It's scary how all memories of her are gone.

Still...she believed in her character.

If she knows that a friend around her is about to encounter difficulties, she will definitely lend a helping hand.

"Although I don't know what kind of wish you have made, I will do my best to help you realize it." Ye Xing's eyes were full of determination, and Epal was stunned by his determination.


I always feel that Yexing is so powerful now.

Is this the best little loli in the world?

love it!

The time came to midnight.

Ye Lan had already returned home.

Yexing Yelan sat on the bed after taking a shower, a little uneasy about what was about to happen.

Although her courage has increased a lot compared to the beginning, she is not bold enough to face the unknown situation calmly.

"Hmm... is something terrible going to happen?"

Epal floated over silently, as if he had guessed what Ye Xinglan was going to do.

"Is there a timeline where Ye Xing is going?"

After experiencing the story of Lianhua and knowing the story of Baiyu, Epal already knows what kind of ability Ye Xinglan possesses.

This should be the star ability she concealed, right?

It really is a very powerful star!

Epal knew that Yexing was a timid loli, if she didn't give her a little more courage, she might not be able to do many things.

So Epal floated in front of Ye Xing Ye Lan, and stretched out his hands to hug them.

"Come on! Big sister's embrace should make the idiot Yexing Yelan a little braver, right?"

"Big sister... how dare you say that..."

Ye Xinglan suddenly had black lines.

However, after being disturbed by Epal, her nervousness has calmed down a lot.

Yelan pushed Aipal away, and lay on the bed with Yexing.

"Quiet, I'm going to sleep."


As soon as the lights were turned off, the room quickly fell silent.

Ye Xing and Ye Lan looked at each other for a few seconds, then let go of their thoughts and closed their eyes.

"Let me remember, please..."

After a while, the two loli finally fell asleep.

At this time, Epal who was staying beside them saw their bodies suddenly shimmering with stars, and felt so divine.


Seeing this, Epal had an idea and quickly got into Yelan's body.


In the next second, time and space are dislocated, and everything stops instantly.

Chapter 47

Yunchang City.

2096 years.



The two little lolis woke up from the bed, still a little confused.

After fully waking up, she remembered that she should be trying to activate the stars before going to bed, and she didn't know if it was successful.

Just when Ye Xinglan was about to pick up her phone to check the time, a sudden voice next to her startled her.

"Good morning! Ye Xing Ye Lan!"

Yexing paused when he picked up the phone, and his body froze instantly.

I saw a ghost girl floating leisurely in the air, and it seemed that she had just woken up.


"Um~um~ it's Epal."

"Why are you here?"

"Huh?" Epal looked strange, "I'll be where Yexing is, isn't it strange?"

"Ah..." Ye Xinglan was dumbfounded.

Since Epal is here, wouldn't it mean that Xingxingchen failed to activate.

"Woo... send!"

Ye Xing and Ye Lan walked down from the bed with disappointment on their faces. They were not in the usual disappointed mood.

Epal tilted his head to look at the state of the two lolis, and suddenly wanted to say something, but he didn't say anything.

Then she shook the dumb hair on her head and moved over.

"Hey~ hey~ why does Ye Xing look so disappointed?"

"Because I failed..." Ye Xing sighed softly, looking completely unmotivated.

"What failed?"

"The stars..."

"That's it~"

Epal turned around and sniggered silently, not letting Ye Xing Yelan see her expression.

"That's really a pity~"


After a moment of depression, Ye Xinglan decided to cheer up first.

She didn't believe that she couldn't control the stars in her body!

Afterwards, Ye Xinglan planned to open the window to breathe in the fresh air and welcome the new day in a refreshed state!

When she came to the window, Ye Xing opened the curtain in one breath, and before she could take a deep breath, she was startled by the scene outside.


I saw a singing figure appearing on the huge screen of the building on the tall buildings, all of them!

And the picture on the screen is a girl with off-white hair and long hair singing, shining and moving!

"She is..."

Ye Xinglan's pupils dilated slightly, and some memories reappeared in her mind, telling her the identity of the girl with beige hair and long hair, she was the singer of the Rising Sun Troupe!

And... the most famous singer in the world at this stage—Blank!

"Singer... blank? Diva? What are these!?"

Ye Xing Yelan squatted down with her head covered, her mind was extremely chaotic, all kinds of pictures poured in as if she didn't want money, and it was not acceptable in a short time.

At this time, Ye Xinglan finally felt the feelings of those who were poured into a pile of memories by the [Wish Wishing Machine].

Afterwards, Yexing quickly picked up the phone to look, and found that the current time seemed to be a bit wrong.

It's actually 2096? !

Isn't that four years ago!


Ye Xinglan's chaotic mood gradually stabilized, replaced by intense excitement.

"Yeah! It worked!"

The two little lolis jumped up very synchronously, then ran to the bed and rolled around, looking very cute.

Epal floated to them with a happy face.

"Hmm~ Idiot Ye Xing finally found out, what I said just now was a prank, how is it? Interesting, isn't it?"

However, Ye Xinglan didn't listen to what Aipal said at all, and directly grabbed her by the hair, and rolled around on the bed together with her.

Gollum~ Gollum~

After a while, Ye Xinglan finally vented his excitement, threw the useless ghost girl aside, and looked at the scene outside to rethink.

"Um~uh~ I totally understand!"

What appeared in her mind was not only the memory of being the singer of the star eclipse in the future, but also the memory of her before she was a human.

Unexpectedly, the singer's identity as a human being is actually the number one singer in the world!

So it turns out that the vacant position on the list of future singers belongs to her?

Totally unexpected!

In the future, the memory of four years ago in her mind does not have the present scene at all.

This is what she saw just now:

The streets and alleys are covered with blank posters of the singer, and all the electronic screens are showing her singing gestures, and the cards are almost full.

This is where the popularity of world divas lies.

Ye Xing and Ye Lan lay on the window sill, looking at the unfamiliar but familiar scenery outside and gradually lost their minds.

Why would she forget this view?

Obviously lived in Yunchang City for so long.

Did something erase the memory of the blank diva in her mind?

should be.

Ye Xinglan also guessed what was causing the trouble, probably the supernova eclipse on Blank's body.

"It's really scary. Forcibly erasing one's own existence or something, no one remembers it, and there is no historical record. What is the difference between this and killing a person?"

Then she looked at the slender figure on the building in the distance, and pondered.

"However... now the blank singer should not have become a supernova eclipse, that is to say, she is still a human being, and the stars on her body have not transformed into a star eclipse..."

Thinking of this, Ye Xinglan knew what the goal was this time!

That is to find a way to prevent the existence of the blank singer from disappearing!

Otherwise, the end of becoming a supernova star eclipse is also over!

But the question is, in what capacity should she approach the most popular singer in the world?

It seems a little difficult.


Ye Xinglan first thought of the night watchman. Relying on her two little lolita alone might not be able to cause any disturbance, or even do anything. The identity of the night watchman is the backer for her actions.


Then go to join the night watchmen, just like last time in Shanghe City!

But this time is different, she already has experience, so she won't cry anymore!

After making this decision, Yelan told Epal: "Aipal, you and Yexing wait here first, and I will go out first."

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