
Is the awakening of the Wishing Machine from her body also an arrangement of fate?

B-level spiritual power is within the range allowed by fate, and one cannot escape the framework of fate no matter what.

But once the limit is exceeded, they will not be controlled by fate, and can change the fate of everything in the world at will, just like Kuro and Bai now.

So the curse of fate is aimed at super-standard existences like Star Origin and Wishing Machine.

The framework that escapes fate will be corroded by the power of the curse.

Ye Xinglan finally understood.

She thought that the strongest boss was the awakened Kuro, but she didn't expect it to be the "destiny" of Kuro and Bai Shang.

Although it is said that as long as you are honest, you will not be missed by fate, but after knowing that this thing is conscious, Ye Xinglan feels uncomfortable.

"Well... Destiny, why does it feel like the creator of a story, everyone is a character in its story, and can only follow its meaning, am I also positioned like this?"

Ye Xinglan quickly put these messy things behind her, and began to worry about Luo Xi who had just left.

During this time, she has been stuck with Luo Xi, almost inseparable.

But now that they were apart for a short while, Ye Xinglan felt a little uncomfortable.

There was no Wishing Girl, and no Luo Xi, so it felt very uncomfortable to be alone in such a depressing environment.

Totally spoiled.

Once she leaves Wishing Ji or Luo Xi, she feels very uneasy.

In this grotesque world, as an ordinary person with no power to restrain a chicken, it is true that he cannot protect himself.

I don't know how long it took.

The sky in the Xanadu space gradually returned to normal, and the depressing celestial phenomena gradually disappeared.

Not surprisingly.

The punishment of fate is over.

Ye Xinglan was finally willing to relax a little and began to wait for Luo Xi's return.

after a little while.

Luo Xi reappeared in front of Ye Xinglan, her aura was obviously much weaker.

Ye Xinglan quickly stood up to greet her.

"Luo Xi, how do you feel?"

"No problem."

Luo Xi shook his head flatly.

All the powers that were enhanced by Kuro's behavior were stripped away, and by the way, his original power was also lowered to a level, and many means that could seriously interfere with fate were cut off.

"Where's that guy Clow?"

Even though he had already guessed the result, Ye Xinglan still asked symbolically.

"Fell into a deep sleep and was sent to other time and space by me. The curse of fate completely separated us. If there is no accident, Kuro will never wake up again. This is also his fate."


Ye Xinglan couldn't help but look away guiltily.

She was the accident that brought Craw back to life.

It seems that with the Wishing Machine, she can occasionally get out of the control of fate.

Of course it doesn't matter.

Kuro, barely awake.

I can completely replace fate and continue to sanction him.

Well, absolutely!

Ye Xinglan was full of confidence again.

"What's the situation in the outside world now? What happened to those first generations?"

Luo Xi didn't answer, but sat down with Ye Xinglan.

A screen reappeared in front of him.

That was the status quo of the nine first generations.

After Kuro and Bai suffered the curse of fate, the power from them was also seriously out of control. The power of the nine first generations was all distorted and became an irreversible state of distorted star eclipse.

Now they are all asleep, leaving a mess that no one has dealt with.

I'm afraid that when they wake up, things have changed, and they are no longer themselves, and they start to drift with the tide under the domination of their obsessions.

This is the consequence of their acceptance of power.

It is also the fate they have to accept for disrupting this era.

Chapter 54 Regret

Charlize completely lost her human body, turned into a star eclipse and fell asleep in a dream. The star eclipse pollution emitted unconsciously made many humans have a high probability of having nightmares every time they fell asleep, increasing the possibility of mental breakdown.

The business empire established by Hilo completely collapsed, affecting the economic system of most regions and causing a serious economic crisis.

Coupled with the star eclipse pollution that can make people unable to judge the value of the product, it will definitely take a long time to restore it to its original appearance.

Lambert's eclipse pollution caused many continental plates to move substantially, and the landforms of many areas changed dramatically.

This is the only eclipse that does not have a polluting effect on people but on objects.

The impact of Aoya is also very serious, which directly leads to the imbalance of judgment of the people in the area, unable to calculate the basic probability, the impossible will be regarded as possible, and the possible will be regarded as impossible, and everyone's common sense will be seriously affected.

William More's pollution makes people more pessimistic and negative, leading people to the abyss of tragedy like a curse, and they can only face an extremely tragic ending.

After Rotisana fell into a deep sleep, all thought control over the citizens disappeared, and the overflow of star eclipse pollution also awakened the rebellious thoughts of those citizens, which quickly tore the huge country apart and returned overnight to before liberation.

The original country was completely destroyed.

This is the case in the West.

As for the east side.

Sima Yinan, Shentu Xiuming, and Wen Renzuo also turned into distorted star eclipse incarnations and fell into a deep sleep.

Their eclipse pollution is also affecting everything.

For example, Sima Yinan's star eclipse pollution will confuse the things remembered by many people, and the recorded things will no longer be clear and accurate.

After Shentu Xiuming fell asleep, many people who had hidden darkness in their hearts awakened their sinful hearts, and the breeding of countless wicked people made the law and order chaotic again.

Wenrenzuo's pollution caused a large number of intellectuals to despise other types of knowledge and began to obsess over the existence of perpetual motion machines. The industrial revolution stagnated and reversed halfway, and even the engine collapsed completely before it came out.

Summing up the impact of the nine first generations, this is definitely a dark age.

Only ordinary people suffer.

It's like a disaster caused by a small number of people is shared by the majority.

Ye Xinglan couldn't help feeling a little sad when she saw the picture Luo Xi presented.

"Will this continue forever?"

"At least it was like this until the nine people woke up."

"When will they wake up?"

"For decades or hundreds of years."

"Well... how can ordinary people survive these few years?"

You don't need to think about it, there must be many people who can't survive this period.

Once the supernova-level eclipse pollution spreads, it will be a devastating blow to human civilization.

What's more, there are still nine kinds of star eclipse pollution. Once the mixture has an effect on human beings, the human beings who can survive are almost rare.

How did ordinary people survive in history?

Moreover, Ye Xinglan has never seen this kind of record in the real history book.

I'm afraid it wasn't modified and hidden by Sima Yinan.

"How can human beings survive? Why does fate bring this kind of suffering to human beings?"

Ye Xinglan fell into distress.

Maybe fate doesn't care about everything about human beings, but only cares about someone interfering with its operation.

I am afraid that even if human beings are on the verge of extinction, it is also the so-called choice of fate.

Ye Xinglan suspected that it was fate that wanted human beings to survive the catastrophe.

If you cross it, you can restore your strength, if you don't cross it, you will perish directly.

But obviously.

Ordinary humans are simply unable to fight against supernova-level eclipse pollution.

At this time Luo Xi spoke again.

"Humans are not powerless to resist. The original trajectory of fate was disturbed and distorted by Kuluo, and fate did not intend to bring it back on track. Instead, it made mistakes and continued to operate on the fate line created by Kuluo. Today, most Humans have the star power separated from me and Kuro, which will increase their resistance to star eclipse pollution. As human genes continue to iterate, those powers will have a probability of awakening, allowing humans to enter a new era. "

"I see..."

This is where the power of the stars and eclipses within the human body comes from.

Except for the first nine first generations that were given by Kuro and Bai personally, the rest are all given by fate.

As humans continue to reproduce, the bloodlines containing star power will continue to be inherited.

After possessing the resistance to star eclipse pollution, there will be no big problem for human beings to survive until the first generation of star eclipse awakens.

Those first generations will naturally control their own pollution after awakening.

Anyway, among the first generation that Ye Xinglan met, none of them liked to release the power of pollution.

As the highest standard star eclipse incarnation, their thoughts and strength are not comparable to other star eclipse.


Ye Xinglan sighed lightly, suddenly feeling relieved.

Because I knew the ins and outs of the matter, I finally solved my doubts.

Kuluo and Bai were born from fate, Kuluo was too enthusiastic about everything and was cursed by fate, implicating Bai who was one with Kuluo.

There are also all the stories of the first generation, all of which are answered in this game.

I have to say that Kuro's ability is really against the sky.

Is this really not a real world?

Obviously, the concept of time and space has been completely cut off.

Crow couldn't have let her travel through time.

At this time Luo Xi spoke again.

"In this way, your purpose of coming to this era should be completed."

"Meow meow meow?"

Ye Xinglan almost didn't react, she just stared at Luo Xi blankly.

Luo Xi also stared at her calmly, without any emotion in her eyes.

"Isn't it? People who don't belong to this era, even if I can't read your heart, I can somewhat guess your origin. You come from the future, right?"

"Luo Xi is amazing~"

Ye Xinglan couldn't help sighing.

Even in the so-called game world, Luo Xi is still very powerful. She can even tell that she doesn't belong to this era, so she thought she would be stuck with a bug.

Ye Xinglan wanted to tell Luo Xi about this before, but when she thought that this was a game world created by Ku Luo, there might be inexplicable prohibitions, so she gave up doing so.

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