Of course, there are also those who plan all this.

The crowd at the back whispered, discussed in low voices, and looked at the two people standing side by side at the front from time to time.

An indifferent man with black hair and black clothes, an extraordinary temperament, and an old man in white robe.

Many people in Shenyi also know them.

Lost Light's Chief Steward, Secretary-General, Liu Tianhe, the younger brother of [Master] Liu Tiange, and their divine elder, Charles Tate.

However, even the two of them are not the protagonists of this drama.

They are just standing in the vip spectator seats.

The protagonists of this sensational scene in the whole church were the young saint Si Ming who was still facing each other silently, and Liu Wenshu, the head of the branch family.

"Mr. Charles, you said that there is a good show coming, can you tell me the truth first?"

Liu Tianhe is quite polite. Although he is a senior executive of the Nine Giants and the real manager of Misty Light, Charles' status as a seventh-level psyker is enough for him to put on a correct attitude.

The sixth level is the important guest of the nine giants, and enjoys quite a courtesy, and the seventh level is even worse.

So much so that Charles and Liu Tianhe had a good personal relationship.

Charles smiled, turned his head towards Liu Tianhe, and said in a low voice:

"Your daughter is a bit stupid, she was teased to provoke Hua Mian, and she taught her a lesson."

Seeing that Liu Tianhe was thinking, he paused, and said again: "Hua Mian, you also know that the blood of the Hua family who came out of the...base, I reminded her, it won't hurt your daughter or anything .”

He told Liu Tianhe about Hua Mian twice, and Charles was afraid that he would forget, so he briefly introduced it again.


The indifferent man exhaled, with a slightly helpless expression:

"I don't know when she will grow up a bit. It stands to reason that [Tianjin Disaster Soil] will not affect the mind when it is not activated. This child..."

He sighed again.

For his daughter, Liu Tianhe was really worried. If this innocent and lovely girl was born in an ordinary wealthy family, she might be able to live a life of carefree life.

But she is from the Liu family, and her status does not allow her to be naive.

"Miss Qingyu is very good," Charles said consolingly, "Maybe she can mature a bit after this incident."

Liu Tianhe could only nod his head, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"It's good for Qingyu to be more mature, but those people who are separated..."

"I guess I haven't thought about what a seventh-level psyker is." Charles laughed lightly.

"And," he said in a meaningful tone, as if pointing, "Our Young Commander is not an ordinary person. I believe she can handle this matter without us helping her."


Liu Tianhe frowned, a little surprised, and said with a smile: "Then I'm going to see who this saint is."

The two fell silent.

The bamboo forest returned to silence.

After a while, in the open space, Liu Wenshu, the head of the branch family, finally couldn't help but speak.

"Young Commander! Don't you know what you did?"

Sitting in a wheelchair, Hua Mian lazily raised her eyes, glanced at him, then lowered her eyes, and said indifferently:

"I don't know, this Mr. Liu who doesn't know his name, why don't you tell me what I did?"

"I don't know what you did?"

Liu Wenshu was taken aback for a moment, then shouted angrily.

He didn't expect that Shao Si Ming would come out with him and pretend to be stupid, and then someone behind broke into her house to rescue Liu Qingyu. Wouldn't she be in more trouble?

"If you don't tell me, how would I know?" Hua Mian said with an innocent look on her face.

She has never abused Liu Qingyu, this is Liu Qingyu's own admission, after knowing her plot, Hua Mian knows that Liu Qingyu doesn't have the city to pretend to be her own thoughts.

So Hua Mian is not worried about being cheated by her.

If she said this first, she would fall into the rhythm of the other party.

"What did our lady saint do?"

"Haven't you heard such a loud noise two days ago? I heard that the Young Commander captured the eldest lady of the Liu family and tortured her so badly that she put on eighteen postures."

"And this thing? You really can't judge people by their appearances."

"It's not necessarily true, is it? The group of people who are separated can do anything."

The people who eat melons whisper to each other.

Liu Wenshu's complexion sank, seeing that something was wrong, she hurriedly asked, "Where is Miss Liu Qingyu? She disappeared after looking for you that day!"

"She's a guest at my house."

Hua Mian smiled slightly, without any guilty conscience.

"Nonsense! Everyone heard it. You were abusing her two days ago."

"Where's the evidence?"

"That enthusiastic crowd also provided me with the recording." Liu Wenshu beckoned and provided the recording.

The previous voice of "Goo...Kill me" kept coming out of the recorder.

Liu Tianhe showed doubts.

The voice didn't mean that the family members said her daughter had been arrested and abused, but it sounded like she was playing something new.

Hua Mian frowned slightly, but didn't say anything about the evidence.

After all, it was exactly what she wanted.

"In that case, why didn't you come to rescue her a few days ago? Don't you think I'm torturing her?"

She changed the subject and asked in confusion.

"Didn't you stop our people from rescuing Miss Liu these days?" The man said righteously while looking around.

Because of the public opinion a few days ago, many people are now preconceived, thinking that Hua Mian is at fault.

The crowd whispered to each other, and there was a lot of noise.

Realizing that the time had come, he struck while the iron was hot and released several recordings of members of the branch family coming to ask for Liu Qingyu.

The recording has been carefully edited, if you don't know the whole picture, you will definitely not have a good impression of Hua Mian.

Take it out of context - excerpts don't take them out of context.

Editors know this well.

Even Liu Tianhe frowned slightly and remained silent.

"If based on this recording, Qingyu comes to complain to me again, then even if I realize that something is wrong, I will probably still be dissatisfied with the saint."

"Then Charles, what did Hua Mian do to Qing Yu? If it really hurt her..."

Charles smiled: "A few minutes at most, won't you be able to see him?"

Liu Tianhe nodded, and immediately turned his gaze to the stage in front of him.

"Since you are so determined, then I'll just put Liu Qingyu back, she's inside now."

Hua Mian didn't care about his accusation, she just gently curled her hair with her fingertips.

"Do you think you have done this to Ms. Liu, can you still not pay the price at all? You are also worthy of the position of saint?" The man shouted violently, trying to stir up emotions.

In the crowd, Separation has already begun to take the rhythm, shouting "unworthy" inside.

Under coercion, more people were also infected with fanaticism and shouted loudly.

"Not worthy! Not worthy!"

The sound waves gradually rose, making the bamboo forest bend slightly.

In the eyes of fanatical believers, the saint should undoubtedly be authoritative, holy, and free from any stains, but such accusations directly lifted the veil of mystery.

How can such a woman be worthy of being a saint?

Not far away, Jiang Li put his hands behind his back expressionlessly, and slowly squeezed them tightly following the sound.

She listened to the man detailing Hua Mian's crimes, accusing her of atrocities in abusing Liu Qingyu, and then shook her head imperceptibly.

There is no need to stay any longer.

After seeing Liu Qingyu's appearance, all fools knew that she would not stand up and accuse Hua Mian. In this case, all the accusations made by the head of the branch family would be like castles in the air and groundless.

Just clowns.

With a sigh, she turned and left.

Hua Mian secretly glanced over there. Seeing Jiang Li leaving, she didn't want to make the person in front of her feel complacent, so she interrupted:

"I didn't abuse Liu Qingyu, I just communicated with her for a few days. Why, do you want to intervene in the communication between girls?"

Hua Mian's eyes are weird, like staring at a wretched uncle.

The man was dumbfounded, as if he didn't expect such a development, then he said angrily:

"Do you think everyone is a fool? That recording and your attitude are not enough to prove this? If you have no ghosts in your heart, why don't you allow us to bring Miss Liu Qingyu back?!"

Justified and convincing.

Compared to Hua Mian's weak explanation, Liu Wenshu's analysis one by one is definitely more reliable.

The blind crowd became angry again, drowning the rational silent ones.

On such a stage,

Liu Tianhe crossed his arms and waited for an explanation;

Charles smiled and shook his head, interested;

Jiang Li sighed and left silently;

The roar of the crowd is loud and the tide is raging;

Liu Wenshu was filled with righteous indignation;

Hua Mian smiled lightly and remained silent.

The protagonist of this drama, Miss Liu Qingyu, was wearing tight pajamas and bear slippers, with sleepy eyes, and opened the door blankly.

The crowd was suddenly silent, as if everyone's neck was pinched by a big hand, unable to speak.

Needle drop can be heard in the bamboo forest.

Only the rustling of the wind.

"What's the matter with you?" Liu Qingyu asked.

She still doesn't understand the current situation.


039 Charles' Psionic Power

"What's the matter with you? Why are you all surrounded here?"

Liu Qingyu asked in a daze.

There are so many people gathered around her door... No, what are you doing in front of Hua Mian's house?Has anyone called yet?But here is divine will...

The onlookers outside were also dumbfounded.

Didn't it mean that the saint was full of evil, torturing and abusing that silly child who was popular?

Liu Qingyu is cute, silly and talented, and can chat with most people, so although she doesn't believe in gods, she has a good impression among believers.

It is a target that can be wooed, and it would be even better if he can be taught.

Many people in the crowd were genuinely worried about this silly boy.

but now?  …

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