No wonder the [Zhixing] at the night watchman base couldn't perceive it.

That thing can't sense a near-dead eclipse.

Of course, Xing Sheng can still be observed by the star holder.

The area of ​​the sea city is small, and you can meet patrolling night watchmen whenever you walk on the road.

With Xingsheng's physical strength, encountering him is a dead end.

No wonder this eclipse, which shatters at the first touch, is rated as medium-sized.

Ye Lan patted Xing Sheng's head.

Although there is no need to hide the breath of star eclipse.

But eclipse pollution still needs to be dealt with.

This is not weakened in any way.

Xing Sheng likes creatures other than humans.

The sea city is a real city surrounded by sea.

Even cats and dogs.

Maybe the fish in some stores will suddenly alienate and go berserk.

It would be bad if that happened.

Moreover, since Yelan applied to handle this matter alone, she must also bear corresponding responsibilities.

The first is to deal with the star eclipse pollution of Xingsheng.

Chapter 41 Live Streaming

Yelan can't rely on the wishing machine yet.

The aftereffects of fulfilling the dream narrator's wishes have not been eliminated.

At least until this week's grand performance by the Rising Sun Troupe.

but it does not matter.

She has plenty of means.

The ability of [Existence Interference] is super easy to use.

As long as Yelan wants to hide the star eclipse pollution that Xingsheng has.

[Existence Interference] can respond quickly, hiding all the strange aura on Xing Sheng.

Now she can no longer alienate normal creatures.

Xing Sheng who lost the star eclipse pollution is like an ordinary little girl.

Nothing looks out of the ordinary.

I'm afraid only the night watchmen in Pinghai City can recognize her as the incarnation of star eclipse through her appearance.

but it does not matter.

There is an order from the leader of Pinghai City.

Even if the patrolling night watchmen found out that Xing Sheng would not do anything.

"Let's go."

Ye Lan took Xing Sheng's hand and led her into the crowd.


Xing Sheng nervously looked at the passers-by walking around.

She wants to escape.

But Yelan's hand was holding on to her tightly, and there was no chance of escaping.

The probability is zero.

Then Ye Lan's gentle voice came.

"Don't be afraid, with me here, no one can hurt you, and there are many cute little animals waiting for you to make friends with them, do you want to abandon them?"

As soon as this word comes out.

The fear and tension in Xing Sheng's heart gradually decreased, and he was attracted by the little animals in Ye Lan's mouth.

"Lots of critters...lots of friends..."

under fantastic fantasies.

Xing Sheng, who gradually relaxed, was led by Ye Lan on the journey.

The two started heading towards their destination.

at the same time.

When Ye Lan and Xing Sheng appeared outside without any concealment.

Soon someone noticed them.

Sea cities not only have patrolling night watchmen, but also various levitation technologies to monitor the city.

Among them are the products of the night watchman base.

And through the monitoring facilities, someone soon found a familiar face.

That is the incarnation of [Ecological Distortion]!

This is a special medium eclipse that wreaks havoc on nearby marine life!

The Night's Watch had never been able to find her before.

Unexpectedly, she suddenly appeared now!

However, the leader has issued an order.

If the relevant star eclipse appears outside, the night watchmen in Pinghai City cannot touch it.

Because the Sunshine Night's Watch from HQ will handle it alone.

And the incarnation of [ecological distortion] is in the relevant eclipse.

Immediately afterwards, the patrolling night watchman and the staff in front of the monitoring screen began to observe the state of the [Ecological Distortion] avatar, and suddenly found a shocking scene.

That is, there is a strange figure beside the medium star eclipse!

Looks like it's still...human?

A little girl with dark hair?

"What's going on here? Why is [Ecological Distortion] accompanied by a strange person!?"

"Is that an unknown star eclipse? Or a special human?"

The night watchmen who were watching were shocked.

If it was an unknown eclipse, they would seriously speculate on its danger, lest she disturb the order of the sea city.

But if it is a human being, the rescue must be launched quickly.

Ordinary humans do not have the ability to resist star eclipse pollution.

If it is corroded by that weird force, it may endanger life.

However, after thinking about it for a long time, the leader suddenly issued an order, saying that there is no need to interfere.

The night watchman in Pinghai City was immediately puzzled.

Then another message followed.

It is pointed out that the little black-haired girl beside [Ecological Distortion] is the Shining Night Watchman from the headquarters.


The night watchman in Pinghai City called Dacao directly, and Sanguan was severely shattered.

Many night watchmen began to doubt life.

at this time.

Inside the night watchman's base in the sea city.

The leader and the other two Yaori night watchmen looked at the surveillance screen in front of them.

in the screen.

Ye Lan held the hand of the avatar of [Ecological Distortion], and the relationship seemed very close.

They look like good friends who went shopping together.

Such a scene made the three of them express their doubts.

What is Yelan going to do?

Is this how she said it was handled?

Being the Night's Watch yet being so intimately involved with the eclipse.

Simply unheard of.

The leader narrowed his eyes.

"Keep watching."


The point of view returns to the scene.

Ye Lan had no intention of hiding anything.

This is a tentative experiment.

If it's hidden, it doesn't make any sense.

Although everything she does may kill her.

But since it's already decided, it can't be regretted.

It's no use regretting.

If the society dies, the society will die.

If that's the case, I really can't accept it.

In the worst case, please ask Kong Yubai to use the power of [Existence Interference] to make everyone forget everything.

Of course, the premise of this approach is that the experiment fails.

But thinking that this kind of scene might be broadcast live, Ye Lan felt so ashamed!

Anyway, her face was getting hot.

There is an urge to shout and roll around on the main road.

At this moment, Xing Sheng's voice sounded.

"Ye Lan, where are we going?"

The humans passing by still made Xing Sheng a little nervous, and only Ye Lan holding her hand could give her a sense of security.

Although Ye Lan had bullied her before, it was better than these passers-by who passed by.

And the little animals that Yelan was talking about were also her spiritual support, so she didn't break down emotionally.


Ye Lan gently stroked Xing Sheng's head, without the bad taste that dominated her before.

"It's an aquarium."

The sea area of ​​Pinghai City is surrounded by the sea, so naturally there are sightseeing areas like aquariums.

Many citizens cannot go deep into the sea, so naturally they can only watch those beautiful and peculiar marine life in this way.

And the marine life in the aquarium is also a rare survivor who escaped from the mouth of the alienated creature created by Xing Sheng.

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