Looking at the dazed father, Bai Tu looked in Ye Lan's direction, and found that she was also staring at him, and smiled slightly.

"Leave it to me to explain."


Ye Lan walked up to Bai Yuan, took a deep breath, and said seriously: "Uncle Bai Yuan, I know that star eclipse, and I can communicate with him, and because of this, he will help me repel the enemy."

"you recognize?"

Hearing this shocking news, Bai Yuan was stunned again.

He has never heard that the night watchman can communicate with the star eclipse friendly, and can also help each other.

Then Bai Yuan thought of a factor, his expression became serious, and he grabbed Ye Lan's shoulders with both hands.

"Yelan, let me ask you, have you reached a deal with Xingeclipse?"

"Deal? What is that?" Ye Lan heard this for the first time.

Bai Yuan explained: "In history, there have been star eclipses that can communicate with humans. His behavioral characteristics are exactly the same as ordinary humans. He has the way of speaking, acting, and even the common sense that humans should have. It seems to be for the sake of Deliberately blending into humans, and he likes to trade with humans, once the transaction is completed, his eclipse will devour the trader's soul, just like a legendary demon."

Bai Yuan remembered that the star eclipse was very good at making people relax their vigilance in the information recorded in the night watchman base.

If the person he is targeting puts down his defenses, he can discuss the content of the transaction with him and do something for the other party.

Once the deal is done, that's the worst possible outcome.

Bai Yuan was worried that Yelan would be deceived by that cunning star eclipse, and then sign some evil contract without knowing anything.

If this is the case, then Yelan is in danger.

Bai Yuan didn't want a pillar-level night watchman to fall into this situation.

This is not only the level of repaying the benefactor, but also a larger pattern!

For this reason, he is willing to risk his life to fight against the star eclipse and bring Ye Lan back on track.

Ye Lan was a little stunned.

Bai Yuan's face is very gloomy now, and there is even a kind of great determination. Those who don't know it think that they are going to participate in some kind of narrow-death war.

She also understood what Bai Yuan said.

Is there such a strange star eclipse?

As Bai Yuan said, it is very similar to the legendary demon.

But she knew that the head of the troupe was not such an eclipse, he didn't want human souls, he didn't want to make deals with people, and he wouldn't deliberately integrate into humans.

He just wants to perform, he only wants real audiences to appreciate his performance, he just wants to lead his troupe to a grand performance with a large audience.

His idea is not wrong, but the identity of the star eclipse makes him incompatible with human beings, and the impact of the star eclipse performance will only make people troubled.

But none of this affected Ye Lan.

In this case, she can only become a real audience for the head of the troupe, letting him know that someone is looking forward to his performance.

And he is proud and happy that he has a loyal audience.

How could such a star eclipse make Ye Lan hate it?

Ye Lan raised her eyes, stared straight into Bai Yuan's eyes, and said seriously: "Uncle Bai Yuan, don't worry, that star eclipse won't hurt me, and I don't have any business concerns with him, the reason why he helps Me, just because I accepted him, do you understand what I mean?"

Bai Yuan looked directly into Ye Lan's eyes, and could see that she was not lying, nor was she affected by the power of the star eclipse.

It can be seen from her state that she has not been blinded by the words of the star eclipse.

In response to this, Bai Yuan slowly relaxed his body.

"In this case, I'm relieved, but you have to tell his information later. The night watchman base needs to record the existence of every star eclipse. If you have a way to control him, then our night watchman will not share his information." crusade."

"Yeah~ I see~"

Hearing this sentence, Ye Lan raised a lovely smile.

At this time, other night watchmen also rushed over and gradually surrounded the stage.

Two men came to Bai Yuan's side, they were Xiao Jin and Wang Chao who were Yaori's night watchmen.

Wang Chao looked at the scene and was amazed.

"Looking at this battle, I'm afraid it has gone through a big battle. Is the enemy this time so strong?"

Bai Yuan snorted coldly.

"Just play dirty, otherwise I can destroy them with one hand."

Seeing that the blank singer was not harmed, Xiao Jin and Wang Chao also knew that Bai Yuan had successfully protected her.

As long as the diva is fine.

As for the messy stage scene... this level can be restored to its original state in one night, and it will not hinder tomorrow's performance at all.

The most important thing is that those star assassins must be taken back and severely punished.

Targeting someone their Night's Watch wants to protect?

Really overwhelmed.

If it weren't for the night watchmen who have been guarding against the appearance of a large-scale star eclipse, they would have gone to suppress that assassination group long ago.

Then a group of night watchmen began to deal with the chaos of the concert scene.

In a short period of time, the large amount of ice created by Bai Yuan quickly disappeared.

Those are not real ice, but transformed by the power of stars, they only have some important characteristics of ice, and they will not melt into water.

After the ice disappeared, the assassin who was frozen was quickly controlled by the night watchman, and he didn't even have a chance to use the stars.

As for the rest of the mess, leave it to the Nova Night Watchmen.

Their stars are well suited for these non-combat jobs and are an essential part of the Night's Watch base.

In just a short period of time, this huge concert venue will be completely refurbished, like new.


Everyone returned to the night watchman base.

Motu, who was wandering around the base, naturally knew that the blank singer had been attacked.

But there was no need for him to be dispatched as a non-combatant, and he waited directly near the entrance.

The result was gratifying, he waited until the return of Blank Diva and others.

But he didn't go up to it, but chose to stare from a distance and observe secretly.

"So... who is it?"

Mo Tu's eyes swept across, and soon locked on a certain petite figure.

Among them, only the blank singer and that petite figure made him unable to see through.

"It's actually a black-haired loli...?"

Mo Tu pondered.

He can basically confirm it now.

Another exceptional star holder that Xiao Jin mentioned was the black-haired loli.

Mo Tu could clearly feel that she had an aura similar to that of Blank Diva, that kind of aura in the dark, a high-ranking existence.

Such is the case with the unconventional stars.

Motu's stars can make his perception stronger than any night watchman, or it is not perception, but a known divination event.

"It's kind of interesting. Since I came from the future, you should know me, right? I don't know what kind of image I am in her eyes. If so, I might not be able to hide my identity to get in touch with her. What a pity."

Motu sighed softly, and shook the regretful thoughts out of his mind.

"Stop the blank diva from becoming a supernova eclipse? It's indeed an interesting thing, and I'd be happy to participate. Would you like to go over and get to know them now?"

The smile on Mo Tu's face grew wider and wider.

It's rare to encounter such an interesting thing, if he doesn't get involved, he will leave a lot of regret.

Who knows if this kind of thing will happen again in the future.

Mo Tu nodded and pondered for a moment, and finally calmed down.

After seeing Blank Diva and others walking into the interior, he also followed.

As a Yaori night watchman, it is reasonable for him to contact important people, right?


Everyone returned to the reception room.

Xiao Jin sat down and looked at Bai Yuan.

"Bai Yuan, you said you have something important to say, what is it?"

Bai Yuan said while making tea: "It is indeed a very important matter. Did [Zhixing] trigger the alarm just now?"

Xiao Jin and Wang Chao expressed doubts.

There's nothing wrong with it, why did [Zhixing] sound the alarm?

Those assassins with stars are not qualified to make [Zhixing] react.

At present, it can only react to the birth of abnormal stars and eclipse fluctuations, and the others are not within its alert range.

Xiao Jin and Wang Chao knew about this, and so did Bai Yuan.

After pouring a cup of tea for everyone present, Bai Yuan said calmly, "A star eclipse appeared just now, right on the stage."

"What?" Xiao Jin was surprised.

Wang Chao was full of question marks.

"If so, why didn't [Zhixing] respond?"

Bai Yuan shrugged.

"I just don't know, so I asked you."

Xiao Jin calmed down and asked, "Did you witness the appearance of the star eclipse?"


Wang Chao said speechlessly, "I didn't mention a hammer without you."

Even though Bai Yuan was an elder older than him, Wang Chao's complaints were not at all polite.

Bai Yuan drank his tea calmly.

"Although I didn't witness it with my own eyes, Miss Blank, Bai Tu, and Ye Lan all saw it. As star holders, they can recognize star eclipses."

Xiao Jin and Wang Chao looked at the three of them, their expressions gradually becoming serious.

If there is a star eclipse that can avoid the perception of [Zhi Xing], then there will be a big problem.


Ye Lan let out a breath, knowing that it was time for her to appear.

"Actually, I know that eclipse."

Everyone present focused their eyes on Ye Lan, waiting for her next words.

Being stared at by these gazes, Ye Lan began to feel a little nervous, but it didn't reach the point where she couldn't speak.

"Well...it's like this, that star eclipse also appeared in the future."

Wang Chao gasped.

"My mother, a star eclipse has existed for four years and has not been defeated by the night watchman, not counting the period of time he cannot be perceived by [Zhi Xing]. What kind of outrageous star eclipse is this?"

In known historical events, there really isn't a single eclipse that survived a year after being felt by the Night Watch.

If it's longer than a year, it's a sign that a star eclipse is more troublesome than normal.

Seeing Xiao Jin and Wang Chao's fearful expressions, Ye Lan quickly said, "You two don't have to worry, in fact, that star eclipse is not too dangerous. I know him well. If you have to talk about the relationship, That should be a friend."

Hearing this sentence, the expressions of Xiao Jin and Wang Chao were like those of Bai Yuan who heard this statement for the first time.

"Ye Lan...you won't be deceived by the cunning star eclipse, right?"

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