Being held on the head by Ying Lili, she braved the wind and rain and left.

Watching the figure of Ying Lili submerged in the rain and disappearing, Beishang Ye also felt more and more cold.

of course.

Now if he knew that Ying Lili was still saying that he was a dead fat house in his heart, and worried that he would do something bad to her, he would definitely not want to make this little money.

You might not be able to control your emotions.

Ever since Kitakami Yoru turned on the switch of rage because of Yumiko Miura, he has become different.

Ying Lili held Beishangye's umbrella with both hands, walking in the pouring rain.

The drainage design in Xiuzhiyuan is good, and there is not much water on the road.

But the rain was too heavy, and Ying Lili's feet and calves were all wet after walking for a long time.

A gust of wind blew over, and Ying Lili, who had been trembling all the time, almost couldn't stand still and was blown down by the wind!

"so cold-"'

Ying Lili felt that her mind was frozen and went blank.

It's just a low-level power robot, moving step by step to the outside of Xiuzhi courtyard.

The heavy rain hit Beishangye's umbrella head and face, and the force made the top of the umbrella sag, and it rebounded immediately.

In just a few minutes' journey, Ying Lili walked for 10 minutes to reach the gate of Xiuzhiyuan.

At this moment, she was sniffling snot crazily, and there was only one thought in her mind, which was to go home quickly and take a hot bath.

Braving the storm, Ying Lili moved forward slowly, she couldn't feel a trace of temperature all over her body, and her tender lips were black and white.


Ying Lili, who was not in good health, sneezed violently and almost fell down.

At this time, a taxi returned from soliciting passengers from the commercial street, and the driver saw Ying Lili holding an umbrella in the rain.

Because the transportation in Tokyo is relatively developed and convenient, and the price of taxis is relatively expensive, we can only attract some big tourists.

Whenever it rains, many people cannot use public transportation. If they don't want to be in the rain, business will improve.


The driver parked the car not far in front of Yinglili, with double flashes on, even a little blurry in the heavy rain.

"Student, there is air conditioning in the car, it's very warm." The driver greeted loudly.

Ying Lili was frozen stupid, unresponsive, and couldn't even turn her brain.

After a few seconds, her brain barely accepted the information, prompting her to walk into a taxi instinctively.

The car is dry and comfortable, with the warmth of the air conditioner.

After Ying Lili went up and closed the door, she gave an address in a trembling voice.

The driver didn't even hear clearly the first time.


Ying Lili suddenly sneezed several times in succession, leaning against the back seat of the taxi, she closed her eyes very uncomfortable.

Her forehead was very hot, but her body was very cold, and she couldn't feel any warmth.

The taxi driver turned up the air conditioner and came out with double flashing fog lights.

Ying Lili, whose little head was frozen, seemed to have forgotten an important thing, or she was completely frozen stupid.

the other side.

Bei Shangye squatted in the corner in front of Ying Lili, with his hands stretched into his school uniform to keep himself warm.

"It's so cold, why hasn't Sawamura-san come back..."

"It's almost dark..."

Bei Shangye found that his thick fat didn't work for the first time.

He took out his mobile phone with no signal and checked the time, it was early five o'clock.

It was getting dark at seven o'clock in the evening, and the visibility was getting lower and lower.

After waiting another 10 minutes, Beishangye felt that it was time for Ying Lili to come back.

While waiting expectantly, while being too cold, I started warm-up exercises.


"The prisoner is not Yinglili, so who else is the prisoner?"

"Previously I guessed that the one with the treasure chest on top of her head was a bad woman, so I thought Ying Lili was the culprit."

"But Kato-san, and Hayasaka-san, who is completely unfamiliar, also have it, so this inference is cancelled."

"Huh~ It's so tangled!"

Beishangye muttered boredly to pass the time, while standing on the ground doing mountaineering runs to warm up for himself.

The sky gradually darkened.

The storm shows no sign of subsiding...

Another 10 minutes later, Beishangye couldn't sit still.

He stood up from the ground, staring at the direction where Ying Lili left, his expression slowly became serious.

"What happened to her?"

"Still tricked me!"

As soon as this idea came to mind, Beishangye became more and more suspicious.

Ying Lili went for more than 20 minutes and still hasn't come back.

Usually walk faster, you can go to the station in about 10 minutes.

"She played me?!"

Beishangye took a step forward, the wind and rain blew, and a chill hit him directly.

The fat body was shivering non-stop from the cold, and subconsciously took a step back.

"Why haven't you come back?"

It is estimated that if the night in the north is slower, the sky will be completely dark.

Still hopeful in my heart, Ying Lili has come back and will appear in the next second.

With this in mind, Bei Shangye waited for a few more minutes, his face extremely ugly.

I was tricked by Ying Lili?

Bei Shangye struggled for a while, knowing that he couldn't wait any longer.

Visibility has been greatly affected by the heavy rain.

Any later and it would be completely dark.

He can't go home in the dark, can he?

"damn it!"

Bei Shangye thought of Ying Lili who looked at her through her nostrils, cursed, and stretched out her hand tentatively.

The raindrops hit the palms of the hands, and even felt pain.

If you rush out in the rain, your whole body will be soaked in less than ten seconds.

But I can't wait any longer.

Bei Shangye gritted his teeth at Ying Lili, and hurried upstairs with his schoolbag.

Come to the Ministry of Service.

He put his schoolbag under the door, put his mobile phone in, and left his schoolbag here with a stack of money in his hand.

"I don't know if the station is closed..."

Beishang Ye quickened his pace, walked back and forth in the community complex, looking for items that could shelter from the rain, and at the same time was furious at Ying Lili's dishonesty.

It hurts me to brave the storm and rush home in the dark!

After a few minutes.

Bei Shangye found a piece of discarded cardboard, put his hands above his head, gritted his teeth and rushed out.

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is very skinny.

I thought it would work somewhat.

63: No more

The cardboard didn't last even ten seconds.

When the rainstorm hits and the wind blows, it gets wet.

It has no effect other than hindering the advance of Beishangye, and it can't stop the heavy rain at all.

Within a few seconds, Beishang Ye felt that his whole body was drenched.

The cold raindrops are like steel needles, constantly piercing themselves.

It hurts from the cold, and my whole body is shivering non-stop.

But the difficulty doesn't stop there.

That is air.

In the rainstorm, the oxygen was thin, and before Beishangye had walked a few steps, he felt that his breathing was suffering and he couldn't breathe.

What's worse, the torrential rain fell down like crazy.

Countless raindrops fell from the top of his head and poured into Beishangye's eyes and nose. It was so uncomfortable that he couldn't open his eyes at all.

He could only stare at the feeling of the rain interrupting in his eyes, and narrowed his eyes.

The nose is also very uncomfortable, and I can't breathe, so I can only open my mouth to assist breathing.

But when you open your mouth, rainwater will float in and flow into your mouth, and your mouth will be full of water again!

It's getting dark too...

Beishangye has never felt so uncomfortable, and even breathing freely is a luxury.

Physical and mental torture.

Suddenly, his feet slipped and he fell on the hard ground full of icy cold rain.

I don't know if it's rain or tears, but desperately slipped down his cheeks...

Ying Lili woke up slowly in the taxi.


She sneezed, folded her hands subconsciously, and was a little dazed.

By yourself in a taxi?


Yinglili suddenly remembered Beishangye's umbrella, and her eyes widened.

"Oops, I forgot!"

Ying Lili exclaimed again.

"Hello, we will arrive at our destination soon."

The taxi driver turned a corner.

Ying Lili moved her little butt quickly when she heard the words, and came to the window, a very familiar street appeared in her sight.

It's close to home!

Ying Lili, who was a little flustered, hurriedly took out her mobile phone.

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