"Abaaaba~ Let's go out and do some activities. If you keep surfing, you will be fooled."

Surfing the web is better in moderation.

It's also nice to put down your phone for an occasional break.

Now only she and Gujiu are left in the theater.

Goo-joo is a stupid pigeon with a head full of chips.

Letting Ye Xinglan chat with Gujiu would be better than staying with the papaya ghost.

After all, Papaya Ghost can at least be posted.

There's nothing fun about Goo-Jiu other than feeding French fries.

You can't pluck all its feathers to pass the time, right?

It's a pity that Epal is not in the theater, and he doesn't know where to fool around.

I hope I don't die outside.

Wishing for resurrection is very troublesome.

"It's decided! Go out for a stroll!"

Although it is not safe to go out and wander around without thoroughly understanding the information here.

But staying in the theater all the time is also very boring.

There were no other troupe members chatting in the theater, so we could only go out for a walk.

Just take it easy.

of course.

To be on the safe side, it's better to only go out with one.

Yelan stayed in the theater and continued to surf the Internet, returning her efficiency to normal, and waiting for the members of the troupe to return, so as not to worry about not seeing her when they came back.

Yexing, on the other hand, went out for a walk, treating it as sightseeing in another world, which was not lacking in fun while being steady.

She is simply a genius!

Just do it.

Ye Xing quickly changed into a set of clothes suitable for traveling in the theater room, and left the theater resolutely after getting ready.

Turn the angle of view.

Ye Xing's figure appeared on the busy street.

It's still very lively here.

Ye Xing's attire today is very cute. Even without makeup, she can draw attention to her with her own advantages in appearance and clothing, and soon attracts the attention of a lot of passers-by.

Such a cute silver-haired and red-eyed girl appeared on the street, it would be a big loss if she didn't take a second look when passing by.


Ye Xing quickly noticed this, couldn't help shrinking his head, and quickly walked to a corner and squatted down.

No matter when it was, she was always not good at bearing the sight of many strangers.

Even in a different world, the shining points on her body are still attracting attention as always.

Afterwards, Ye Xing quickly used [Existence Interference] to reduce his sense of existence. He looked like an ordinary person who could be seen everywhere, and he could finally blend in with the crowd.

Ye Xing walked onto the street again, and began to walk along the side of the road, her steps were brisk and unrestrained, not caring that passersby' eyes fell on her.

This city is completely unfamiliar to her.

Ye Xing didn't have much need to go out for a walk, nor did he have any clear goals, he just went out for a walk.

Stopping from time to time to watch a big sale at a certain booth, and sitting somewhere in a daze from time to time, it is simply a representative of doing whatever you want.

"I'm hungry..."

after a little while.

Ye Xing held the pancake fruit in exchange for "being cute" in his hand, and ate it in small bites, feeling very satisfied.

I didn't expect that there would be a day when she would exchange her cuteness for food.

The general situation is to lift the restriction of presence and stare cutely in front of the empty pancake and fruit stand, with a very longing look in his eyes, as if he wants to eat but has no money.

The kind stall owner couldn't bear it, so he made a pancake and gave it to this helpless girl.

It's really embarrassing.

Ye Xing didn't know how he would do such an unscrupulous thing.

But this is also impossible.

The currency of her world cannot be used in this world.

Even if it can be used, it cannot be taken out.

After all, all of Ye Xinglan's assets are in the phone.

And the mobile phone system in her world has nothing to do with the system in this world, so it is impossible to withdraw the money.

And she didn't want to use criminal means to obtain the currency of this world.

The current Ye Xing is a poor lolita.

It really sucks to change the map.

I don't know when the troupe leader's matter will be resolved.

I'm afraid it will take a while to eat dirt.

"Hmm... Shall we let the Rising Sun Troupe hold a performance on the street? It doesn't seem shameful to use the performance in exchange for the audience's financial support..."

Chapter 12 The Soul of Domination

Yexing came up with the idea of ​​making money from acting.

But within a few seconds, this idea was rejected by her.

"I don't want it anymore... It's a bit cheap to think about making money from performances... The noble Rising Sun Theater Troupe doesn't need to be tainted with the smell of money!"

That being the case, it can only think of other ways to make money.

Making a wish is a very simple method.

But in this strange world, every minute and every second may be extremely critical, and it is very unsteady to waste one's mental power to make a wish!

It's better not to use Wishing Ji until the critical moment.

So how to solve the problem of lack of money next?

Yexing suddenly fell into deep thought.

"If you don't commit a crime...then it shouldn't be a problem to use [Probability Intervention] to increase the probability of picking up money?"

Although it is very immoral to pick up money and not hand it in, Ye Xing is not a good girl and has a very flexible moral bottom line.

As long as the amount is not too large, it doesn't seem like a big deal to pick it up for your own use.

And as long as the accumulation of money in this process accumulates, Ye Xing will be able to wear the title of rich loli again in this world!

As expected of her!

"Hmm~ Let's start acting now~"

Yexing used [Probability Intervention] to slightly increase the probability of picking up unowned money, but of course it didn't increase to [-]%, otherwise it would be too outrageous to be able to pick up money just by walking around.

Just look at her luck.

Ye Xing walked as usual and didn't pay attention to the ground.

That kind of accidental luck brings real surprises.

Picking up money also has a sense of ritual.

Why not have fun while walking?

Yexing took out his phone and looked.

The city she lives in now is City X, which is considered a relatively prosperous coastal city, like Pinghai City in her world.

But there is no luxurious island like Pinghai City, it's just close to the sea.

"Well... since it's a coastal area, there should be a beach, right?"

If there is a beach, it is indeed a good place for a walk, which is better than the noisy city.

It doesn't matter whether you can pick up the money or not.

Walking is the main thing.

Ye Xing is not so poor that he needs a lot of money now.

If she is really short of money and cannot live without money, the troupe members will try to support her immediately.

after a little while.

Using the power of [Flash] to come to the beach, under the effect of [Existence Interference], no one noticed her movements.

Ye Xing stood on the beach with open arms, enjoying the sea breeze.

"Oh, it's really comfortable."

There are not many people on the beach, and they are very few at a glance.

Think about it too.

The time in this world is approaching winter, and the weather is gradually getting colder.

When summer is over, there are generally not many tourists visiting the seaside.

Only people who live nearby like to come to the beach for a walk.

At this time, Ye Xing suddenly sensed something approaching with his presence perception, and the target was obviously himself.

After realizing who it was, Ye Xing sighed softly.


next second.

The cotton-like touch came from behind, accompanied by the lively and happy voice of the girl.

"RUA! Ehehe~ Did Yexing get scared by Epal!?"

With a smile all over his face, Epal wrapped his hands around Ye Xing's neck, and hung himself on her body like a face hugger.

Ye Xing tore Epal off his back without a word.

"Papaya ghost, your tricks are still not improving at all."

The dumb hair on the top of Epal's head shook unconvinced.

"It's not like every time Yexing knows that I'm approaching in advance, otherwise it will definitely scare you. If it were someone else, I would definitely be tricked."

"Ordinary people are fine. If you were a capable and tempered person, you would have been praised long ago. I thought you would have died in the wilderness after messing around in this world."

Yexing complained softly.

Epal circled Ye Xing in a good mood. He was very happy to meet his favorite person here by the sea, and the dull fur on his head was shaking excitedly like a dog's tail.

"Aipal is not that stupid. As the saying goes, you should pick the soft ones, and the pranksters will also choose the ones that look good, so as not to provoke hard stubble."

"Well... Then have you ever thought that I'm just a stubborn person who can't be provoked?"

Ye Xing's eyes gradually became dangerous, like a fierce beast showing its sharpness.

But Epal was not scared at all, and was not intimidated by Yexing.

"Eh? Is Ye Xing untouchable?"

Ye Xing broke his power in an instant, his expression turned from embarrassment to anger.

"You are the one who can't be offended! Your whole family can't be offended!"

"Hmm... But Ye Xing seems to be the only one who can be counted as Epal's family."

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