If it is a real star with the law of karma, it may be as powerful as your own wishing machine.

The leader smiled helplessly.

"Just don't have too high expectations. Although it can barely be regarded as a star of karma, it is far less powerful than the legendary weapon of karma."

"Well, don't be tricky, leader!"

"Then I'll just talk about it casually. In fact, the star of the Sunshine Night Watchman can come up with a solution to the incident within a certain period of time."

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"To put it simply, from the day the dream narrator appeared, the star of causality has been activated. After activation, it will lock this matter and identify it as a problem. No matter what the process is, we night watchmen can use this solution to solve the problem, with a [-]% success rate."


Little stars twinkled in Yelan's eyes.

Since this can be done like this, wouldn't it mean that there is no need to worry about some catastrophe that can't be solved?

"How long will it take to come to a solution?"

"Well...depending on how troublesome things are, at least half a month to a month, maybe longer."

"Ah...that's quite a long time."

"So this is the final line of defense. The plan we come up with may not be too perfect, it may not be able to take care of everything, and it may require paying a high price, so its level is only limited to the shining sun, and it cannot reach the extraordinary star. "


Ye Lan pondered.

Then this star is only a little bit related to the law of cause and effect, not as powerful as her wishing machine.

At this time, she suddenly thought of something, and said, "Since we will get a solution sooner or later, can we not use my help? Can I go back to Yunchang City?"

The leader shook his head slightly.

"It's not that simple. All the factors in the capital are the conditions for the activation of the law of karma and stars. Maybe your existence can make the solution come out faster. If you leave, you may have to wait for a long time, so you should stay here temporarily. .”


Yelan felt a little disappointed, but not so disappointed.

After all, this is just a tentative inquiry, and I don't have much hope.

After the two had nothing to say, Ye Lan left.

Ji Yun took Ye Lan back to the original lounge, as if nothing had happened.

POV came to the theater.

I'm going to perform in a certain area of ​​Qiyuan City tomorrow.

The members of the Rising Sun Troupe have already made preparations.

Ye Xing sat in the middle of the first row of the auditorium, seemingly in a daze.

Then a voice woke her up.

"What's the matter? You look unmotivated."

The announcer's figure appeared beside Ye Xing at some point.

Ye Xing's body gradually limp down, and then slid from the chair to the ground.

"I'm not motivated anymore..."

"Heh~ It seems that the matter in the capital has troubled you. Is the leader still unwilling to let you come back?"

"Well... because it hasn't been resolved yet, why don't you give me some strength, Motutu? You were so powerful before, but you can't do it here. Useless children will be cursed to fall to the female."

"Well, you didn't curse me no matter how much you did, it's up to you." Mo Tutu said cheerfully.

Ye Lan gave her a dissatisfied look, expressing doubts.

"You bastard... don't you want to contribute at all? Are you here just to have fun?"

Mo Tutu spread his hands innocently.

"Then you have misunderstood me. I am really powerless this time."

"Well...then you might as well become a cute loli."

Ye Xing lay on the clean theater floor with a lifeless expression.

Chapter 41 The Troupe's Outing

It's still a long time before night.

It took less than an hour for Yelan to enter the dreamland and come out.

I thought I would sleep until dark and seamlessly connect with the dream at night, but I was kicked out by the dream narrator.

In this way, it is also credited to the dream narrator for not having to sleep for so long.

So there is still a long time to go out and play today.

So what are you going to do today?

Yexing thought about it.

Tomorrow the troupe will go out to perform, all members of the troupe have already prepared, there is no need to do extra training, they are all very free.

Could it be that he spent his time watching Lianhua's puppet show like before?

Yexing felt something was wrong.

It's not that she's tired of puppet shows, but she feels that today's time can be used in other ways.


Ye Xing sat in his seat and meditated, it seemed that he had been thinking about it for a long time.

No job is like this, with a lot of spare free time to plan something.

This is Kong Yubai and the others walking over and surrounding Ye Xing.

"Performer, what are you thinking?"

Yexing pondered, "I'm thinking about what I'm going to do today."

Hearing this, Lianhua volunteered and suggested, "Then watch my puppet show!"

However, Yexing shook his head and directly rejected the proposal.

"Let's watch Lianhua's puppet show another day. I want to do something different from usual."

"Well, listen to the audience."

Lianhua was not disappointed when she heard that Yexing rejected her proposal.

After all, Yexing has been spending time on her puppet show performances for a while, which has made her feel very satisfied.

If she doesn't watch it for a day or two, Lianhua won't say anything.

She knew that Yexing would never get tired.

At this time, Kong Yubai sat down beside Ye Xing and gently stroked her head.

"So, do you think of anything to pass the time? If not, how about singing with me? In fact, singing is also the best way to pass the time, you can easily forget yourself."

"Well, singing is also a pass. In fact, I want to go out and play."

Ye Xing figured it out, that is, he didn't want to spend time in the theater today, but went out for a while.

Shuyao also worked hard to provide advice to Ye Xing.

"So the audience wants to go shopping?"

"No no no! It's far from that!"

Ye Xing's thoughts gradually became clear.

She has a very bold idea.

"How about organizing all the troupe members to go out and relax?"

As soon as the words came out, the girls present all put on a puzzled expression.

"Is it with us?"

"No, no, it's all of them, including the troupe leader and others, including Gujiu, and by the way, a ghost girl who is not a member of the troupe."

Kong Yubai was stunned for a moment, and said a little uncertainly: "We will definitely agree to the audience, but can the troupe leader really do it? They shouldn't be interested in these, right?"

Ye Xing immediately raised her head and said confidently: "It's okay, as long as I act like a baby to them, there is nothing I can't do."

Hearing this sentence, Kong Yubai smiled with relief.

"Yes, the troupe chief and the others dote on you very much. If it is your request, they will definitely agree."

At this time, Lianhua asked: "Why does the performer suddenly have such an idea?"

"Because I always feel that the troupe's activities are too monotonous."

Yexing sighed softly.

"The head of the troupe stays in the shadow of the theater all day long, and only comes out to communicate with other troupe members when it is close to the weekend or on the day of the weekend. I always feel that this is not good, and the relationship between troupe members is also very weak."

"Although Xing Eclipse doesn't have those concepts and doesn't have complicated ideas, I'm not Xing Eclipse, and you all have normal human emotions. If this continues, it always feels like the circle in the troupe will be divided into two."

"So in order to enhance the relationship and prevent the relationship between the members from becoming indifferent, I will lead everyone out to activities! This is also to cultivate a sense of group!"

Ye Xing stood on the chair with a proud expression.

Seeing this, Kong Yubai smiled softly.

"Is that so? The spectators really care about everyone. Although I respect the troupe director and the others, if there is no communication for a long time, there will indeed be a sense of alienation. This kind of alienation should not appear in the troupe. Do the actors think so too?"

"Mmmmm! That's it!"

Ye Xing nodded seriously, with an expression of "You still understand me".

"And I have an idea!"


Ye Xing evoked a mysterious smile, and then asked Kong Yubai and the others to get closer, and the whispered exchange began.

"It's actually about the announcer."

When Ye Xing said these words, Kong Yubai couldn't help laughing as if thinking of something.

"Are you trying to persecute the reporter in the process?"

"What is persecution? This is reform!" Ye Xing said confidently.

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Actually, I want her to be female, to turn her into a girl from the inside out, so that she won't be so scornful."

The main reason is that Yelan saw the Mo Tutu who had completed the female fall in the future dream constructed by the dream narrator. She felt very cute, so she wanted to speed up the process.

And that guy doesn't have a girlfriend, doesn't have a wide social circle, and doesn't have the idea of ​​starting a family, he just wants to have fun.

Although being a night watchman is sometimes very powerful, but more of it is fishing, it really needs a strong transformation!

If she was turned into a real loli, her personality would at least change a lot.

If you want her to help you in the future, you don't have to talk so much.

After all, a sensible little loli will usually take the initiative to help others!

In this way, it will benefit the society!

Night watchmen who perform their duties normally can contribute more to society than night watchmen who act according to their interests!

So Ye Xing's idea is justice!

"Actually, part of organizing this event is to persecute...ah no, it's to reform the announcer. Otherwise, if she was invited alone, she would definitely not agree."

"Then do as you say."

Kong Yubai said with a smile.

Lianhua and the others seemed to be happy to help Yexing do things.

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