Great work!

The Rising Sun Theater was completely illuminated by this light, and all troupe members couldn't help but close their eyes.

Even if they lose their vision, they can still feel that a certain aura is growing rapidly.

It is a terrifying transformation from a small individual to a giant!

after a little while.

The light faded away.

Kuro, the origin of the original levitation, also completely disappeared.

Only the head of the troupe whose temperament had undergone a drastic change stood there.

After absorbing Clow's power, the head of the troupe has obviously changed a lot.

The temperament is more noble and mysterious, giving people a strong sense of oppression from the superior.

Ye Xing couldn't help swallowing, and just stared at the troupe leader.

The current head of the troupe is similar to the enhanced version of the dirge player she had seen before.

Definitely very powerful.

If the current wishing girl came out, it might not be possible to settle things at all.

Only if the other party voluntarily makes a wish, it is estimated that the origin of Kuro in his body can be separated.

Everyone didn't say a word, just quietly staring at the troupe leader's position, waiting for his move.

The head of the troupe put the magic top hat on, raised his eyes slightly, and showed a gentle smile familiar to Ye Xing and the others.

"all the best."

See here.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.


The personality of the troupe leader has not changed, nor has he lost his affection for the troupe members, nor has he lost control of his power.

This is undoubtedly the best news!

Then Yexing couldn't wait to ask.

"Theatrical Troupe Leader~Theatrical Troupe Leader~ Has your space-time ability been strengthened?"

"As long as you know the coordinates, I can let you go to any time and space."

"That's good!"

Mo Tutu's train of thought was indeed correct.

Create a star eclipse in the field of time and space, and let Kuro strengthen it, then you can get the best results!

"It's not too late! Let's get started!"

Yexing couldn't wait.

She is now going to the future time and space where Luo Xi is.

Then ask Luo Xi for an explanation.

If it is worried that Kuro and Bai get along in the same time and space.

Then figure out a solution together.

As a result, Ye Xing was kept in the dark by Luo Xi from beginning to end.

They didn't even say goodbye.

It's a heinous crime!

And now!

Ye Xinglan is going to bring Luo Xi back to atone for her sins!

If you don't clear up all your sins, you can't escape her control!

at the same time.

Night watchman base.

Ye Lan, who was chatting with Bai Yu and others, suddenly stood up.

"I'll leave first. When I come back, I may bring back a new friend. You should look forward to it."

"Since it's Yelan's new friend, we must look forward to it."


Ye Lan opened the door of the theater with a smirk, and quickly disappeared into the lounge.

Ye Xing and Ye Lan are both present now.

All it takes is the head of the troupe to make a move.

Ye Xinglan took a deep breath.

"Wishing Ji, send the space-time coordinates to the head of the troupe."


next second.

The head of the troupe received the coordinates sent by Wishing Ji, so he stretched out a hand, and the powerful force began to overflow.

"The portal is successfully established, and you only need to go through the gate of the theater to reach your destination."

Hearing what the head of the troupe said, Ye Xinglan looked towards the door of the theater not far away.

That door leads to the future world.

Mo Tutu asked with great interest.

"Can I go?"

Other troupe members also have the idea of ​​​​consciousness.

The troupe leader shook his head slightly.

"Too many numbers can lead to instability and only let the spectators through."


Ye Xinglan smiled slightly at the troupe members.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon, don't worry, at least you will stand by my side in the future, that's enough."

At this time, she looked at the head of the troupe again.

"By the way, troupe leader, there is one thing you have to remember. You must never come here. If Kuro and Bai in your body are together in the same time and space, terrible and terrible things will happen. For the sake of everyone's safety , I beg you to be patient during this time."


After explaining this matter, Ye Xinglan walked to the gate of the troupe, his eyes gradually became firm.

"Luo Xi...I'm here..."

Chapter 73 is late

Ye Xinglan walked through the door of the theater.

The moment she stepped in, she suddenly had a strange feeling.

"Hmm... It feels like I forgot something very important... What is it?"

Ye Xinglan took a few seconds to think about it.

However, I gave up thinking about it without thinking about it.

The most important thing now is to go to the future time and space.

You must find Luo Xi!

A white light flashed.

Ye Xinglan opened his eyes drowsily, and found himself lying on the bed.

This is the fishing hut.

It will still be the fishing hut in the next three years.

Yexing picked up the phone and took a look, and found that it was indeed the future three years later.

That's great.


At this point in time again, Ye Xinglan felt relieved.

I thought I would never come here again under the blockade of the White Origin.

Sure enough, she couldn't beat her.

Let's start looking for Luo Xi now!

Ye Xing went to the Rising Sun Theater first, and soon called out the other troupe members.

after a little while.

All the members of the troupe except the troupe chief and announcer are present.

Kong Yubai stared at Yexing suspiciously.

"The audience... I always feel that you are a bit strange, have you lost your memory again?"

One day has passed since Yexing left this time and space.

During the period, the future Yexing recovered once, which reassured many troupe members.

But not long after, Ye Xing's state became strange again, which naturally made many troupe members feel puzzled.

Now Ye Xing was too lazy to explain so many things.

"Don't worry about these details, I need your help!"

After hearing the spectators asking for help, all the troupe members present became serious.

"No matter what happens, we will do our best to help you."

"Thank you everyone, now I have a question, where did the announcer and the theater director go?"

Motutu is a little normal.

After all, she is the only rebellious boy in the entire Rising Sun Troupe.

Occasional lateness and absences are normal.

But the problem is that the head of the troupe, who has never been absent, did not show up.

That's weird.

Kong Yubai quickly answered Ye Xing's question.

"The head of the troupe just left the Rising Sun Troupe not long ago, and we don't know why... As for the announcer...should come later."

" that so...?"

Ye Xing frowned slightly, feeling that he had overlooked a very important detail.

But what it is, she can't think of it at all now that she is eager to find Luo Xi.

At this time, the figure of Mo Tutu suddenly appeared in the Sunburst Theater.

"What are we going to discuss at this gathering? If it's something boring, I'm leaving."

The appearance of Motutu quickly interrupted Yexing's meditation.


Yexing stared closely at Mo Tutu's voice, and quickly rushed up to grab her by the collar and lift her up.

"Iron! You are a traitor, aren't you? If you don't tell the truth, I will be angry!"

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