"Since you are in Qiyuan City, you have to abide by the rules of Qiyuan City. You can try to threaten us with the order of the city. It depends on whether I can blow your dog's head off."

Although Heiyang's body is small, he speaks with full momentum, and he doesn't want to give them any face.

"If you retreat on your own, our night watchmen can let you go, but these two artificial star eclipses must stay here for us to deal with. I will give you time to think about it."

Hearing this, the research institute group who stayed at the scene fell silent.

Then the leader of these people began to contact the senior management of the institute, as if they were reporting something.

Heiyang watched this scene boredly, wanting to take them down directly.

But Qiyuan City is too complicated.

If you can't mess it up, don't mess it up.

Once the research institute is started, it is estimated that many things will be involved, and even other cities will be involved, which is really annoying.

He just wanted to be a battle madman who didn't need to use his brain, but he was the leader and couldn't act according to his mood.

There are many things to think about at every step, and this is the duty of the leader of the Night's Watch.

the other side.

The other night watchmen also subdued most of the star holders who were scattered in the painting and calligraphy entertainment area, which was considered to have initially calmed down the incident.

In front of real professionals, most of these half-baked pens are colored pens, and few of them can be seen.

Maybe the research institute kept them to get fresh research subjects.

at the same time.

The senior management of the institute watched the scene with the help of drone monitoring, and fell into complete silence.

None of them had seen Hei Yang as the leader make a move before, and they didn't know his information.

I didn't expect that this shot would end in seconds with one move. It is comparable to the man-made super eclipse of the Yaori Night Watchman. How terrible is this?

And even if you die.

The most important thing is that this man-made star eclipse failed to resist even one move, and it couldn't get any actual combat data at all. It was a blood loss!

At present, it seems that the two surviving subjects have no way to reverse the situation.

This kind of semi-finished product can't stand against such a terrifying night watchman at all.

"Damn it, is that guy a monster in a child's skin? I even think he came out of a laboratory more than an artificial star eclipse."

"It seems that not all Yaori night watchmen have the same data. In front of him, being comparable to Yaori is a joke."

"Let's retreat for the time being. It won't be too late until we research the perfect body. The highest experimental body won't die anyway, so what's the point?"

"The experimental subjects released this time are still too weak. It is estimated that the next step can only be taken after No. [-] and No. [-] have reached their full bodies. By then, the night watchmen here will be a joke."

In the laboratory of the institute, there are also two closed experimental cabins.

There are two dangerous beings blocked inside, and the time to release them is not far away.

These are the highest research results that all researchers in the institute are proud of, enough to destroy an entire city.

At that time, will the night watchmen in Qiyuan City still be able to deal with it?

It is only a matter of time before the missing experimental subject is recovered.

Even if it was really hidden and protected by the night watchmen, they were confident in snatching it.

Turn the angle of view.

The research institute's action force located in the painting and calligraphy entertainment area got the news that it was about to evacuate.

It's just that the night watchmen probably won't let the remaining two artificial star eclipses leave.

According to their words, no matter what kind of eclipse it is, as long as it is confirmed as a dangerous target, it must be dealt with by professional night watchmen.

But a normal night watchman can see that the breath of these two artificial star eclipses is very unstable.

If they are allowed to run amok in the city, it will definitely cause great harm.

That's why Heiyang won't let them leave.

The two artificial eclipses don't seem to object either.

When they became experimental subjects, the researchers of the Sunset Research Institute had already set obedience instructions in their bodies. Under normal circumstances, they would never resist the orders of their masters, even if the orders were to tell them to die.

And just when the research institute's operational troops were about to evacuate, something happened.

Multiple star eclipse auras appeared in this area, making the night watchmen present slightly startled.

The star holders of the research institute also sensed this abnormality.

"What's the situation? Is this... a star eclipse?"

Everyone stopped in place, waiting for these people who carried the aura of star eclipse to gradually approach.

After a while, six figures appeared in the field of vision of the night watchman and the research institute's action force.

That is a group of members of the Rising Sun Troupe.

"Rising Sun Troupe?"

When he saw those figures, Hei Yang remembered that today is the weekend, which is also the usual time for the Rising Sun Troupe to perform.

Bing Lixi also made her prepare to deal with them before, but she forgot because of the research institute.

At the same time, the people in the institute also recognized this legendary star eclipse organization.

"Is that the rumored star eclipse organization? Didn't expect them to appear in Qiyuan City?"

"What should I do next?"

Seeing this scene, the researchers in the institute were very excited and started yelling.

"Quick! Catch them! So many top research subjects! You must not miss them!"

Chapter 23

Hearing what the researchers said, other high-level personnel were a little hesitant. They had simple information about the Rising Sun Troupe.

"But those are super star eclipses, can we really take them down?"

"It doesn't matter. I heard that the spectators are only human beings. If there are only five super eclipses, we should be able to digest them. There are also two man-made super eclipses and several star holders on the scene. With our technological support, yes There is a chance!"

"Then let's try."

The point of view returns to the scene.

Ye Xing followed the head of the troupe and others to the painting and calligraphy entertainment area. He wanted to find a venue to perform here, but found that there was no one on the street.

But after walking for a while, Ye Xing saw someone.

It's not much, but it's ok.

Anyway, the troupe's performance doesn't care about the number of audiences, as long as there are new audiences watching the performance, it can be developed.


Ye Xing always felt that some of them looked a little familiar.

Ah, I recognize it, it's the Night's Watch!


Everyone at the scene seems to be a star holder!

It seems that there are many night watchmen too!

What about ordinary people?

where are they?

Not here at all!

Ye Xing sucked in a breath of air like a cute kid.

Could it be that they predicted the location of the Rising Sun Troupe's activities, so they evacuated the crowd in advance to fish and enforce the law here?

"Mom, the night watchman who has done all kinds of evil!"

However, Ye Xing continued to observe briefly, and found that it was not what he thought.

The atmosphere at the scene was very tense, and there were obviously two forces.

One side is the Night's Watch, while the other side is an unknown organization.

There were even two guys who exuded the aura of star eclipse, and the situation seemed very complicated.

This time Yexing was stunned.

"I'm sorry, we didn't seem to come at the right time, why don't you...continue?"

Seeing everyone staring at this side, Ye Xing couldn't help but say something, which sounded cute and silly.

"No, you came just in time."

At this time, the leader of the research institute looked at the position where Heiyang was, and said, "Your Excellency Heiyang, there is a star eclipse appearing now. It should not be a time for human beings to fight among themselves. The most important thing now is to crusade against star eclipse, what do you think?"

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, how about we fight against the Rising Sun Troupe together? Anyway, isn't the duty of your night watchmen also to fight against the star eclipse? The enemy is right in front of you, so you must not let this opportunity go, right?"

Hearing this, Hei Yang finally understood.

The Sunset Research Institute is eyeing the star eclipse of the Rising Sun Troupe.

Any star eclipse is of great interest to those enthusiastic researchers, and it is the best experimental material for them to unearth more mysteries.

The research objects of super eclipse are even rarer.

This level of star eclipse is not only powerful but also very troublesome. It is not so easy to capture them alive.

But the Sunset Research Institute really has the experience of capturing super eclipses.

Relying on many star holders and star technology, they have successfully captured several super eclipses, which is something.

But what Heiyang didn't expect was that this research institute actually focused on the Rising Sun Troupe?


When Hei Yang guessed this, he even wanted to laugh out loud.

They are afraid that they don't know the true strength of the Rising Sun Troupe. The news circulating on the Internet is more or less untrue. Only when they have faced it can they know how terrifying they are.

At least the last incident in Yunchang City gathered nearly ten Yaori night watchmen, and they even felt unstable.

The results of it?

This research institute actually wants to win this troupe, which is really ridiculous.

"Cruise? No, no, you seem to have made a mistake. We night watchmen will only crusade against dangerous star eclipse. As long as star eclipse does not do anything that we think affects order, we will wait and see. At least the Rising Sun Troupe has not yet To the point where we can do it, if you want to do it, please do it, we won't bother you."

"Then please order your night watchman to bring my men back."


Afterwards, Heiyang gave a simple word to the communicator, and then retreated to Bing Lixi and Mo Qianmeng, as if watching a show.

"It's really dangerous."

Mo Qianmeng could see it.

Hei Yang wanted to borrow a knife to kill someone.

If the night watchman wants to take action against the people in these research institutes, it will probably cause a lot of trouble and add a lot of work.

But other forces may not necessarily take action against them.

Anyway, it wasn't done by the night watchmen, and it's none of their business, as long as they don't get involved.

The grown-up world is really dangerous.

Mo Qianmeng suddenly thought of someone.

If he was here, he would probably use this method to borrow a knife to kill people.

Really insidious.

On the other hand, after hearing Heiyang's reply, the leader of the research institute's action force felt a little pity.

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