Motutu is looking forward to the next scene.

Not only her, but other audiences are also looking forward to the next scene.

Especially the Night's Watch.

They want to see how the Rising Sun Troupe will deal with these external uncontrollable factors.

Chapter 20

A group of unknown stars gathered around the head of the troupe, as if they wanted to know why this high-ranking fellow gathered them.

"As part of a play, act it out."

The voice just fell.

The puppeteer next to Ye Xing moved his fingers, and countless thin transparent threads descended from the sky, instantly controlling the bodies of these eclipses.

[City of Dolls] can not only control humans, but also control eclipses.

Since the planned stage play breaks into other things, it can only be a little casual.

And these random eclipses are new characters in the evil king camp.

Of course, they are all cannon fodder that can be easily removed.

Ye Xing quickly recovered and entered the scene instantly.

"let's go."

Ye Xing rushed out with the sword, accelerated to the limit of the speed B, leaped across the tall buildings with amazing jumping power, and approached the direction of the evil king.

And the star eclipse controlled by the puppet filaments also rushes head-on, confronting head-on as the night star hinderer.

None of these eclipses know what happened.

They thought that the high-level peers would lead them, who would have thought that they would be manipulated after arriving.

Now they can't control themselves at all, they don't even have a chance to beg for mercy, they can only be forced to act.

Then they discovered that the oncoming beings were not of the same kind, but human beings.

Is this for them to fight humans?

Many eclipses understand this.

However, before they could think about anything, a huge figure descended from the sky.

That's the puppeteer's [hero] puppet!

"The road ahead will be opened by heroes!"

A big sword came down and cut the nearest star eclipse in half, killing it instantly.

The puppet master manipulates everything behind the scenes, and there is no kindness in his eyes.

Since you dare to disturb the troupe's grand performance, you must be prepared to pay the price.

Lianhua's kindness and cunning are only aimed at those around her, and she will not show any mercy to strangers, especially those who make trouble.

This personality is also part of her eclipse identity.

"Heroes, make way for the Judge."

The hero puppet received the instruction, raised the big sword and slashed forward.

The huge power of the star eclipse overflowed, and a building in front of it collapsed instantly, killing all the star eclipse that rushed up.


The onlookers in the city were dumbfounded.

and many more!

The building collapsed! ?

What's happening here?

Is this really happening?

You can't be wrong, the vibration just now is like an earthquake.

Seeing this scene, the citizens of Qiyuan City instinctively wanted to escape, but found that they could not leave the place at all, as if their bodies were imprisoned in the space where they were, and they could only witness the shocking scene happening "in front of them".

Immediately afterwards, the battle escalated further.

Countless puppets around the evil king join in the melee, like an all-out war.

The characters played by Shuyao and Kong Yubai also join in the melee to deal with those puppets of the evil king.

A group of "audience" watched this scene speechlessly, speechless.

They're already numb.

Mo Tutu, standing on the edge of the battlefield, looked at this scene with a smile, holding the portrait of the makeup artist in his hand, looking very happy.

The original script presumably included epic showdowns, inescapable fates, absolutely brilliant twists and a shocking ending.

However, the intrusion of dozens of eclipses broke the original plan, turning an otherwise remarkable stage play into a melee.

In a certain sense, this can be regarded as shocking. The war that has spread to the entire city is outrageous.

"So much fun, this show."

Mo Tutu reluctantly put away his smile, and then did his own work.

She's the narrator now, isn't she?

Although the plot has deviated from the script, but always read a few casually.

No matter how chaotic the performance is, it must be sustained until the end. This is also the rule of the performance.

"With the help of his partners, the adjudicator broke through the attack of the evil king's subordinates, and is about to start the final battle with the evil king."


Inside the night watchman base.

A group of night watchmen watched this scene silently, the corners of their mouths twitching slightly.

Especially Hei Yang, his face turned black.

No matter how sunny his personality is, he will have complicated emotions when encountering such a thing.

It's a fucking dog.

Mo Qianmeng looked at Heiyang, hesitant to speak.

"Are we going to stop it?"

"Forget it, the announcer probably won't let us intervene. I'm afraid this is not a random impromptu performance, and there is no script at all."

"However, many important buildings have been reduced to ruins."

"If they don't deal with this scene after the performance, I'll be in a hurry with them!"

It has to be said that the grand performance of the Rising Sun Troupe this time is even more outrageous than Yun Changshi's.

There's nothing like watching a movie witness the collapse of a city.

The sense of vibration that came from time to time seemed to tell them the truth of the matter.


Do not make jokes.

What kind of stage play is this?

This is the end of the world!

But what is a little strange is that the collapse of the building in front of the citizens did not affect these people at all, as if they themselves fell into a state of quantum superposition, neither existing nor existing.

Modern people's ability to accept is still very strong. After knowing that they will not die, they continue to watch this melee between the two camps.

"One thing to say, I've only seen this scene in movies."

"That's true. Such outrageous scenes can't happen in reality. If there is a scuffle, it will be a technology weapon hedge."

"This level of melee is still too backward."

"However, this kind of feeling of experiencing the disintegration of the city is really rare, and it has a fresh feeling."

"Yes, I saw my house was bombed just now."

"Laughing, I was at home just now, and I was blown out."

The young people with bigger hearts started to discuss, and it seemed that they were still enjoying the fun of watching the show.

The perspective returns to the stage.

Ye Xing rushed in front of the evil king, ready to start a decisive battle with him.

And the gentlemen and fraudsters around him stood up.

It seems that he wants to help the evil king deal with Yexing.

In terms of setting, these two are underlings of the evil king, they are like right-hand men, like little bosses.

In the original script, there should be no such development.

Just as Ye Xing was thinking about what to do next, someone suddenly appeared.

"I am the messenger of the dove, and under the guidance of fate, I come to solve the difficulties for the adjudicator."

It's a make-up artist with goo-jiu!

Her original setting should be a neutral camp that extended a helping hand when the adjudicator was in danger, and she decided to act only after being moved by the determination and actions of the adjudicator.

But now he stands up!

Iron!Totally messed up!

Forget it, it's all messed up anyway, it doesn't matter if it's a little more messy.

It was improvisation anyway.

After seeing the messenger of the pigeon performed by the make-up artist preparing for a one-on-one, Ye Xing met the evil king performed by the troupe leader and pointed his sword at his chest.

In front of the tall evil king, the adjudicator is like a child, unable to bring any sense of oppression at all.

But the adjudicator didn't take a step back, with an aura of bearing all his hopes on him.

"Let's start the decisive battle."

Chapter 21 The end of the show

The battle between the Judge and the Evil King has begun.

It was really not easy for the audience in the city to keep up with the progress of the plot as Mo Tutu read the made-up narration on the edge of the battlefield.

After reading almost, Mo Tutu stopped, intending to cheerfully join the audience sequence to see how the evil king and the adjudicator fought.

"Are you the chosen judge? Come, let me see if you have the power to end my rule!"

"I will end, with the sword in my hand!"

After the conversation, the two left at the same time.

The evil king drew his sword and attacked the Judge with a heavy chop.

The adjudicator held up his sword in support, and then flicked it away forcefully to avoid confronting him head-on.

In terms of strength alone, she is absolutely no match for the evil king.

This is also the setting of the script, and so is the setting of the characters.

I saw the black wings spread out behind the evil king, rushing towards the adjudicator.

The adjudicator retreated while parrying, relying on the speed of super speed B to barely confront the evil king.

The battle location of the two shifted crazily.

From the battle in the south of the city to the north of the city, from the battle in the west of the city to the east of the city, the intensity of the battle will instantly shatter the buildings in the passing places, turning them into victims of the battle between the two.

As for why there is such an exaggerated scene, it is just a stage effect.

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