Hua Mian heard the words, curled the corners of her mouth mockingly, and said softly:

"Since Miss Liu doesn't understand, forget it. It's good that you are so stupid."

Liu Qingyu was a little dissatisfied.

It's fine to bully her, why call her stupid?

No, no, how can we forget about bullying her?Almost got caught by her!

"Tell me clearly!"

Although Liu Qingyu's chin was still pinched by Hua Mian, her aura was not at all inferior, and she stared at her angrily.

Hua Mian looked up and changed the subject:

"The people who separated the family are standing outside the door now, otherwise, I'll record it so you can hear what they will say?"

She said and took her hand back.


The real feeling on her chin disappeared, and Liu Qingyu panicked for a moment.

However, thanks to the psychic's excellent hearing and vision, Liu Qingyu could clearly feel that Hua Mian was by her side at the moment, so she didn't lose her composure too much.

Hua Mian looked at her with great interest, and teased:

"No, if I leave for a while, Ms. Liu will cry out in fear. I didn't expect you to be so childish."

She added meaningfully:

"Long experience."

Liu Qing was so angry that she was about to cry, but she really couldn't refute Hua Mian's words, after all...she was just afraid...

So she turned her head stubbornly, not looking at her anymore.

For a long time, there was no sound.

Liu Qingyu quietly opened her eyes, turned around, only to find that she had already left, and she was the only one left in the basement.


Why did you really leave?

Liu Qingyu became flustered, and quickly bent her legs and curled her body into a ball on the bed, as if only in this way could she squeeze out a slight sense of security from her body.

Woohoo, come back soon...


Living room, porch.

Hua Mian blocked the wheelchair on the entrance, laying in front of the door, calmly looking at the visitors outside.

There was a slight smile on her lips, and her manners were impeccable.

"Is there something wrong, Mr. Liu?"

Hua Mian asked calmly.

She didn't know the person across the way, but she didn't worry about calling her wrong, because the people who came these days were all surnamed Liu.

At the same time, the recording pen in the wheelchair's interlayer quietly lit up.

The man took a deep breath: "I'm here to pick up Miss Liu Qingyu back."

"Oh? Your first two seniors also said the same thing, but they don't seem to be willing to put it into practice."

Hua Mian smiled but wasn't smiling.

The man's brows were tightly wrinkled, twisted into a ball, and he said sharply:

"You don't even know who you messed with! Do you know the identity of that person, so you dare to do this!"

Huamian replied flatly:

"Doesn't even the lines remain the same? You should have finished speaking, please go back."

The man looked extremely angry, his face flushed, he hummed and walked away.

"Young Commander, you will regret it!"

Hua Mian didn't have any expression on her face, watching him go away silently.

Counting this time, such condemnation with only a few sentences has come three times in a row.

Three times, each time with such a threatening attitude, it was clear that she didn't want her to send Liu Qingyu back, but this can't accuse them of anything, after all, they haven't torn their faces.

Charles had pissed off with her yesterday.

Tonight is the time for a good show, so the performance during the day is probably to numb her, in case she finds something abnormal.

It's a pity that their secrecy work is not very good.

Hua Mian went back along the stairs.

The faint light, falling from the entrance of the stairway, elongated her shadow.

Liu Qingyu originally curled up on the bed and sobbed softly, but when she saw the shadow in the light, she immediately wiped away her tears and sat up as if nothing had happened just now.

She pretended to be nonchalant.

It's just that the watery eyes still reveal the girl's heart to the outside world.

When Hua Mian saw it, she smiled slightly, but didn't point it out, she just teased:

"I wonder if Miss Liu misses me?"

"No." Liu Qingyu spoke very hard.

Hua Mian was too lazy to pierce the disguise of the girl in front of her, so she simply took out the recording pen from the interlayer and turned down the volume to play it.

No more tilting, it's over.

"......Any questions?"

Liu Qingyu hesitated and asked, she didn't seem to hear anything wrong, except that the man's tone was a bit annoying.

"Stupid you got it."

Hua Mian glanced at her helplessly, and explained:

"He wanted to provoke me and make me feel dissatisfied with the Liu family."

"and then?"

"Since you're dissatisfied, you have to vent it. And I happen to have the little jewel of the Liu family in my hand. Guess what they want me to do to you?"

Liu Qingyu opened her eyes wide, her beautiful eyes blinking.

"Is that so?"

She was a little confused.

However, the habits she had cultivated in the past few days made her instinctively follow Hua Mian's train of thought, and she didn't feel that she was lying.

"But how do you prove this?"

She thought about it for a while, and although she almost believed it in her heart, she still needed some evidence.

"Just need Miss Liu to stay with me till night."

"My house is quite big, and I can sleep directly when I'm tired from playing."

Hua Mian smiled, looking very sincere.

Hearing this, Liu Qingyu quit.

She huddled on the bed and took half a step back, with a look of vigilance:

"I'm going home in the afternoon, why did you leave me here?"

With a hurt face, Hua Mian covered her heart with one hand, and said in distress:

"Miss Liu doesn't have any feelings for me? I've been taking care of you for so many days, oh, forget it, since you don't want to stay, Miss Liu, then go home by yourself, I'll go up first."

As Huamian said, she pushed the wheelchair and turned around, and was carried upstairs by Tengman.



"and many more!"

Liu Qingyu suddenly made a sound, Hua Mian turned her head to see her awkward and embarrassed.

"what happened?"

There was a bit of sadness in Hua Mian's voice, which made people feel pity.

Liu Qingyu was also heartbroken, thinking whether she had treated her too much, indeed, Hua Mian would give her food and brush her teeth for a few days...

But that's not why she stayed. If she stayed tonight, who knew what poses this bad woman would put her in?

She is well aware of her beauty.

Liu Qingyu made up her mind to go home in the afternoon, but...

"Can you, hold me...I'm a little scared..."

Liu Qingyu was quite embarrassed, she turned her head to the side, her eyes dodged, she poked her hands back and forth, her voice was as soft as a mosquito.

The long-term darkness and loneliness made her long for a reassuring touch——

Walking alone in the dark corridor, I was a little scared.

Huamian looked at her calmly,

shook his head:

"Miss Liu doesn't even want to stay with me, so please go up by yourself. There is no internet in the basement. If you want to make a call, please go to the first floor."

"I won't send it."

She said, controlling Tenman to slowly push her up without any hesitation.

Liu Qingyu bit her lips tightly.

The light and pleasant fragrance of lilies slowly faded away, and the darkness and the fear of being alone flooded her heart again, and she was almost speechless.

The girl got up from the bed, panting heavily, leaning on the wall with her right hand, and clutching the clothes on her chest with her left hand.

The white sailor suit was stretched and pulled, creating layers of folds, outlining a slim curve.

She can do it alone!

Liu Qingyu kept comforting herself.

The stairway in the basement is only about ten steps, but in Liu Qingyu's eyes, it is extremely long at this moment.

In the darkness, fear surged like a tide, trying to drown her in the lonely ocean. Her legs trembled, as if they were filled with lead, and she couldn't lift them up.

It takes a long time to take a step.

at last,

Out of fear, she accidentally stepped on the air.

At the moment when she stepped into the air, the sense of weightlessness and loneliness wrapped her up again, smashing the girl's strong appearance to pieces.

She couldn't help hating the girl who tied her here.

But she didn't fall.

"If you said you were afraid earlier, don't be brave."

A voice came from above in the darkness.

At the same time as this distressed and reproachful voice, a slender hand held her from the front, preventing her from losing her balance.

The hands are thin, fragrant, and reassuring.

A sense of peace that could calm her down followed the warmth of her palm, passing it over bit by bit, and squeezed into Liu Qingyu's heart firmly and irresistibly.

She subconsciously clenched her hand.

Liu Qingyu looked forward,

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