Yexing started to introduce.

"She is a friend I met in Shanghe City. Although she likes to do some little pranks, please don't be afraid. She won't hurt people."

"En! En!" Epal nodded heavily in mid-air, very cooperatively putting on a harmless expression for humans and animals.

"So that's the case, no wonder I felt someone blowing in my ear just now."


In this regard, Epal sticks out his little tongue playfully, and then floats to the other side smoothly, which does not make people feel disgusted.

Baiyu let out a breath, and didn't blame Epal.

Just make sure it's not an illusion.

But why do such strange things as ghosts exist?

Just when Bai Yu had this doubt, Ye Xing answered her doubts.

"As you can see, Epal is actually a star eclipse. By the way, Lianhua is also a star eclipse."

"Eh?" Bai Yu slightly opened her cherry lips, shocked by the news.

Unexpectedly... the danger repeatedly emphasized in the common sense of night watchmen exists, but there are actually two in Yelan's place?

And still friends?

Baiyu was a little confused now.

"That...white fish?"

Seeing that Bai Yu was a little restless, Ye Xinglan was also a little uneasy. She was suddenly worried that Bai Yu would not be able to accept it.

"Are you afraid of a star eclipse?"

Hearing Ye Lan's words, Bai Yu came back to his senses and shook his head.

"How should I put it... If it is like a star eclipse that endangers the lives of others, I am very afraid, but like my mother, I am not afraid. My mother also became a star eclipse at the last moment, even if she becomes that kind Existence, my mother still hasn't lost herself, and I still haven't forgotten what she said to me."

Just as Yelan guessed, Baiyu won't take everything into account, after all, she has a mother who loves her very much.

"I think that Aipal and Lianhua must be like my mother, the kind of star eclipse that won't hurt others, and Yelan regards them as friends, so I don't need to be afraid."

"Well, that's right."

Ye Xinglan breathed a sigh of relief.

Baiyu is really a good and sensible boy~

If it were Lingmeow, I'm afraid it would cause trouble, and it would definitely not be as calm as Baiyu.

How should I put it~ Maybe it's a good thing that Zero Miao didn't come?

Well, that should be it.

At the same time, Ling Miao, who was drawing in the room, sneezed cutely, and looked around suspiciously.

"Strange meow, who is talking about this meow?"

Go back to the fishing hut.

Baiyu seems to get along well with Aipal and Lianhua, so Ye Xinglan doesn't need to worry.

If there is a chance in the future, let Baiyu get in touch with the Rising Sun Troupe.

But before that, Yexing Land had to ensure that all the troupe members were as normal as Lianhua, and it was not easy to achieve this goal.

Let's start with transforming the singer next time!

Ye Xing is working hard to establish a good relationship with Singer, maybe she will know her story soon.

At that time, you can prescribe the right medicine and directly make a wish to serve!

Ye Xinglan was already ready to become a tool man.

This day's determination, no one can stop her!

Chapter 42 The Singer's Help

Rising Sun Theater.

The singer stands alone on the stage, as if integrated with the stage, and sings solo again.

The theater was silent, the troupe leader and others were resting in the shadows that no one could see, and no one came to witness the singer's solo.


The singer didn't seem to care that there was no one under the stage, and the ethereal and melodious singing continued to echo in the troupe, adding a wonderful atmosphere to this gloomy theater.

Who was she singing it to?

No one, maybe it was sung to myself.

The stage gave her a very familiar feeling. Even if she had forgotten the past, whenever she stepped on the stage, it would give her an impulse to sing, as if she was born with the stage.

Ever since the viewers showed the live video of the singer's concert to the singer, she has always wanted to be on that huge stage.

Is there anything to be found there?

As time goes by, night is coming.

The singer is still on the stage, and the ethereal singing has continued until now, and has never stopped.

Her throat will not feel dry, her physical strength will not decline, and her endless energy is the capital to support her continuous singing.

Until the sun went down, the singer finally closed her cherry lips and stopped making any sound.


The singer began to be in a daze.

At this moment, the figure of the head of the troupe came out of the shadows and passed under the stage, seemingly not paying attention to the singers on the stage.

The singer came back to his senses and greeted the head of the troupe.

"Theatrical troupe leader, good evening."

The head of the troupe quickly turned his head to look at the figure of the singer, as if he had only noticed her now.

"Ah, is it the singer? Sorry, I didn't notice you just now, please forgive my rudeness."

The singer shook his head.

"No, it doesn't matter."

At this time, the head of the troupe began to stare at her, his expression changed slightly.

"Singer, your condition seems a little abnormal, do you feel any discomfort?"

"Anomaly?" Singer tilted his head in doubt, not realizing where the anomaly was mentioned by the head of the troupe.

She didn't feel uncomfortable.

The head of the troupe nodded and said something that made the singer startled.

"I'm almost unaware of your presence."

"Is that right?"

"Yes, if it wasn't for your greeting, I might have ignored you just now. If it were a gentleman or a fraudster, I might have ignored your voice."

Seeing that the singer fell silent, the head of the troupe continued, "You seem to need help?"

Hearing the troupe leader's words, the singer seemed to recall something, which was a very vague obsession.

The purpose of her singing is to let more people listen to her singing, so as to remember her existence, not just like singing.

But... what if singing makes more people forget her?

The singer reflects on the feeling that singing brings today.

In addition to the sense of comfort in my heart, it seems that the sense of separation from reality is constantly increasing, and the sense of existence is constantly decreasing, as if it is about to disappear.

Was it caused by her favorite singing?

Thinking of this, the singer was a little confused.

"Should I, stop, sing?"

The singer asked this sentence to the head of the troupe, like a whisper for help.

In this regard, the head of the troupe supported the top hat on his head, nodded and said, "Does this conform to your thinking?"

The singer bowed his head.

"I am, the singer, and I should, sing."

"In this case, then seek help from the audience, she may give you the answer you want."

"The audience?"


After presenting his suggestion to the singer, the head of the troupe turned and left, returning to the shadows, as if his appearance just now was just a passing scene.

The theater fell into silence again, only the singer was left standing in the center of the stage, motionless like a sculpture.

I don't know how long it has passed, and another sound resounded in the silent theater, it was the communication of two Lolitas.

Lianhua and Yexing returned to the theater at night.

Yexing came here at night mainly to watch the performance of Lianhua's puppet show as always.

As for Baiyu, Yelan sent him back to the night watchman base.

Where is a certain ghost girl?

She was left by Yexing to watch the house.

Consider it a small punishment for Whitefish's prank.

But Ye Xing always felt that Bai Yu didn't seem to have had enough of it yet.

She has no friends all year round and has two more friends. It is a lie to say that she is unhappy.

When Baiyu left, Yexing could even see the reluctance in her eyes, as if she still wanted to continue chatting with Aipar and Lianhua.

The same is true for Lianhua.

Ye Xing really didn't expect them to be so harmonious. It seems that their personalities are really suitable for making friends.

Going back to reality.

At this time, Lianhua was excitedly expressing her thoughts to Yexing.

"Yexing, can I adapt the story between you and Baiyu into a puppet show? I think it's a great story, and it will definitely be liked by many people."

"Hmm~ It's up to you."

"Then I will ask for your help during the adaptation process. If there are any problems in some details, please point them out."

"Yeah, yes, yes." Ye Xing nodded slightly.

In fact, the main reason for coming to the theater tonight is to help Lianhua adapt the puppet show. During the adaptation process, she needs the guidance of her "leading role" the most.

If there is a problem in a certain link, then the whole puppet show will have no soul.

Lianhua said so.

Harm~Yexing really didn't expect that Lianhua was also a "Soul Eater", but this "Soul Eater" was really cute.

At this time, Ye Xing seemed to sense something, and glanced at the stage inadvertently, only to find a figure with a very low sense of presence.

"Huh? When did the singer stand on the stage?"

Lianhua followed Yexing's prompt and looked towards the stage.

"Eh? I didn't even notice just now..."


Yexing pondered.

When she entered the theater just now, she didn't see the singers on the stage for the first time.

It stands to reason that the singer who is a beautiful girl is the most conspicuous, but Ye Xing didn't notice it, which is totally unreasonable!

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