The long-lost feeling...

If this little cutie is useless and has no background, then I can only trouble her to become life force to help me.

Mianmian's subordinates don't need trash.

The wheelchair rumbled on the bluestone road, Hua Mian lowered her eyes, and what was reflected in her eyes was not the white robe on her body, but the big face of a certain purple-haired girl——

Well, she was standing on top of the bamboo, Hua Mian could see clearly the safety pants under her skirt.

As an experienced player,

Hua Mian naturally recognized the identity of the purple-haired girl.

"Liu Qingyu."

Hua Mian murmured in a low voice.

"Well, that dull bird, although a bit silly, is okay in other respects, so let her be, and it will save me from finding a suitable subordinate."

In the next second, it seemed that the time had come and there was no one around, a thunder flashed and resounded through the mountains.

Bamboo leaves twitch and birds sing.

A purple-haired girl in a sailor suit made her grand entrance, standing in front of the cobblestone road, bending over aggressively and staring at Hua Mian.

She spoke, trying to put on a ferocious look:

"Are you the young commander?"

032 Psychic Power: Tianjin Disaster Land (13/22)

"Are you the young commander?"

Stopping Hua Mian on the way home, Liu Qingyu spoke aggressively.

"Young Commander?" Hua Mian said with some doubts, "It's me."

Then she raised her head and said calmly:

"Excuse me, what can you do for me?"

Hua Mian spoke seriously, as if she didn't know what she was here for, but this made Liu Qingyu feel a little embarrassed.

It seems like she is making trouble for no reason...

But soon she came out of that awkwardness and adjusted her mentality:

"I'm here to challenge you. I heard that you are a saint. I want to see if you have the qualifications."

Shenyihui is a subordinate of the Liu family, and two saintesses popped up suddenly. Without knowing Taoyuan Township, Liu Qingyu would naturally feel puzzled.

Coupled with the instigation of a branch family, it is not surprising that she came to test.

"Why did senior come to challenge me?"

Hua Mian tilted her head, and asked in a calm tone:

"I heard from the Great Elder that you are a fifth-level psychic, so shouldn't you challenge Senior Jiangli? Why did you come to me?"

Liu Qingyu turned her head unnaturally, and tapped the ground with her toes.


Could it be that I want to say that I can't beat her, so it's better for you to bully her?If I say that, where am I going to save face, really.

"Can bullying me, a weak woman, really satisfy seniors? Seniors..."

"'re so annoying."

Liu Qingyu interrupted impatiently, she felt a little guilty for what Hua Mian said.

She came to challenge the opponent not to bully her, but just to see what kind of person can be called a saint, and she won't do anything to her if she loses.

Why are you so awkward now?

"No matter what you say, I won't change my mind! I'm going to make a move! If you still think you can be named a saint, then make a serious move."

Liu Qingyu stamped her feet vigorously, making up her mind.

In the next second, before Hua Mian could open his mouth, there was faint thunder in the air.


The blue lightning, which is difficult to see with the naked eye, passed by, and was accurately intercepted by the turquoise vine man that quickly jumped up from the ground.

The lightning collided with the plants, scorching out a large area of ​​scorched black.

Generally speaking, plants can conduct electricity, but Huamian controls plants through spiritual energy, and even if it conducts electricity, it can only be guided into the ground.

So she was unharmed.

On the opposite side, Liu Qingyu looked at Hua Mian excitedly, eager to try.

Before she was sure whether Hua Mian could stop her attack, she would naturally not attack with all her strength. In fact, her target just now was behind Hua Mian. Even if she couldn't stop her attack, it wouldn't hurt her. .

At most, it crossed the ear and frightened her.

If that's the case, then this saint is too disappointing.

So, seeing Hua Mian easily blocked her tentative attack, Liu Qingyu was not only not annoyed, but a little excited.

Finally, there is a decent opponent.

No matter where she was before, the enemies she met didn't dare to attack her. They just kept defending and dared not fight back, for fear of hurting her and offending her and her family.

But Liu Qingyu is not afraid of getting hurt.

She is a genius, the favored of the storm, the darling of nature, how could she be afraid of being hurt?

A unilateral and timid battle will not make people progress. Only the understanding between life and death, and the feeling of doing everything they can, can make her go to the next level.

Liu Qingyu has been upset for a long time, now, maybe Hua Mian still doesn't know her identity, or maybe she doesn't care.

But in short, she finally met a slightly decent opponent.

Psychic energy swelled, the air vibrated.

Because of the excitement, Liu Qingyu's original purple eyes even narrowed into golden-red vertical pupils, electric sparks moved around her body, and the purple horses fluttered in the wind.

"Come on, use your strength to conquer me, otherwise how can you be called a saint!"

The power of the psychic energy [Tianjin Disaster Soil] steamed her rationality, making her spit out such strange words without using her brain.

As a mythical spiritual power, [Tianjin Calamity Soil] endowed Liu Qingyu with incomparable combat power, but also brought serious side effects—when she used all her powers, her brain would really become like a beast It doesn't work very well.

Some people in the Liu family even speculated that she was so innocent because of her spiritual influence.

On the other side, it was only ten meters away.

Hua Mian looked at her calmly.

As the owner of Qingmang, the eldest lady of the consortium who is even more unattainable than her in status, Hua Mian will not hold back when dealing with her.

And Hua Mian never had the habit of keeping her hands.

What if the car rolls over?

A lion fights a rabbit with all its strength, and Hua Mian beats a man in the same way.

Her psychic power is not fatal, as long as she doesn't try her best to drain the life force of others, it is still very easy to save the life of her defeated opponent.

As opposite,

If you want to tame the manic creature on the opposite side, you have to hold back your hands.

The only thing to do is to subdue her, make her feel scared when she sees herself, and then subconsciously lie on the ground to reveal her belly, showing her meek and harmless side.

Dog training is like this, first hit a stick, and then give a candy to eat.

The smell of gunpowder in the air was so thick that it was almost breathless, and it felt like if you lit a fire, it would burst into a destructive flame.

"as you wish."

The corners of Huamian's mouth curled slightly, her tone was flat.

In this way, she declared war on the purple-haired girl, and the powder keg was finally ignited.

Boom! !

There was a thunderclap across the sky.

Pale hurricanes came from all directions, bringing the engulfed bamboo leaves, roaring around the floating girl, forming a gray and green tornado.

The color of the world changed, and almost everyone in the base raised their heads in unison, looking up at the mighty power from nature.

Of course, there are exceptions.

"Charles, who do you think will win?"

See Yun Pavilion, built according to the water.

The eaves and feet are upturned, looking around as one.

At this moment, the sun is just right and the breeze is blowing. From the top of Jianyun Pavilion, one can clearly overlook the entire base.

Bathed in a warm spring, the man in casual clothes, with slightly gray hair turned his head and looked curiously at the elder who was leaning against the wall post.

Charles said there was something to do, and that was it.

With him present, Hua Mian couldn't fight Liu Qingyu.

Facing the challenge of doubters is also part of his investigation of the two saintesses.

"Do you think there is suspense? Elder Meng."

Charles gave a low laugh and asked a question.

"Elder Charles, don't tease me. I was lucky enough to reach the sixth level last year and was ranked in the Presbyterian Church. I'm not sure what the battle over there is like."

The man surnamed Meng waved his hand with a wry smile, admitting defeat.

He is from Charles' faction, so the two can get along like this.

Charles shook his head, took two steps forward, and silently stared at the small dark cloud that was extremely low in the distance. When there was another thunder, he spoke:

"Liu Qingyu's psychic ability is very strong, and her talent is not bad, but it's a pity that she found the wrong opponent this time."

"You mean Shao Siming can win? But isn't she a level four psyker?"

Elder Meng was a little surprised.

He has seen Liu Qingyu's attack video, but not Hua Mian's attack video, but Liu Qingyu's psychic power is strong enough, is it possible that Hua Mian is even stronger?

Charles said "hmm".

"Shao Siming's psychic power is not that simple. Back then, when she was able to kill more than a dozen psychics of the same level by herself, I could have predicted that she would be invincible at the same level."

He added with a smile:

"Liu Qingyu has entered the fifth level for the first time, but his IQ will decrease if he does his best. Shao Siming has been in the fourth level for many years, and his strength is strong. Therefore, I naturally prefer the children I brought out from there."

"Do you think so highly of that child?" Elder Meng exclaimed.

"She certainly deserves such attention."

Charles said something, and when he finished speaking, he suddenly felt something, and turned his head to look at the quiet bamboo forest in the distance.

The thunder disappeared, and the dark clouds dispersed.

The sky was clean again, and the sun was still there, as if what happened just now was an illusion.

"Look, I'm not mistaken."

He smiled narrowly, left the wall post, and walked downstairs.

The top of Jianyun Pavilion is the tea room, but the bottom is the meeting hall for the elders.

As there are five sixth-level psykers living nearby, Jianyun Pavilion is undoubtedly the most secure area in the base, and many paper documents are also here.

On the first floor, Jianyun Hall,

Several elders chatted endlessly.

Charles came down from upstairs, followed by Elder Meng, and as soon as he came down, the several elders who were still discussing something were all quiet.

"I'm not mistaken."

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