Ruo Mucai took off her coat, leaving only a short-sleeved T-shirt on her upper body.

She flung her coat casually on the mat, then looked at her sister seriously, and put her left hand on her shoulder.

"If I die, you will withdraw all the money in my account, and then take your mother to other...uh..."

Before she finished speaking, the black-haired girl crashed into her arms.

Hua Mian hugged her sister's waist with one arm, and put the fingers of the other hand on Ruo Mucai's lips, preventing her from saying the next thing.

She buried her head on her sister's shoulder, and said in a muffled voice:

"You won't die, I promise."

Of course she won't die. In the original plot, Ruo Mucai managed to kill the killer alone in the end, but the game didn't explain where this guy ended up going.

My sister couldn't open the safe. She believed in how well her company protected it, so the biggest possibility was that it was thrown into a remote corner.

2000 million... My heart hurts just thinking about it.

Ruo Mucai's body froze slightly, then relaxed immediately, and pulled Hua Mian into her arms.

The fragrance of lilies on my younger sister's body became more and more charming, hitting her taste buds like a deer in the forest, making her heart tremble.

She looked at the earlobe of the girl in her arms, it was so attractively red that one couldn't help but want to put it in her mouth and taste it carefully.

I want to be with my sister forever.

Inappropriate, such a thought flashed in Ruo Mucai's mind.

This idea was so bold that even she was taken aback, after all, they were sisters.

But if that's the case, it sounds... not bad?

She greedily took a breath of the air that smelled like her sister, and then responded with a slight smile:

"Well, I promise."

After a short period of tenderness, Hua Mian brought up the business, after all, the killer is still outside.

"I've seen reports about the cryptex on the Internet before. If the password is entered incorrectly, it will explode in a second."

"The power of that explosion should be enough to kill that killer."

She succinctly explained to her sister what she had read on the Internet, but did not explain further.

One is that time is not allowed, they have wasted a lot of time just now; the other is that the information about this thing will not be published on the Internet, this is the information that Hua Mian knew before.

Ruo Mucai never thought that her sister would lie to her, so she nodded to show she knew.

After finally giving her sister a hug, Hua Mian picked up the small pistol on the table, put it in her pocket, and walked out of the room.

Ruo Mucai watched her younger sister's back, and after she disappeared from her sight, she slowly raised the shotgun in her hand and walked out the door.

It is impossible for her to stay in that small room and fight with people. If someone randomly throws two explosives in, it will be difficult for her to escape even if she has psychic powers.


In the dark stairwell, Hua Mian lowered the sound of her footsteps.

She is not retreating to the first floor, but is going to the ninth floor, to a place with a better view.

Although she already knew the final result of this battle, Hua Mian was still a little worried.

Because of her existence, many butterfly effects have been brought about. Who knows if the current Wakagi Aya can defeat that opponent.

For her own life and the main task, after much consideration, she decided to watch the battle, and then support Wakagi Aya at the right time.

She didn't stay because she was worried about her sister, at most, only a little bit.

Hmm... less than one percent.

After successfully awakening her psychic power, Hua Mian became a lot more courageous. In the past, she definitely would not have stayed with her sister to go through the danger together.

Moreover, although the explosive power of the fuse box is impressive, it is not actually designed for killing.

Its function is to destroy the items inside and prevent others from getting it.

As a bomb, it is good against ordinary killers, but it has negligible effect against robots whose whole body can't make up a plate of flesh. Maybe it can't even hurt other people's artificial skin.

Of course, this killer definitely didn't have this degree of transformation, otherwise Ruo Mucai wouldn't be able to defeat him in the original plot.

However, if the killer installed some kind of life-saving prosthetic body, or made a heat-insulating cortex, it wouldn't be impossible to survive the explosion.

Her current prosthetic eye is only the most basic and ordinary model, and it is impossible to judge the degree of transformation of that person, let alone access to artificial intelligence to analyze what transformation he has made.

So, to be on the safe side, Hua Mian chose to stay here.

If it's because of the butterfly effect, if Mu Cai can't beat this killer in this timeline, she can also provide some help.

Anyway, it is also a healing power.

If Mu Cai is injured, she can also treat it, otherwise it will not be good to leave any scars.

Hua Mian is a very selfish person, after so many years of getting along, she has already labeled Ruo Mucai in her heart.

She will not allow the protagonist of the original plot to touch her things again.

Absolutely not.

The boots clattered down the dark stairs, and the same corridor as before appeared in front of Hua Mian.

She walked quickly to the corridor, her whole body pressed against the handrail, her eyes kept scanning the darkness, as if she was looking for something.


At this time, an explosion suddenly sounded from nearby.

Hua Mian looked over there, and a ball of fire quietly bloomed in the dark night.

The flames lit up the dark corridors around them, revealing two figures who were confronting each other. Alloy shrapnel burst out of the smoke from the explosion of lead azide, leaving scratches one after another on the walls of the corridor.

After a tacit pause for a few seconds, the petite figure fired again, and the man in gray on the other side also started to fight back.

Flames and gunshots continued to be heard from the eighth floor, and soon the residents around the hotel were alarmed.

The battle has begun.

Chapter 13 Guns and Fire

Downstairs, the sonata intertwined with gunshots and explosions became more and more intense.

Relying on the power of psychic power, Ruo Mucai moved around in the small space in the corridor, avoiding countless incoming dangers.

Under normal circumstances, with the strength of her third-level psionic ability, she can achieve 27 times the speed of time when activated, and under overload conditions, she can even briefly enter the state of 81 times.

Of course, overload cannot last, and psykers also have limits.

Although the physique of people cannot be generalized, but at present, Wakagi Aya's physical fitness is still in the category of "human".

In the later stage of the game, Aya Wakagi, a sixth-level psyker, can speed up time hundreds of times, and even bring the people around her to experience the power of time together.

However, this ability is still an auxiliary type in the final analysis. Without the cooperation of powerful weapons, the lethality is still weaker than those offensive psionic abilities.

And now, Ruo Mucai is in such a predicament.

The weapon in her hand from Wei could not effectively inflict damage on the opponent's alloy prosthetic body, but every bullet from the opposite side could tear her flesh and blood apart.

Some time before the battle, because Ruo Mucai had sufficient physical strength, she was able to activate her spiritual power frequently.

Although the lethality of the bullet is much worse than expected, but because the time decelerates like shooting at a fixed target, the enemy has to avoid the edge temporarily and just protect his vital parts.

But, as time went on, she slowed down, and the man in gray had a chance to catch his breath, let go and fire back.

The explosion in the corridor gradually weakened, replaced by a series of rapid and dull gunshots.

Bang bang bang!

The man with a pistol sprinted forward. He fired with one hand while protecting his face with the other. He strode forward and approached the white-haired girl opposite in a few steps.

It seems that because of the battle just now, Ruo Mucai's reaction was a bit slow, and she was only ready to activate the psychic power to retreat when the man in gray approached her.

But she doesn't need to retreat for the time being.

Because at this time, a string of sparks suddenly shot out from the back of the gray-clothed man's head, and the sound of the bullet hitting the steel echoed in the corridor, and was soon suppressed by the burning sound of the flame caused by the explosion.

It was Hua Mian who shot.

Time seemed to have stopped for a brief moment. The man in gray suddenly turned his head, pulled out a gray grenade from the hem of his clothes, and threw it towards the third person based on his feeling.

The grenade drew a beautiful parabola in the air and flew towards the location where the gunshots came from.

As soon as he climbed over the concrete railing, before he had time to get in close contact with the wall, the grenade was remotely detonated by the man using the control program in his prosthetic eye.


The huge roar made the residents in the building even more frightened, and the fragments of the boards bonded together by industrial adhesives flew around with the sound of the explosion.

Fragments flew in all directions, some hit the floor, and some fell downstairs.

A small fragment crossed the side of Huamian's face, leaving a thin red line.

Strands of blood were overflowing from the wound, leaving a few beautiful bloodstains on her perfect pretty face.

Hua Mian frowned slightly.

Although this pain was nothing compared to the psionic awakening just now, but for a young girl, a disfigured face would never be pleasant.

Just now, Hua Mian squatted down against the wall immediately after shooting, and then quickly moved to the other side of the corridor.

She didn't check her work.

Because she knows that the simple pistol in her hand is difficult to break through the enemy, and this thing is also a little deterrent to ordinary people.

Although the original body is a young lady, she also received professional combat training when she was a child.

Whether it's fighting or marksmanship, the heir of Qingmang is quite strong, but she doesn't have a chance to use it normally. After all, the bodyguards will solve most of the problems for her.

After crossing, Hua Mian successfully inherited this part of her strength. Although she was a little rusty, she still managed to hit the enemy's skull.

If the enemy hadn't grown an iron skull, the battle would be over now.


Hua Mian's support just now was like a thunderstorm in the rainstorm, leaving a stunning trace, but the rain still fell.

And the gunfire didn't stop.

Although Ruo Mucai was a little worried about her sister's situation, it was obviously not the time to be distracted.

In a life-and-death struggle, even the slightest distraction can lead to doom.

Not missing the opportunity that Hua Mian risked to create for her, Ruo Mucai decisively activated her psionic power, raised the muzzle of the gun to the enemy's head during the bullet time, and shot it in the head.


Unfortunately, at the last moment, the man in gray reacted.

With the help of the prosthetic body, the man in gray twisted his body in an instant, raising his body that was slightly lowered by the forward rush. on the trajectory of the bullet.


The bullet hit the fuse box made of high-strength alloy, and there was a crisp sound. Due to the force, the fuse box was knocked out of the pocket by the bullet and fell to the ground.

The man in gray felt a tug in his heart.

His task is to escort the box back to the consignor's company and eliminate all insiders.

Although he knew that with the strength of this thing, there would definitely not be any problems, but he still couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

The fuse box fell to the ground, the cylindrical body rolled back a few meters along the ground, and then stopped.

The man in gray glanced at it out of the corner of his eye, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked away.

But he was still a little angry, these two brats had already caused him a lot of trouble, he decided to torture them severely, and make them regret coming to this world.

Ruo Mucai felt a little helpless when she saw that the man in gray had successfully escaped another catastrophe.

Although the psychic ability allowed her to move 27 times faster than ordinary people, but some hardware gaps were difficult to make up.

The gap between the combat prosthetic body and the original limbs was too great. Wakaki Aya's speed was indeed much higher than her opponent's, but her ultimate move, the gray-clothed man, was able to react in time.

She has no effective way to deal with this person at all, and the weapon Wei gave her is useless at all!

Fortunately, he still hides it so that no one will see it.

The attack was thwarted, and Ruo Mucai had no choice but to regroup and face off again.

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