This is her determination.

However, what she didn't expect was that the skill of painting was quickly learned by her.

Even reached the level of proficiency, approaching the level of a master

In just over a week...

Ye Xinglan would never believe that she was born with such a heaven-defying talent, so she would think of the heaven-defying wish-making machine.

But this kind of promotion may only promote ideas that are not too exaggerated.

Even if she wanted to turn everyone in the world into lolitas, the wishing machine might not promote this idea, and probably would just ignore it.

If you analyze it carefully, you can almost figure it out.

It is only necessary to repeat the confirmation to draw a conclusion.

Ye Xinglan has definitely grown a lot from her initial obsession with stars to her current level of understanding.

It's a pity that the mental power is still standing still.

She didn't know when the mental power thing would be able to move.

But even with only this level of mental strength, she can do many things.

If the mental power is improved to B level, or even A level, will you be able to do more things?

Ye Xinglan couldn't imagine that kind of scene at all, and felt that it would be terrifying.

Let's keep the Buddhist attitude.

She didn't want to realize her desire and increase the risk of losing control.

It's better to grow up naturally.

That's enough for now.

after a little while.

Ye Xinglan was finally done soaking in the bathtub.

Ye Lan and Ye Xing came out of the bathtub, picked up towels and wiped off the water stains on each other's bodies, finally feeling a little more comfortable.

After taking a bath, the body is much more relaxed.

It feels good to wash away the fatigue from this period of time.

Afterwards, Ye Lan and Ye Xing walked out of the bathroom in their underwear, and then put on their daily clothes. It should be almost done.

It's still daytime, and it's not time to go to bed, so she can think about what to do next.

After thinking about it, Yexing returned to the theater.

If she wants to fulfill her promise, she has to watch Lianhua's latest puppet show.

She will not ignore Lianhua's cute request.

As for Yelan... it depends on the situation.

Not long after Yexing left, the doorbell of Yelan's lounge rang.

Ye Lan walked over suspiciously and opened the door, only to find that it was Ye Yu.

I saw Ye Yu put on a handsome posture, and said forcefully: "Today, I am going to defeat all my competitors and make them submit to my majesty. This seat allows you to watch from the sidelines."


Ye Lan blinked her eyes, but did not understand Ye Yu's consciousness.

Sometimes Ye Yu's second language is too riddle.

If you can't explain clearly, even Ye Lan will be confused.

Seeing this, Ye Yu also felt that this kind of art was too advanced for Ye Lan.

"It's like this. The Bright Moon group is going to test everyone's training results and compete with other people in the same group. Do you want to come and have a look?"

"Oh, I understand."

After Ye Lan nodded, Ye Yu put on a majestic expression again.

"Now that you have understood, then come with me."


Anyway, Ye Lan has nothing to do now, so she can just go and see what's going on with Ye Yu.

She was quite curious about Ye Yu's strength.

After all, such a girl in the second grade looks majestic, and she doesn't know what her real strength is.

It would be too embarrassing if the weaker group still maintained the strong persona.

But Ye Lan believed that Ye Yu had the ability to pretend.

This kind of character who can switch back and forth between normal people and the second disease at will is not a simple character.

The second disease may be just a result of interest, who knows what is really inside her?

"Master Ye Yu, I will cheer for you when the time comes."

"Hmph~ Just watch me conquer all the mortals here with the prestige of the ruler of the dark sky."

Chapter 39 Assessment of the Bright Moon Group

Ye Lan followed Ye Yu to the training ground of the Jiaoyue team.

She doesn't know what's going on here.

Anyway, the training in the new star group is all for individuals, and almost all of them have exclusive counseling. They must learn to use their own stars flexibly, so that they can maximize their role.

Most of the people who are usually responsible for restoring the post-war venues are the professional counterparts, the Nova Night Watchmen.

In this field of work, the Nova Night Watchmen are more powerful than Bright Moon and Bright Sun.

Every type of night watchman is irreplaceable, and the only thing that can make a difference is what you know.

After arriving at the training ground of the Jiaoyue team, Ye Lan finally saw the situation here clearly.

There are quite a few young people exercising their bodies here. There are various simulated venues and various mechanical equipment, which feel very advanced.

Ye Lan could not feel many fluctuations in the stars, and the atmosphere was very tense.

Not surprisingly, here is mainly to cultivate the night watchmen's front-line combat capabilities.

The facilities here will simulate various methods that may be used by the eclipse, such as illusions, mental interference, terrain changes, pure destructive power, changes in the living environment, rule restrictions, and quantity suppression.

Night watchmen who fight on the front line need to adapt to various combat environments. Even if they cannot adapt to all of them, they must have a home field that is absolutely adaptable to develop countermeasures.

If the star eclipse can release mental disturbance, then the night watchman base will send out countermeasures that can resist mental disturbance.

If the combat power of the star eclipse is strong, then send out night watchmen with stronger pure combat power, try not to waste any resources, and cultivate countermeasure night watchmen for each home battle.

Only in this way, the night watchman organization will not be in a hurry because of the strange star eclipse.

After realizing this, Ye Lan asked Ye Yu who was beside her.

"Master Ye Yu, what kind of home field is suitable for you?"

"This seat knows everything."

"Huh? That's amazing."

Then it's time to check out the results of your recent training.

Unrelated people immediately exited the training ground and walked to the edge of the area to watch.

There were quite a few night watchmen on the sidelines, and they should all be independent night watchmen, probably to watch the excitement.

Ye Lan was also in the mix, and just sat down at a place with a good view.

At this time, a strange woman sat on the seat next to her, only one person away from Yelan.


Ye Lan took a sneak peek, and found that it was a woman with blue and silver hair, who looked very indifferent, and her eyes had been staring at the direction of the training ground.

This woman should also be a professional and mature night watchman, and she probably came here to see the performance of the juniors.

Sitting here may also be to better look at the direction of the training ground.

It can't be just for her, can it?

Thinking of this, Ye Lan slowly relaxed her body and focused on the direction of the training ground where the crowd gathered.

At this time, the assessment in the training ground began.

The assessment method is probably that several night watchmen of the same type form a team to attack a specific star eclipse simulated by the training ground facility.

These simulated eclipses are not very strong, and can only be a little challenging for newcomers.


Ye Lan's gaze focused on Ye Yu.

Ye Yu said that he is omnipotent, so he should be suitable for all battle situations.

In other words, she has a strong will, will not be disturbed by spiritual power, will not be confused by illusions, and will not lose her fighting power due to sudden changes in the terrain, and her own strength is also very strong, enough to be called Warrior, and can quickly adapt to various living environments and the like.

Night watchmen in this kind of all-round situation can be said to be very rare.

Even if there is a slight shortage of personnel in other countermeasure forces, she can also fill in the vacancy as a substitute.

Of course, this type of night watchman can also be said to be the busiest, no matter where there is a shortage, she can make up for it.

Ye Lan felt a lot of pressure when she thought of the horrible workload.

She thinks it's good to be a waste. For example, as long as she is useless enough, no one can use her, provided she can support herself.

Closer to home.

Now she is here to see Ye Yu's performance, it's not good to be distracted.

At a glance, Ye Yu seems to have already formed a team.

Even with a secondary personality, she doesn't seem to have many obstacles in social life, which is proved by being able to find someone who can form a team.

Then the star eclipse that Ye Yu and the others had to fight against was simulated, and it seemed to be a figure covered in ice crystals.

This is estimated to be the star eclipse that was crusade by the night watchman, and now it is simulated through the data collected in the confrontation.

Immediately afterwards, the first assessment officially began, and Ye Yu and the others quickly entered combat mode.

I saw that Ye Yu was the first to act, rushing towards the simulated star eclipse body with a vanguard attitude, without fear.

Several other team members also followed closely, not letting Ye Yu face it alone.

Ye Lan watched this scene curiously, wondering how they fought.

In the field, the simulated star eclipse began to shoot.

As a burst of cold air spread, the movements of those night watchmen became much slower, and their movements were more or less restricted.

But this is not the only means of simulating a star eclipse. With its ability, the ice freezes the surrounding ground, like ice thorns protruding from the ground, and the temperature drops suddenly. Various factors quickly hinder the team's progress .

The changes in terrain and living environment quickly brought difficulties to these people, forcing Ye Yu and others to stop their charge.

Those tall ice blocks blocked the way forward, the temperature had dropped below freezing, and the icy ground could not allow them to move smoothly.

Only by overcoming these difficulties can we move forward.

Ye Lan looked at this scene and murmured: "Well... I feel that the sense of oppression brought by the simulated star eclipse is so strong... How did the night watchman deal with the stronger body at that time?"

Although Yelan has seen many stronger star eclipses, it will not change too much common sense.

She hasn't really faced it, and she hasn't been really hurt.

Ye Lan is still a little scared of those star eclipses that can bring great harm to people.

Even if there are many kinds of forces in my body that can be resisted, once I face it alone, the first thing I think of is probably not to solve it alone, but to run away.

This is the case for a purposeless encounter, anyway, Ye Lan will not be in danger in order to show herself.

Professional matters should be left to professional night watchmen.

Just when Yelan was curious about the real strength of the simulated star eclipse, the blue and silver-haired woman beside her suddenly said: "The name of this simulated star eclipse is cold disaster, which is a super-level star eclipse disaster. It can easily change a The climate in urban areas, the cold air that comes out is accompanied by strong eclipse pollution. People who are polluted will fall into a state of mental and physical coldness, which cannot be solved by any heat preservation measures. In severe cases, they will be frozen to death. It is a disaster type. The powerful star eclipse, now simulated in the training ground is weakened dozens of times, and its strength is not strong."

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