly.

Que'er on the ground had only one pair of eyes that were not red, black and white, like gemstones, and rolled his eyes at him, the resentment and anger made the little one feel a little embarrassed, and scratched his head.

"Xiao Hong, are you injured? Does it hurt?" After holding back for a long time, Xiao BuDian could only utter one sentence.

Que'er, who was covered in red, opened her eyes wide and stared at him angrily, leaving all the whites of her eyes to him, looking very angry.

The flaming sparrow fluttered its wings, stood up with difficulty, and the amulet flickered on the wound between its chest and abdomen, constantly destroying its vitality.

Lin Yang naturally knew its purpose, and immediately said: "You are here to seek treatment from God Liu."

At the same time, Lin Yang sent a voice transmission to Liushen, telling her not to make a move, and he will solve the matter.

"it is good!"

Liu Shen also knew Lin Yang's ability, and immediately responded.


Dissatisfied with being guessed by a child, Little Cardinal made a crisp hum, ignored him, and looked up at the willow tree.

"Shen Liu is already in a deep sleep, please come to me if you need anything." Lin Yang said with a smile.

The thick, blackened willows were silent, save for the swaying of the dull willow branch that swayed in the wind.

Seeing this, Little Linque was a little disappointed, and said in a crisp voice: "What's the use of looking for you, little Douding?"

Lin Yang smiled slightly, and a drop of Huanyang Baoye appeared in the palm of his hand, emitting a bright golden light and a rich essence of life.

"Hey, it's the treasure liquid from last time!"

Seeing the Huanyang Baoye in Lin Yang's palm, the little red bird suddenly opened her eyes wide and said excitedly.

Lin Yang's feet are Huanyang Grass, which has the potential to evolve into a fairy medicine. Although he is not yet a fairy grass, the Huanyang Baoye condensed still has the effect of nourishing all things.

"How about it, Xiaohong, do you want this?"

Thinking of the last time he was tricked by the other party to steal a drop of Huanyang Baoye, a cunning flashed in Lin Yang's eyes.

"Give me the treasure liquid in your hand, I owe you a favor." Little Linque said in a crisp voice.

Lin Yang naturally doesn't care about Suzaku's favor, he firmly believes that the benefits he gets are the most reliable.

So, Lin Yang shook his head and said, "I don't need your favor, as long as you promise me a request, I will give you the precious liquid in my hand."

"any request?"

Hearing this, Little Red Sparrow was taken aback for a moment, and then said in doubt.

"I want to see your original rune." Lin Yang said directly.

"You think so beautifully, just with this drop of precious liquid, you want to see my original runes!"

Hearing this, Little Cardinal refused resolutely, with a crisp voice that was a little annoyed.

"I just want to watch it for a while, and I want to see how mysterious the original runes of the Suzaku family are, how about it?"

Lin Yang smiled and said, "As long as you agree, I can completely repair your injury."

"Really just to watch for a while?"

Little Red Sparrow looked at Lin Yang suspiciously, not understanding the other party's purpose. After all, Suzaku's treasure technique is extremely mysterious, and it can't be learned just by watching it for a while, let alone this little kid in front of him.

"How can you heal my injury with just this drop of treasure liquid?" Little Red Bird looked at the Huanyang treasure liquid in Lin Yang's hand again, wondering.

"I have my own way of doing this." Lin Yang said to himself.

On the side, Xiao Budian couldn't help but interjected: "Xiao Hong, Lin Yang is very powerful, is he the little genius doctor in our village? He will definitely be able to cure you."

Hearing this, the little red bird rolled her eyes, then tilted her head to look at Lin Yang for a while, finally nodded and said: "Okay, as long as you can repair my injury, I will let you see my original rune for a while .”

Lin Yang nodded and said, "Deal!"

The crimson bird chirped softly, revealing its own wound, and suppressing the last bit of flame.

Lin Yang approached the little cardinal, and the drop of golden Yang-returning liquid in his hand slowly slipped down into the terrible wound, immediately making the flames blazing there and the talisman flickering non-stop.

The little red bird chirped softly, its body trembling, it seemed that it was in pain, and it was hard to bear.

Seeing this, Lin Yang dripped a few drops of Huanyang Treasure Liquid one after another. Each drop was golden, like a golden pill, radiant and fragrant.

When these few drops of juice fell, the talisman gradually disappeared, and the wound running through the chest and abdomen was completely closed, and the pain of the little red bird seemed to be relieved a lot.

Afterwards, a green rune flashed out of Lin Yang's palm, and a burst of green light enveloped the little cardinal's body.

"So comfortable!"

The little cardinal suddenly felt warm in her body, and said in a voice of enjoyment.

Under the effect of the great healing technique, several claw holes on the little cardinal's head also slowly disappeared, so far the serious injuries it suffered were completely eliminated.

A burst of flames flickered, and the little red bird fluttered in red light, its whole body was so brilliant that it was impossible to open its eyes, and the endless stream of divine light made it look dazzling, completely different from just now.

The little cardinal was in a very happy mood, and called out cheerfully a few times, restrained her aura, jumped up and down on the spot, and said in a crisp voice: "You child is very capable, and you actually cured me."

"You won't break your promise, will you?" Lin Yang said.


"Of course not, but it was agreed before, just watch it for a while."

The little linnet snorted coldly, and then manifested the imprint on the treasure bone with a thought.

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